Dossier – “New Perspectives on Contemporary Romania: From Dictatorial Pasts to a European Future” (original) (raw)

Educational reflections on the work of Constantin Radulescu-Motru former president of the Romanian Academy


If one has to answer the question regarding who is one of the nation’s greatest educators, if not the first great educator, certainly, Constantin Radulescu-Motru (1868-1957) deserves to be the answer. This paper analyses the educational approach of Constantin Radulescu-Motru, through his work from Kantian perspectives, to those that are reminiscent of Wilhelm Wundt’s. Under the severe circumstances of his last years, his analytical and comprehensive approach to life’s conditions and the predicament that was recorded in his 75 notebooks, which were preserved by his close collaborator and disciple, I.-M. Nestor, offer a thoroughly engaging view of the world of ideas, which were predominating and, above all, raise a philosophical spirit free of all that is mundane and irrelevant. The attribute of educating a nation has found a relevant representative in the overall work of this thinker and magnificent human character above all.

Dossiers Zur Romanischen Literaturwissenschaft


This article aims at analysing two contemporary Argentine novels, Luis Chitarroni's Peripecias del no. Diario de una novela inconclusa (2007), and Facundo Soto's Taller literario (2013). It describes both texts as representing literary communities organized in order to build what Giorgio Agamben calls "form-of-life", i.e., a life so intrinsically intertwined with its form, its style, that life and form-in this case, literature-become inseparable. We suggest that the exploration of a community is necessarily the exploration of its language, and we show that if the communities portrayed in these two novels exist in order to write and to read literature, then their languages differ drastically, widening thus the space of literature. All rights reserved. Dieser Artikel ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Die Weiterverwendung des hier bereitgestellten Artikels ist ohne die ausdrückliche Genehmigung von HeLix (und/oder des Verfassers) nicht gestattet.

Latinoamérica en la prensa cultural rumana 1959–65: La historia de una instrumentalización política de la literatura

Hispanic Research Journal, 2022

Nos proponemos estudiar el proceso de la paulatina penetración de la literatura latinoamericana en Rumania al analizar los artículos, ensayos y traducciones publicados en la prensa cultural rumana entre 1959 y 1965, cuando se da el paulatino abandono de los preceptos del realismo socialista, que desfiguraron el espacio cultural de este país desde el inicio de la sovietización forzada, en 1946. Lo que nos interesa mostrar es que la literatura latinoamericana introducida por la traducción o reseñas, y que prácticamente había sido desconocida hasta la sexta década del siglo XX, se convirtió en un instrumento político que reflejaba a la perfección las tensiones del campo cultural de esta época y que, a la vez, revelaba el arduo camino hacia la conquista de la autonomía de lo estético. Abstract This article studies the gradual process by which Latin American literature penetrated Romania by analysing articles, essays, and translations published in the Romanian cultural press between 1959 and 1965, when there was a gradual abandonment of the precepts of socialist realism, which had disfigured the country’s cultural space since the beginning of forced Sovietization in 1946. It shows that the Latin American literature, introduced by way of translations and reviews and practically unknown until the 1960s, became a political instrument that perfectly reflects the tensions of this era’s cultural field and, at the same time, reveals the arduous path to achieving aesthetic autonomy.