Review of: J. C. Martín Iglesias, Escritos medievales en honor del obispo Isidoro de Sevilla, Turnhout, Brepols, 2017, 359 p. (original) (raw)

A Brief History of Christian Archaeology between 1860 and 1930.

REVEALING CHRISTIAN HERITAGE The rediscovery of Christian archaeology between 1860 and 1930. Volume I, 2022

This introductory text is intended to be a useful tool for anyone interested in the history of Christian archaeology between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The main discoveries and publications of Christian archaeology are presented in the various areas of the European continent and the Mediterranean basin, with a special focus on the main scholars of the discipline from that period.

The Eerdmans Encyclopedia of Early Christian Art and Archaeology. Edited by Paul Corby Finney. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 2017. Pp. 754 in 2 vols. + 163 color plates and 22 color maps in vol. 3. Cloth boxed set, $495.00

Religious Studies Review, 2017

and the individual. After outlining the scope and methodology of the volume in the introduction, Scheid offers a very comprehensive presentation of the arguments presented by the adversaries of the polis-religion model in Chapter 1. The fallacy of the city-states' end with the coming of Rome is addressed in Chapter 2, whereas Chapter 3 discusses the place of the individual in the city-states. Chapter 4 fends off the position that civic religion was nothing but a discourse of the elite. In Chapter 5, Scheid supports the functionalist nature of the civic-religion model, which he further explores in relation to rituals in Chapter 6. Chapters 7 and 8 further demonstrate the civic nature of Roman religion by discussing occasions of impiety and oppression by the Roman political administration, as well as the different smaller scale religious activities that were also administered by a central power. Chapter 9 tackles the important issue of belief and emotion in Roman civic religion. Chapter 10 discusses the reasons for religious change in Rome-according to Scheid not based on the assumption of a different "religiosity" as the critics of the polis model maintain-whereas Chapter 11 summarizes his argumentation. Scheid's call to return to the sources is valuable and accurate considering the peculiarity of Roman religion; his erudition and ability to offer a clear and concise discussion makes the volume an indispensable source for anybody interested in Roman religion.

The Archaeology of Early Christianity: A History. By William H. C. Frend. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1996. xx + 412 pp. $39.00 cloth

Church History, 1998

book reviews729 ume closes with the scientific discoveries and theory of evolution which undermined faith in Genesis in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Although a tour de force by a meticulous researcher at the height of his powers, History of Paradise is not without flaws. Attempting to cover his topic's every aspect, Delumeau seesaws between centuries, often repeating himseU. There are a wealth of endnotes (953 individual citations on pp. 237-270), with full bibUographical information in initial citations, but no bibliography.This makes checking references annoyingly tedious, and Delumeau frequently returns to sources, often in widely separated chapters, as he jumps back and forth in time. The index, which Usts only persons cited, is of limited value and (as spot checks demonstrated) incomplete. Lastly, as might be expected in such a wide-ranging work, some sections, particularly the discussions of medieval cartography and travel literature, are quite superficial.These reservations stated, the patient reader wUl derive a wealth of interesting information and stimulation from History ofParadise.

B. Hamarneh, Christian Archaeology at the University of Vienna, in S. Schrenk, U. Verstegen (Hrsg.) Forschungsgeschichte als Aufbruch.Beiträge zur Geschichte der Christlichen Archäologie und Byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte, XXIV. Tagung der AGCA, Heidelberg 2022, 191-7.

At that stage, Christian Archaeology was not considered as an independent discipline and did not have a specific identity, oscillating between the studies on Semitic languages and the exegesis of the Old Testament. The subject had no institutional connection to other disciplines, while remaining within the Catholic Theological Faculty, where Neumann was a full professor in 1887 2. He, among others, was one of the most dynamic promotors of the 1 st International Congress for Christian Archaeology in Split in 1894 3 (fig. 1). His successor Heinrich Swoboda 4 , after his priestly ordination, studied Christian Archaeology at the Campo Santo Teutonico in Rome, where he had close contacts with Johann Peter Kirsch 5 , Giovanni Battista de Rossi 6 and Anton Maria de Waal 7. In 1890, Swoboda obtained his habilitation for Christian Archaeology at the Catholic Theological Faculty and taught courses with a focus on ecclesiastic archaeology, liturgical and artistic traditions of the Roman catacombs. He organized excursions and exhibitions and promoted the knowledge and awareness of the archaeology of Early Christianity and of its most important places and monuments 8. Johannes Heinrich Emminghaus 9 , also a priest, contributed to shifting the attention towards liturgical space and its decoration; ecclesiastical architecture and baptism sites 1

Elizabeth FENTRESS, Hassan LIMANE (eds.), Volubilis après Rome. Les fouilles UCL/INSAP, 2000-2005, Arts and Archaeology of the Islamic World, vol. 11, Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2018. (Palmira Krleža)

Hortus Artium Medievalium, 25/1, 2019

Early Christian Archaeology: A State of the Field

Religion Compass, 2008

This article considers the history and trajectory of early Christian archaeology. Focusing principally on the built environment, it addresses the status of research on third-century Christian domus ecclesiae or house churches, urban topography, Christian euergetism, pagan/Christian temple conversion, monasticism and pilgrimage, parish churches, and rural Christianity. It suggests that this largely conservative field continues to wrestle with its relationship with Christian texts, and remains dominated by formalist and positivist paradigms. The expansion of the discipline into adjacent fields in recent years signals something of a shift, but more holistic studies are needed that contextualize Christian remains within their local topographic, social, ecclesiastical, and, above all, economic circumstances.

Novità editoriali: Archeologia protobizantina a Kos. La città e il complesso episcopale

a cura di Isabella Baldini e Monica Livadiotti, Collana DiSCi 6, Bononia University Press, Bologna 2015, pp. 1-537 ISSN 2284-3523, ISBN 978-88-7395-991-5 Nel 2011 è stato pubblicato nella Collana “Studi e Scavi” dell’ex Dipartimento di Archeologia il volume sulle ricerche nell’area suburbana di S. Gabriele (Archeologia proto bizantina a Kos. La basilica di S. Gabriele, a cura di Isabella Baldini e Monica Livadiotti), frutto delle ricerche effettuate tra il 2006 e il 2009 in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ingegneria Civile e dell’Architettura del Politecnico di Bari. A quel lavoro si aggiunge ora questo volume che si incentra sulla topografia urbana di Kos attraverso una serie di contributi che consentono di comporne il quadro complessivo durante la tarda antichità. Si conferma in questo modo l’immagine di una città che mantiene un notevole tono urbano sia per estensione che per impegno monumentale. Nel volume si pubblicano i risultati delle campagne archeologiche, di rilievo e studio, effettuate tra il 2007 e il 2013 nell’area delle Terme Occidentali, dove dall’età giustinianea si impianta un nuovo e ampio complesso episcopale in uso fino all’VIII secolo. Si è voluto cercare di contestualizzarne lo sviluppo considerando il rapporto con il pregresso (il ginnasio ellenistico e le grandi terme dei quartieri occidentali) e con il contesto insediativo di riferimento. Le ricerche, condotte in modo interdisciplinare sempre in collaborazione tra il DiSCi dell’Università di Bologna “Alma Mater” e il DICAR del Politecnico di Bari, sono state svolte in accordo con l’Eforia alle Antichità del Dodecaneso (Rodi). I risultati conducono a nuovi apporti metodologici con particolare riguardo all’analisi della stratigrafia muraria e dei materiali, al rilievo come passaggio conoscitivo, fino ai progetti di fruizione delle aree archeologiche. L’opera è completata da una estesa bibliografia e dagli abstract in inglese di tutti i singoli contributi. In 2011, in the series "Studies and Excavations" of the former Department of Archaeology, the volume on research in the suburban area of St. Gabriel in Kos was published (Isabella Baldini and Monica Livadiotti editors, Archeologia protobizantina a Kos. La basilica di S. Gabriele). The volume illustrated the result of research carried out between 2006 and 2009 in collaboration with the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari. That work is now joined by the present volume, which focuses on the urban topography of Kos through a series of contributions that allow to compose the overall picture of the town during the late antiquity. The image of a city that maintains a remarkable tone for both urban extension and monumental effort is confirmed. The book publishes the results of the archaeological campaigns conducted between 2007 and 2013 in the Western Baths district, where from the age of Justinian a new and large episcopal complex, in use until the eighth century, is implanted. The aim was to contextualize the development of the Christian complex by considering the relationship with the previous phases (a Hellenistic gymnasium and a large Imperial baths) and its settlement context. The researches, carried out in an interdisciplinary way and again in cooperation between the DiSCi of the Alma Mater University of Bologna and the DICAR of the Polytechnic of Bari, have been carried out in accordance with the Ephorate of Antiquities of Dodecanese (Rhodes). The results bring new methodological contributions with particular regard to the analysis of materials and to the stratigraphy of architectural structures, until the drawing, considered as a cognitive step, and the enhancement projects of the archaeological site. The work has been completed by an extensive bibliography and the summaries in English of all the contributions.