Die Beziehungen zwischen der Sächsischen Nationsuniversität und dem Bistum Siebenbürgen am Vorabend der Reformation (1513-1524) (original) (raw)
Related papers
„Studia UBB. Historia”, 64/1, p. 59-86, 2019
The present paper deals with a very important written source regarding the history of higher education in northern Transylvania from 1565 to 1626, a register with loan contracts concerning money necessary for university education abroad. The agreements were made between the Lutheran Bistrița-Chapter, on the one side, and young men and their guarantors, on the other. Only selectively and superficially discussed by previous scholars in the 19th century, exclusively from the perspective of the development of local education in and around Bistrița, the source material bears a greater significance in terms of the efforts made by the local church and community to establish and perpetuate its own intelligentsia, regardless of the social and economic background of the gifted young men who intended to complete their education. The authors of the study address the following questions: who established the educational fund, who administered the money, who were the beneficiaries and their guarantors, and under which circumstances was money awarded. The information provided by the Bistrița-register is integrated into a larger prosopographical picture of the individuals mentioned, the majority related to the Church of the Bistrița region, and it is evaluated also from a cultural point of view, the notarial structuring of the contracts, the autograph writing and the use of the personal seals recording a highly developed literate and legal mentality with strong roots in the late medieval, pre-Reformation, tradition. The present investigation intends to contribute to a deeper understanding of the support given to students by Transylvanian communities in order to build an intellectual elite educated in Central and Western Europe.
Dorfkirche und Schriftlichkeit in Siebenbürgen um 1500
Ulrich A. Wien (ed.), Common Man, Society and Religion in the 16th century. Piety, morality and discipline in the Carpathian Basin / Gemeiner Mann, Gesellschaft und Religion im 16. Jahrhundert. Frömmigkeit, Moral und Sozialdisziplinierung im Karpatenbogen, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021
This paper selectively explores three types of texts written and delivered by parish clergy within countryside communities of the Transylvanian Saxons before the introduction of the religious Reformation in the 1540s. It argues that the monumental sermon-collection authored in the second half of the 16th century by the Lutheran pastor Damasus Dürr, who also served in a rural church, had been anticipated by the intellectual work of secular priests who lived and were active around 1500 in the same cultural environment. As a well-educated and self-aware group, the parish priests of the Transylvanian German settlements, either urban or rural, represent the first compact category of clearly defined intellectuals in this region. For their professional needs, they produced or used various texts of a pragmatic nature, from accounting records to sermon literature. These plebani took advantage of every opportunity to write on and annotate the books they had in their possession, writing down facts of historical relevance or adaptations of model-sermons, performed in specific contexts. Various evidence of elaborate preaching, alongside the ownership of books and the existence of a dense network of elementary schools organized by the secular church, display a new image of the (mostly Latin) countryside literacy in the late medieval territories populated by Transylvanian Saxons: an expansion and mirroring of the urban literacy and its complex forms, predicting its subsequent evolution.
Osnabrück – Jesuiten (1624 bis 1773/74)
Niedersächsisches Klosterbuch. Verzeichnis der Klöster, Stifte, Kommenden und Begi-nenhäuser in Niedersachsen und Bremen von den Anfängen bis 1810, hrsg. von JOSEF DOLLE unter Mitarbeit von DENNIS KNOCHENHAUER , 2012
Die Jesuiten kamen im Zuge der sog. "Gegenreformation" 1625 in die Westfälische Bischofsstadt Osnabrück, gründeten noch 1628/32 eine Universität (Academia Carolina Osnabrugensis), flohen 1633 vor dem Einmarsch der Schweden aus der Stadt und kamen nach dem Westfälischen Frieden im Jahre 1651 in die Stadt Osnabrück zurück. Im Niedersächsischen Klosterbuch ist ihre Geschichte knapp und prägnant zusammegefasst.
Das siebenbürgische Luthertum im 17. Jahrhundert
Zeitschrift für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde, 2022
The 17th century is an almost unknown era of Transylvanian Saxon history. This statement applies all the more to church history. There are many new scholarly contributions on the subject of the Reformation and Johannes Honterus, but the last comprehensive account of Transylvanian Lutheranism in the 17th century dates from 1921.