Preface. Gramsci on Caesarism and Bonapartism (original) (raw)

Caesarism and Bonapartism in Gramsci: Hegemony and the Crisis of Modernity

Historical Materialism Book Series, vol. 215, Leiden-Boston, Brill. * * * In Caesarism and Bonapartism in Gramsci, Francesca Antonini offers a fresh insight into Antonio Gramsci’s thought. Capitalising on the achievements of recent Gramscian scholarship, she investigates his usage of the concepts of Bonapartism and Caesarism, both in his pre-prison writings and in the Prison Notebooks. The Caesarist-Bonapartist paradigm relates crucially to Gramsci’s reflections on hegemony and on its transformations across the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries. While this model is essential to Gramsci’s understanding of the interwar period and of the Fascist regime in Italy, it sheds a meaningful light also on other past and present scenarios, from the French Second Empire to contemporary USSR. Finally, yet importantly, such an analysis illuminates Gramsci’s approach towards the Marxian legacy. Reviews: - J. Dal Maso, Gramsci, o cesarismo e a política de massas [available online:\]

A Crocean critique of Gramsci on historicism, hegemony and intellectuals

Journal of Modern Italian Studies 6 209 229, 2001

Although Gramsci’s debt to Croce is well known, most commentators simply accept his criticisms of Croce and his claim to have overcome certain lacunae in the Neapolitan’s thought. This article argues that many of these criticisms misfire, and mounts a Crocean critique of Gramsci. Through a comparison of their respective views of historicism, hegemony and intellectuals, it is argued that the radical democratic and libertarian theory many post-Marxists claim to find in the Sardinian is more appropriately associated with Croce.

PAST AND PRESENT. Philosophy, Politics, and History in the Thought of Gramsci

International Conference 18-19 June 2015 King’s College London (Strand Campus*) *Venue map: This International Conference on the thought of Antonio Gramsci will bring together a new generation of 45 scholars from 16 countries working on Gramscian themes in order to engage closely with his writings. The conference is open to all, however registration is essential if you would like to attend. To register, please send an email to: [This programme will be updated - so please check back before conference for latest version]

Gramsci’s critical modernity:


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