An archaeological clearance investigation of the Four Corners-Ambrosia West Transmission Line, northwestern New Mexico (Laboratory of Anthropology note ; no. 203) / Timothy J. Seaman. Santa Fe, N.M. : Laboratory of Anthropology, 1976. (original) (raw)

Archaeology of the New Mexico Section, the American Telephone and Telegraph Communication Cable [REDACTED REPORT] (Laboratory of Anthropology note ; no. 25) / Laurens C. Hammack. Santa Fe, New Mexico : Laboratory of Anthropology, 1964.

Laboratory of Anthropology note, 1964

This 379 mile survey located 23 sites, the majority of which are temporary campsites dating ca. AD 1000-1500. The remains at LA 3903 are probably manifestations of nomadic hunting groups which were found on the southern plains by the Spanish in the 1540s. The sites are in part remnants of Apachean groups that inhabited the region through the 1720s when they were ejected by the Comanche. Includes several photographs of lithics. American Telephone and Telegraph Company. Archaeological surveying Paleoindians Apachean Indians Limited occupation sites Campsites Lithic analysis Pottery analysis Pottery types Cebolleta Black-on-white pottery Pilares Banded pottery Reserve Black-on-white pottery Wingate Black-on-red pottery ca. AD 1000-1500 Reserve phase Tularosa phase San Augustin Plains (N.M.) Catron County (N.M.) Quay County (N.M.) Socorro County (N.M.) LA 3900 LA 3901 LA 3902 LA 3903 LA 3904 LA 3905 LA 3906 LA 3907 LA 3908 LA 3909 LA 3910 LA 3911 LA 3912 LA 3913 LA 3914 LA 3915 LA 3916 LA 3917 LA 3918 LA 3919 LA 3920 LA 3921 LA 3922

Archaeological clearance investigation for the Tucson Gas and Electric Company, 345 KV San Juan-Vail Transmission Line, New Mexico-Arizona (Laboratory of Anthropology note ; no. 207) / Regge N. Wiseman. Santa Fe, N.M. : Laboratory of Anthropology, 1973.

Laboratory of Anthropology note, 1973

Tucson Gas Survey Project Museum of New Mexico MNM Project ; no. 59.10. Forty-one prehistoric and Historic sites were recorded, including sherd scatters, pithouse communities, pueblos,sweat lodges, hogans, and petroglyphs dating from Basketmaker II through the Kintiel phase. Archaeological surveying Pottery analysis Land settlement patterns Ancestral Pueblo culture Pueblos Pit houses Pueblo architecture Pottery types Puerco Black-on-white pottery Querino Polychorme pottery Wingate Black-on-red pottery Wingate Polychrome pottery Navajo Indians Navajo architecture Hogans Petroglyphs Basketmaker II period Basketmaker III period Pueblo II period Pueblo III period La Plata phase Houck phase Kintiel phase White Mound phase Wingate phase AD 1050-1200 Historic period McKinley County (N.M.) Manuelito Canyon (N.M.) LA 6189 | -- LA 8963 | -- LA 8964 | -- LA 8965 | -- LA 8966 | -- LA 8967 | -- LA 8968 | -- LA 8969 | -- LA 11236 | -- LA 11458 | -- LA 11459 | -- LA 11460 | -- LA 11461 | -- LA 11462 | -- LA 11463 | -- LA 11464 | -- LA 11465 | -- LA 11466 | -- LA 11466 | -- LA 11467 | -- LA 11468 | -- LA 11469 | -- LA 11470 | -- LA 11471 | -- LA 11472 | -- LA 11473 | -- LA 11474

An archaeological survey of the I-40 right-of-way in the Red Mesa Valley, New Mexico (Laboratory of Anthropology note ; no. 332a) / Timothy D. Maxwell and Steven A. Koczan. Santa Fe, N.M. : Laboratory of Anthropology, 1984.

Laboratory of Anthropology note , 1984

Red Mesa Survey Project Museum of New Mexico MNM Project ; no. 41.340 ; 4100340 Archeological survey of the 1-40 right-of-way and New Mexico State Highway Borrow Pits between Ciniza and Thoreau, New Mexico, revealed 24 sites, four of which have been previously recorded. A testing program to determine the nature of 11 threatened sites is presented. Recommendations made for excavation. Archaeological surveying Ancestral Pueblo culture Land use Pueblos Lithics Ground stone artifacts Pottery types Chaco Black-on-white pottery Escavada Black-on-white pottery Exhuberant Corrugated pottery Gallup Black-on-white pottery Lino Gray pottery McElmo Black-on-white pottery Narrow-banded corrugated pottery Red Mesa Black-on-white pottery St. Johns Black-on-red pottery Wingate Black-on-red pottery Petroglyphs Basketmaker III period AD 500-700 Pueblo I period AD 700-900 Pueblo II period AD 900-1100 Pueblo III period AD 1100-1300 Hosta Butte / Bonito phases Wingate phase McKinley County (N.M.) Red Mesa Valley (N.M.) Turpen Site (N.M.) LA 2937 LA 6384 LA 6386 LA 47482 LA 47483 LA 47484 LA 47485 LA 47486 LA 47487 LA 47488 LA 47489 LA 47490 LA 47491 LA 47492 LA 47493 LA 47494 LA 47495 LA 47496 LA 47497 LA 47498 LA 47499 LA 47500 LA 47501

An archaeological inventory of a five section tract northwest of San Mateo, New Mexico, for Kerr-McGee Corporation (Laboratory of Anthropology note ; no. 233) / Steven A. Koczan, William H. Doleman. Santa Fe, N.M. : Laboratory of Anthropology, 1976.

Laboratory of Anthropology note, 1976

Kerr-McGee Survey Project Museum of New Mexico MNM Project ; no. 64.15. The sixty-two (62) sites recorded consisted of twenty-four (24) fieldhouses; seven (7) pithouses; twenty-two (22) miscellaneous sites, including petroglyphs [rock art]; sherd scatters; hearths and shrines. There were nine (9) Navajo sites. Time period of recorded sites was Basketmaker through historic Navajo occupations. Archaeological surveying Pueblo architecture Fieldhouses Pit houses Pottery types Basketmaker period White Mound Black-on-White pottery Red Mesa Black-on-white pottery Kana-a Grey pottery Gallup Black-on-white pottery Escavada Black-on-white pottery Petroglyphs Pueblo II period Pueblo III period Navajo Indians Navajo architecture Rockshelters Hogans Historic period 20th century McKinley County (N.M.) San Mateo (N.M.) LA 13000 LA 13001 LA 13167 | -- LA 13168 | -- LA 13169 | -- LA 13170 | -- LA 13171 | -- LA 13172 | -- LA 13173 | -- LA 13174 | -- LA 13175 | -- LA 13176 | -- LA 13177 | -- LA 13178 | -- LA 13179 | -- LA 13180 | -- LA 13181 | -- LA 13182 | -- LA 13183 | -- LA 13184 | -- LA 13185 | -- LA 13186 | -- LA 13187 | -- LA 13188 | -- LA 13189 | -- LA 13190 | -- LA 13191 | -- LA 13192 | -- LA 13193 | -- LA 13194 LA 13239 | -- LA 13240 | -- LA 13241 | -- LA 13242 | -- LA 13243 | -- LA 13244 | -- LA 13245 | -- LA 13246 | -- LA 13247 | -- LA 13248 | -- LA 13249 | -- LA 13250 | -- LA 13251 | -- LA 13252 | -- LA 13253 | -- LA 13254 | -- LA 13255 | -- LA 13256 | -- LA 13257 | -- LA 13258 | -- LA 13259 | -- LA 13260 | -- LA 13261 | -- LA 13262 | -- LA 13263 | -- LA 13264 | -- LA 13265 | -- LA 13266 | -- LA 13267 | -- LA 13268 | -- LA 13269 | -- LA 13270

Archaeological survey and testing of 24 sites along U.S. 70 in Chaves and Lincoln Counties, New Mexico (Laboratory of Anthropology note ; no. 275) / Charles A. Hannaford. Santa Fe, N.M. : Laboratory of Anthropology, 1981.

Laboratory of Anthropology note, 1981

Alternate title: The Roswell sites : archaeological survey and testing of 24 sites along U.S. 70 in Chaves and Lincoln Counties, New Mexico. Museum of New Mexico MNM Project ; no. 69.07. Roswell Riverside Project New Mexico State Highway Department [sponsoring body] Note: Maps redacted from uploaded copy. Abstract(s): Seven lithic sites, seven isolated occurrences of lithic material, and ten historic twentieth-century sites. The lithic scatters were considered quarry locations. The twentieth-century sites are probably cattle and sheep ranches. -- Laboratory of Anthropology Notes catalog entry. Archaeologists from the Museum of New Mexico recorded and tested cultural materials from 24 archaeological sites located within the proposed right-of-way acquisition along US 70, New Mexico State Highway Department NMSHD Projects no. FFD-070-1(1) and FFD-021-2(16) and FFD-021-2(17). Hondo Valley-Roswell Section, Lincoln and Chaves counties, New Mexico. Cultural resources consisted of 7 lithic sites, 7 isolated occurences of lithic material, and 10 twentieth-century sites. The various sites are described and data resulting from analysis presented. -- Archaeology report, slightly edited. Eileen L. Camilli is referenced in this report. Archaeological surveying Test excavations Historical archaeology Lithic analysis Flaked stone artifacts Quarries and quarrying Land use Ranches Livestock Cattle Sheep Precontact period Historic period 20th century United States Highway 70 Chaves County (N.M.) Lincoln County (N.M.) LA 19201 LA 22272 LA 22273 LA 22274 LA 22275 LA 22276 LA 22277 LA 22278 LA 22279 LA 22280 LA 22281 LA 22282 LA 22283 LA 22284 LA 22285 LA 22286 LA 22287 LA 22288 LA 22289 LA 22290 LA 22291 LA 27572 LA 27573 LA 27574

An archaeological survey of the San Juan to Ojo 345 KV transmission line, northwestern New Mexico (Laboratory of Anthropology note ; no. 105) [REDACTED REPORT] / James G. Enloe, Andrew T. Smith, and Stewart Peckham. Santa Fe, N.M. : Laboratory of Anthropology, 1974

Laboratory of Anthropology note, 1974

A 150 mile long archaeological survey of a 100 foot wide corridor recording 48 sites. Five of these sites were recommended for excavation. Ojo Survey Project. Archaeological surveying Excavations (Archaeology) Historical archaeology Geology Plant remains (Archaeology) Archaeological dating Dendrochronology Land settlement patterns Land use Prehistoric Agriculture Prehistoric Agricultural fields Lithic analysis Quarries and quarrying Chipped stone artifacts Ground stone artifacts Pottery analysis Mesa Verde Corrugated pottery Mesa Verde White ware pottery McElmo Black-on-white pottery Mancos Corrugated pottery Gallina culture Ancestral Pueblo culture Pueblo Indians Navajo Indians Navajo migrations history Navajo land settlement patterns Gallina phase archaeology Archaic period Pueblo I period Rosa phase Pueblo III period Gallina phase AD 1100-1300 Historic period Chama River Valley (Colo. and N.M.) Rio Arriba County (N.M.) Jicarilla Indian Reservation (N.M.) Piedra Lumbre Land Grant LA 11828 - LA 11874 LA 11904

Archaeological salvage excavations along Interstate 40 near Laguna Pueblo, New Mexico [REDACTED REPORT] (Laboratory of Anthropology note ; no. 47) / Stewart L. Peckham. Santa Fe, New Mexico : Laboratory of Anthropology, 1967.

Laboratory of Anthropology note, 1967

Subtitle: : A preliminary report describing the archaeological investigations at eight sites located within the right-of-way and borrow pits of New Mexico Highway Project I-IG-040-2(1)105. Abstract: Of the eight prehistoric sites excavated , the majority were occupied during the Red Mesa and Cebolleta phases (AD 850-1100). Salvage archaeology Excavations (Archaeology) Human remains (Archaeology) Pithouses Pueblo architecture Pottery analysis Corrugated grayware pottery Escavada Black-on-white pottery Gallup Black-on-white pottery Neck Corrugated pottery Neckbanded pottery Neckbanded Brownware pottery Red Mesa Black-on-white pottery Archaic period Cebolleta Phase Pilares Phase Red Mesa Phase AD 850-1100 AD 925-950 LA 3551 LA 5940 LA 5941 LA 5942 LA 5943 LA 5944 LA 5945 LA 5946 LA 5947 LA 5949 LA 8763 LA 8768 Grant County (N.M.) Pueblo of Laguna (N.M.) Seama Mesa (N.M.) Arroyo Miranda Site (N.M.) Bug Creek Site (N.M.) Casa Blanca Site (N.M.) New York Ruin Site (N.M.) Paraje Site (N.M.) Philadelphia Site (N.M.) Sunhouse Hills Site (N.M.)

Archeological testing at LA 31675, LA 31676, LA 31677, LA 31678, and LA 31679, near Pinabete Arroyo, Northwestern New Mexico (Laboratory of Anthropology note ; no. 294) / Lynn E. Cronk. Santa Fe, N.M. : Laboratory of Anthropology, 1990.

Laboratory of Anthropology note, 1990

Brown's Pit Project Museum of New Mexico MNM Project : no. 70.06. Five sites can be viewed as one large multicomponent site. The lithic component dates from Archaic through early Basketmaker time. The Navajo component indicates continuous, low-level occupation from the late 1800s into the 1920s. Excavations (Archaeology) Test excavations Charcoal stains Fire-cracked rock Historical archaeology Lithic analysis Chipped stone artifacts Ground stone artifacts Projectile points En Medio points Belen points Midland points Pottery analysis Pottery types Navajo pottery Navajo pottery types Navajo utility ware pottery Navajo Dinetah Transitional Utility ware pottery Dinetah Utility pottery Navajo painted pottery Pueblo pottery Corrugated pottery Acoma pottery Laguna pottery Zia pottery Zuni pottery Navajo architecture Hogans Sweat lodges Photography Paleoindian period Archaic period 6000-2000 BC En Medio period 800 BC-600 AD Basketmaker period Historic period 19th century Cabazon phase 20th century San Juan County (N.M.) LA 31675 LA 31676 LA 31677 LA 31678 LA 31679

Report on archeological survey of Route 1-A right-of-way between Zuni Indian Reservation and Apache National Forest, Valencia and Catron counties, New Mexico (Laboratory of Anthropology note ; no. 206) / John P. Wilson. Santa Fe, N.M. Laboratory of Anthropology, 1972.

Laboratory of Anthropology note, 1972

REDACTED REPORT Tucson Gas Survey Project Museum of New Mexico MNM Project ; 59.10. Full title: Archeological clearance investigation : Tucson Gas & Electric Company : San Juan-Vail Transmission Line, New Mexico-Arizona : report on archeological survey of Route 1-A right-of-way between Zuni Indian Reservation and Apache National Forest, Valencia and Catron counties, New Mexico Abstract: These 55 sites all predate the fourteenth century except one Historic site and two multicomponent sites. The sites range from a single artifact to a large pueblo. The oldest remains are Archaic campsites. Archaeological surveying Hunting and gathering societies Mogollon Indians Ancestral Pueblo culture Zuni Indians Limited occupation sites Pueblos Pithouses Pueblo architecture Prehistoric agriculture Waffe gardens Petroglyphs Lithic analysis Ground stone artifacts Pottery analysis Pottery types Corrugated pottery Corrugated pottery types Kiatuthlanna Black-on-white pottery Lino Gray pottery La Plata Black-on-gray pottery Red Mesa Black-on-white pottery Tularosa Black-on-white pottery White Mound Black-on-white pottery Wingate Black-on-red pottery Archaic period 6000 BC - 2 AD Pueblo II period Pueblo III period AD 600-1325 Cibola County (N.M.) Catron County (N.M.) -- LA 3984 | -- LA 3985 | -- LA 3986 | -- LA 3987 | -- LA 3988 | -- LA 3989 | -- LA 3990 | -- LA 3991 | -- LA 3992 | -- LA 3994 | -- LA 3995 | -- LA 3996 | -- LA 3997 | -- LA 3999 | -- LA 4000 | -- LA 4001 | -- LA 4002 | -- LA 4003 | -- LA 4004 | -- LA 4005 | -- LA 4006 | -- LA 4007 | -- LA 4008 | -- LA 4009 | -- LA 4010 | -- LA 4011 | -- LA 4012 | -- LA 4013 | -- LA 4014 | -- LA 4015 | -- LA 4016 | -- LA 4017 | -- LA 4018 | -- LA 4019 | -- LA 4020 | -- LA 4021 | -- LA 4022 | -- LA 4023 | -- LA 4025 | -- LA 4026 | -- LA 4027 | -- LA 4028 | -- LA 4029 | -- LA 4030 | -- LA 4031 | -- LA 4032 | -- LA 4033 | -- LA 4034 | -- LA 4035 | -- LA 4036 | -- LA 4037