Guy Ackermann - Laureline Pop, "Une statue de L. Mummius Achaicus au gymnase d'Érétrie ?", AntK 63 (2020), 36-54 (original) (raw)
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Antike Kunst, 2020
The 2019 fieldwork aimed at clarifying the location of racetracks around the Palaestra of the Gymnasium at Eretria. Ground resistance measurements yielded evidence for the existence of a xystos and a paradromis west of the Palaestra, already attested by an inscription. A series of exploratory trenches opened to the south of the Palaestra uncovered a tile channel parallel to the façade of the building as well as a carefully leveled layer of clay. These two structures substantiate the hypothesis of a stadium in the flat stretch of land between the theatre and the Sebasteion.
Archaeological report for the 2017 campaign in the ancient Gymnasium of Eretria (Euboea, Greece). Abstract The last excavation season in the Gymnasium of Eretria had two distinct aims: the exploration of a series of rooms to the south of the eastern courtyard and the complete clearing of a well. Fragments of an inscription mentioning neoteroi were found in a construction layer beneath the earthen floor of the eastern courtyard. The southern rooms (X-Y-Z) have an opening to the outside with no direct access from the palestra. This is likely evidence of a running track to the south of the Gymnasium.Three fragments of two arms belonging to a mar- ble statue larger than life-size were discovered in these rooms. The statue probably represents a Roman general.The bottom of the well was reached at a depth of 13,45 m. The excavation yielded human and ani- mal bones which complete the assemblage found in 2016, as well as a gilt bronze figu- rine of the Ephesian Artemis.
Geoffroy LUISONI - Guy ACKERMANN, "La Palestre Sud d'Érétrie", Antike Kunst 62 (2019), 152-157
En marge des fouilles du Gymnase d’Érétrie, l’ESAG a effectué en 2018 une série de sondages dans la Palestre Sud, afin de préciser l’histoire de cet édifice à vocation gymnique. Ce monument public est installé dans le quartier sud-est de la ville antique, à proximité de l’Iséion, du Port intérieur et des fortications. Il comprend une vaste cour carrée de plus de 22 m de côté (A2), bordée à l’ouest et au sud par un portique coudé (B-C) et au nord par une large exèdre à colonnade interne (I). Le flanc oriental de la palestre est occupé par une série de pièces de fonction indéterminée (K à Y), tandis qu’un sanctuaire d’Ilithyie est aménagé dans l’angle nord-ouest du complexe (E).