Blending Psychological and Religious Therapeutic Methods for the Achievement of Positive Mental Health (original) (raw)
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AL-BURHĀN,Journal of Qurʾān and Sunnah Studies Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, 2019
Advancement in the way of life and urbanization have brought many great changes in the psychological well-being of people in many parts of the world. The need to be materially affluent has pushed people in the urban settlements to unnecessary stress, anxiety, conflict, dilemma, and a whole lot of other adverse psychological states of mind. Due to these psychological problems, at times, people who mainly live in the cities, respond to these situations in a negative way ignoring completely the religious and ethical principles in life. In light of this situation, this research would like to explore the concepts of mental health and psychotherapy showcased by some selected schools in the Western mainstream psychology and Islamic scripturally based psychology. Particularly, ideas advocated by Freudian Psychoanalysis, Radical Behaviourism and Humanistic Psychology will be compared with Islamic psychology. For a better understanding on issues related to mental health, this research will marginally deal with the subject of human nature confined to the scope of this research. It is hoped that a proper understanding of the concept of mental health and its management could help people to lead a meaningful life, i.e. finding peace and harmony within themselves and in the external world. As a qualitative research, the researchers will utilize the textual-analysis method in analysing relevant data to this research.
The central role that Islam plays in the lives of adherent Muslims throughout the world calls for more spiritually oriented methods of approaching psychological treatment with this group. This paper explores the psychology of Islam with respect to human behavior, pathology, health, and spirituality. A general therapeutic framework of psychological intervention within an Islamic context is offered. Within the model, practical interventions are suggested that are consistent with the Islamic views of the varying elements of the human being. There is also a discussion of culture, assessment, and rapport building considerations unique to the treatment of Muslim populations. This model is offered as a framework to be considered by clinicians working with Muslims.
Ta'dib: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2016
This study presents the thought and the role of Prof. Zakiah Daradjat, a modern female Muslim leader with multitalents in Indonesia. She is an expert in psychology of religion and mental health, both in theory and practice. Amazingly, she masters the western and eastern psychological theory, and then constructs them into her own theory which is linked to primary, middle, and high educational level. Practically, she achieves her expertise and skill in psychotherapy and counseling by teaching, writing, preaching, and opening a private counseling practice. Her main source is the fundamental doctrine of religious teachings: prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage in which she thoroughly analyzes by revealing the dimensions of mental health in them. By using descriptive analysis on her books and translated works as primary sources, and applying interview technique with teachers as well as observation technique on cases that exist at Ruhama Islamic Educational Institution, under the ausp...
Akademika : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam
Amid modernization, most people need happiness. However, it accidentally brings them out to ecstasy. Plenty of ways are done to achieve its happiness. Unfortunately, some people are disappointed because they are unable to obtain it. When they don't succeed, their souls become unstable. This study examines the psychological problems of modern society with all its issues. Since it used the method of literature, the researchers drew two conclusions. First, most people experience a psychological crisis. It implies that they are less aware of the origins of their creation. Second, Islam offers a solution to overcome it by giving a thankful mindset and a way to purify one's soul (Tazkiyatun Nafs). People who have a thankful heart are happier, healthier, and in a better mood. People who regularly do Tazkiyatun Nafs (soul-cleansing) can keep their bad temper under control.
Advancement in the way of life and urbanization has brought many great changes in the psychological well-being of people in many parts of the world. Driven by the need to be materially affluent has pushed people in the urban to unnecessary stress, anxiety, conflict, dilemma and a whole lot of other adverse psychological state of mind. Due to these psychological problems, at times, people mainly living in the cities respond in a negative way without considering the religious and ethical principles in life. In the light of this situation, this small scale research would like to explore the concept of mental health held by some selected schools in the Western mainstream psychology and Islamic psychology. It is hoped that a proper understanding of the concept of mental health and its maintenance could help people to lead a meaningful life: finding peace and harmony within themselves and in the external surrounding.
Spiritual Dimensions in Mental Health: A Preliminary from Islamic Overviews
Islamic psychology utilises the term اﻟﻨﻔﺴﻴﺔ" "اﻟﺼﺤﺔ (self well-being) whereas modern psychology uses the term "mental health" when referring to an individual's well-being status. This difference arises because of the different views on human nature from both sides. Presenting from an Islamic perspective, this paper discusses the concepts of well-being which emphasises on the spiritual dimensions, namely the nafs, qalb, aql and ruh.
Aqidah (Religious Belief) and Mental Health
Proceedings of the 1st Annual Internatioal Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH 2019), 2019
This study aims to determine the relationship of the aqidah (religious belief) with positive thinking and resilience to psychology students at the State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.. The research subjects in this study were 75 psychology students who were working on the final project (thesis) from the class of 2010 to the 2012 class. The sampling technique in this study used the quota sampling technique. The method of data collection in this study used the scale of aqidah , scale of positive thinking, and scale of resilience. Data analysis was done by product moment correlation technique and Spearman Rho. The results of the study show that (1) There is a very significant positive relationship between the aqidah and positive thinking in students who are working on the final assignment (thesis). This is indicated by the coefficient = 0.473 with p = 0,000, thus the hypothesis is accepted. The effective contribution of the aqidah to positive thinking of students who are working on their final assignment is 22.4%. (2) There is a very significant positive relationship between the aqidah and resilience in students who are working on the final assignment (thesis). This is indicated by the coefficient = 0.339 with p = 0.001, thus the hypothesis is accepted. The effective contribution of the aqidah to resilience of students who are working on their final assignment is 11.5%.
Outlining a Psychotherapy Model for Enhancing Muslim Mental Health Within an Islamic Context
International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 2013
The central role that Islam plays in the lives of adherent Muslims throughout the world calls for more spiritually oriented methods of approaching psychological treatment with this group. This article explores the psychology of Islam with respect to human behavior, pathology, health, and spirituality. A general therapeutic framework of psychological intervention within an Islamic context is offered. Within the model, practical interventions are suggested that are consistent with the Islamic views of the varying elements of the human being. There is also a discussion of culture, assessment, and rapport-building considerations unique to the treatment of Muslim populations. This model is offered as a framework to be considered by clinicians working with Muslims.
Islamic Contribution to Mental Health EC Psychology and Psychiatry Special Issue -2017
Good health is a vital part of the great experience of living. The truth of this has been known from early times. Every age has made new discoveries about health, thereby providing man with new weapons to fight disease. Health is commonly thought of as the absence of disease, and indeed, it is difficult to discuss one without the others. Conceptual Paper Health is a common theme in most cultures. In fact, all communities have their concepts of health, as part of their culture. The oldest definition of health is the "the absence of disease". In some cultures, health and harmony are considered equivalent, harmony being defined as "being at peace with the self, the community, good health and cosmos". Webster defined health as "the condition of being sound in body, mind or spirit, especially freedom from physical disease or pain". The Dental dictionary defined health as: "a bodily state in which all parts are functioning properly and refers to the normal functioning of a part of the body. A state of normal functioning, maintaining equilibrium or homeostasis. Another definition, developed by specialists in preventive medicines, specifies some tangible components of health; calling it "a state characterized by anatomical integrity,; ability to perform personally valued family work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biological, psychological and social stress; a feeling of well-being; and freedom from the risk of disease and untimely death" [1]. However the widely accepted definition of health is given by the World Health Organization (1948) [2] in the preamble to its constitution, which is as follows: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity." This definition of health envisages three specific dimensions such as: (a) the physical health, (b) the mental health, (c) the social health. Many more dimensions may be cited, viz. spiritual, emotional, vocational and political dimensions. The dimension of mental health is considered as the most important one. Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. Mental health is a term used to describe either a level of cognitive or emotional wellbeing or an absence of mental disorder [3,4]. According to Hales and Hales [5] mental health is defined as "The capacity to think rationally and logically and to cope with the transitions, stresses, traumas and losses that occur in all lives, in ways that allow emotional stability and growth. In general, mentally healthy individuals value themselves, precise reality as it is, accept its limitations and possibilities, respond to its challenges, carryout their responsibilities, establish and maintain close relationships, deal reasonably with others, pursue work that suits their talent and training, and feel a sense of fulfillment that makes the efforts of daily living worthwhile.
How to Treat Psychological disorder: Islamic Perspective
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011
Man and the issues regarding his life are seen among the main philosophical and religious concern. One significant problem concerning human life is related to psychological issues. Many thinkers in religions and cultures have paid considerable attention to human psychological health and disorder. The aim in present paper is to deal with how to treat psychological disorder. The writer attempts to find a proper solution for human psychological disorder with reference to Islamic teachings. According to Islamic teachings, there are many conditions and phenomena that are recognized as some sort of psychological disorder and health. On the basis of Islamic teachings many ways are given in order to fight psychological disorder and to achieve psychological health.