The Transitivity Analysis of Woolf's 'Kew Gardens': A Corpus Based Study (original) (raw)

Stylistic and Linguistic Analysis of a Literary Text Using Systemic Functional Grammar +῍ Noriko Iwamoto

+῍ Noriko Iwamoto QΏ῝M.A.K.Halliday ̱Q ̱QQΊῑῢ`QῺ̳ῌtransitivity῍ ̰Ῡ̰ῤ ̳Q̳Ί῭Q̮̮̯ῗ῏ῢ῍ `QῺ̳῝ῷῸ̰ῧ̱Q ῞Ῐ̮ῗ῏ῢ̱QῺ̳Q̱Q ῌthe ideational function῍ ῤῶ̮ῢ ̮̯ῷῸ Qῗ῏ῡῌ Q῾`Qῌ ̱`Qῌ Q`Qῌ Qῷ`Qῌ ῼ Q`Qῌ Q̲`QῘῲ`QΊῑῢ̲QQQῒῠ̳ῢ῍ ΰῠῤ̰̰Ὺ ῦ ̳Q ̳QQ Ί῭Q̮ῌ ῲ̳QQ῾ῌ ῼQQ̲ῌ ̳Q̱Q ῺQῌ ̮ῠΊ̮ΰῠῤQ̮ῖQ QῐῘ̮ῢ̳̱ῤῬQQQῑ̯ ῟ῸQQ̳Q ῒῠQῠῒΊ̮̯ῐῘ̲̯̮῍ ̯ῐῚQ̳Q῝ῌ ̳̯QῳῨῥῦ̰ῤ̲̯Ῐ̮ῖῌ ̮ΰΎῨῥῦ̰ ῌ QῌΌ´Q ̳ῚῙ῍ Ί̯῭Q΅Qῗ῏ῢῘῤQ̲̮ῌ ΰ̯ῗQ῎QQῘ̮ΰ ῖΐ̮ῬQQQῘ ̳Q̳Ῐ̳Qῤῴ̯ῢ̯ῗ῏ῢ῍ This article explores the relationship between linguistic structures and socially constructed meaning in a narrative text. By employing Halliday's transitivity framework, the article attempts ῍ῌ to reveal the ideology and power relations that underpin a literary text from a semantico-grammatical point of view. This study seeks common ground where systemic grammar and narrative, which have long been considered separate disciplines, can meet.

Stylistics and Linguistic Analyses of Literary Works


A linguistic analysis of literature has caused debates among linguists and between linguists and literary critics. The debate among linguists occurs because they have different opinions regarding the nature of literary language, while the debate between linguists and literary scholars arises as literary scholars question the authority of linguistics to study literary writings. Therefore, in this paper I argue that the language of literature is similar to that of non-literary texts, and I also believe that because the centrality of language in literary writings, linguistics, as the study of language, has the authority to study literature. One linguistic approach to literature is stylistics, which studies the forms, functions, and meanings of literary language in a detailed and systematic way.

13-17 Stylistics in language and literature.pdf


Language as we all know is an important or should I say an indispensable tool for human communication as it is through language that knowledge is transferred, meaning is created and understood ensuring social as well as scientific development of human society. It’s true not only for speech but also in writing, both being two of the most potential uses of language. After becoming a university subject in 1960s English language has being the target of literary critics. They have accused the linguists for being too dry when it comes to analysis of a piece of writing. And the linguists have accused the literary scholars for being to subjective, imaginative unambiguous for the same task. To bridge the differences or the gap between the two, stylistics a branch of applied linguistics functions to analyse the use of language literary texts. However it's not limited to the study of literature alone but is also stretched to varieties of writings like texts related to media and journalism, the advertisements etc. This paper is an attempt to explore the link between language and its most creative use that is Literature. Through this paper I aim to show the features of language and creative uses under which these forms are put to appeal to human senses and make a piece of literature alive whether it's romance, tragedy or comedy.

Linguistic Features for More Understanding Literary Work

The development of literary approaches to appreciate texts offers distinctive ways and purposes. The various approaches offered so far are about post-structuralism, postmodernism, feminist, gender, post colonialism, and some others. Those are practiced by scholars who are interested in studying literature. Studying literature means studying text, so language enthusiasts attempt to appreciate it by applying a different approach, stylistics. Stylistics is the study of style in language use including literary works. What makes this method different from other literary criticism is the employment of the linguistic features in the texts: graphology, phonology, lexis, and syntax . The researches done by some researchers reviewed in this article prove that stylistic analysis is an applicable and effective way to appreciate literary work. The existence of certain linguistic features in literary work is able to prove how linguistic features constitute meanings and effects. The grammatical sentences in the work compose the meanings and effects of it. Consequently, more understanding literary work can be reached.

Linguo-Stylistic Analysis of the Literary Text: the Reader's Perspective

Analysis of the Literary Text: the Reader's Perspective = Лингвостилистический анализ художественного текста в перспективе читательского восприятия Издательство АНО ДПО «Межрегиональный центр инновационных технологий в образовании» ~2~ Киров 2023 Учебно-методическое пособие для бакалавров направления подготовки «Лингвистика»

Musing on the Language of Literature


Literature conveys human ideas, thoughts, emotions, feelings and experiences artistically. The use of distinctive grammatical, semantic, and stylistic conventions make the language of literature a field-based register. Based on these presumptions, this article aims to elucidate the deviant features that are prevalent in the literary texts. To obtain the objective, I have employed qualitative content analysis that calls for interpreting the extracts from the authentic literary discourses. The main findings are related to the five-fold features such as grammatical, semantic/lexical, graphological, prosodic, and ornamental, which create markedness of the literary register. These findings reveal that the litterateurs use figures of speech to beautify the presentation of feelings and ideas. This implies that the readers, the writers, and the material producers (like curriculum designers and textbook writers) should be aware of the marked features of the literary texts.

An analysis of prose

Literature in the narrow sense is any writing that expresses ideas, emotions, feelings, and behavior in life. (Rees 1973) Including the Prose. The purpose of the study is to describe history development of prose in indonesian.

O'Halloran, K.A. (2007) 'Corpus-assisted literary evaluation', Corpora, 2 (1): 33-63.

Fleur Adcock’s poem, Street Song, is evaluated by the stylistician, Roger Fowler, as ‘dynamic and disturbing’. I agree with his literary evaluation. These unsettling effects take place in initial response to the poem, effects which draw me into the work. In other words, they are experienced before proper reflection and analysis of the poem and individual interpretation of it. Implicit within Fowler’s evaluation is that this is likely to apply for readers generally. The purpose of this article is to show how empirical corpus evidence can usefully provide substantiation of such initial evaluations of literary works, showing whether or not they are likely to be stereotypically experienced by readers. In drawing on both schema theory and corpus analysis to achieve this, the article makes links between cognitive stylistic and corpus stylistic foci.

Stylistic analysis

Abstract: This study presents a stylistic analysis of newspaper stories. It is hypothesized that the language used in newspaper stories violates the rules of grammar and the norms of literary writing. Moreover their style tends to be very distinctive. This can be attributed to the limited space given to each article and the author as all journalists writes to an absent or imaginary reader that must be quickly attracted. The study aims at: 1. identifying some linguistic features of newspaper language. 2. shedding light on the style used in newspapers and how it differs from that used in literary writing. Six stories have been selected for the purpose of analysis. They are selected randomly from different English newspapers. All of them are written in the inverted pyramid style. Three models are adopted for the purpose of the analysis of the texts. The results show that the language and style used for writing newspaper stories deviates from the ordinary norms of writing. Key words: inverted pyramid, language of newspaper, stylistic analysis