Um perfil de consumo na foz do Tejo: o caso do Mercado da Ribeira (Lisboa) (original) (raw)

Um perfil de consumo do século XVIII na foz do Tejo: O caso do Mercado da Ribeira, Lisboa


In late 2003 and in 2004, urban remodelation of the east wing of Mercado da Ribeira revealed the remains of São Paulo´s Fort and Quay. Both structures were built on top of a land filing originated by post-1755 Lisbon Earthquake city reconstruction of S. Paulo’s parish. In the layers a large set of pottery was collected, enclosing chronologies within the first half of the 18th century, a fine example of consumption pattern of Lisbon’s Western Riverfront here displayed, including some pottery categories present in 18th century daily life, often neglected by Early Modern Archaeology studies


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Mercado Relevante: uma perspectiva etnográfica

In: Elvino de Carvalho Mendonça; Fábio Luiz Gomes, Rachel Pinheiro de Andrade Mendonça. (Org.). Compêndio de Direito da Concorrência: Temas de Fronteira. 1ed.Ribeirão Preto: Editora Migalhas, 2015