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Atque, 2019
Per un'ontologia del vissuto luca Pinzolo english title Towards an ontology of lived "experience" Abstract The intent of this study is to attempt an ontological reading of the experience, through a constellation of theoretical ideas that turn around some aspects of the reflection of Levinas. In the first place, we try to use the "trauma", and its temporality, as a paradigm to show how "feelings" are only an echo of something that has been produced elsewhere and in another time. In a second moment, the "proper body", instead of a place or privileged place of experience, is conceived as a crossroads of environmental flows-elements or atmospheres-that surround and overhang it. We therefore try to outline the path towards a materialist ontology of exteriority, in which the naturalistic motif, although in a certain way present, does not close in on itself, but opens up to an ethical and political dimension: feelings, pre-individual and a-subjective events, are produced "among" the bodies, drawing them in their profiles, of course, but also defining their bonds and alliances.
L'ontologia temporale è la riflessione sullo statuto ontologico delle entità meramente passate o future. In questo contributo intendo chiarire il significato di questa questione, presentare le principali opzioni teoriche che si delineano rispetto ad essa e, concentrandomi sulle due principali teorie contendenti, B-eternismo e presentismo, illustrare gli argomenti più rilevanti formulati a favore dell'una e dell'altra.
Paralellus, 2020
The article examines Pope Francis' speeches addressed to theologians or concerning theology itself, in order to highlight the specific service of theological reflection within the evangelizing perspective. On this basis, three elements are outlined for a renewed theology, at the service of the joy of today's men and women, capable of contributing to the construction of coexistence among peoples. L'articolo prende in esame i discorsi di papa Francesco rivolti a teologi o concernenti la teologia stessa, allo scopo di evidenziare lo specifico servizio della riflessione teologica all'interno della prospettiva evangelizzatrice. Su questa base vengono enucleati tre elementi per una teologia rinnovata, a servizio della gioia degli uomini e delle donne di oggi, capace di contribuire alla costruzione della convivenza tra i popoli.
Possibilità logiche, necessità nomologiche
Il cannocchiale. Rivista di studi filosofici, 2006
What, exactly, should ever be meant by "possible world"? In this paper, without any decisive pretensions, an attempt will be made to give order to the question, putting forward the following theses: 1) the notion of "logical possibility" is too broad and ambiguous to assign it any essential role, in arguments aiming at some conclusions; 2) also the notion of "nomological necessity" (or "nomicity") shows signs of weakness and leaves room for merely epistemic possibilities (due to an imperfection in the knowledge, rather than to something attributable to "worlds"); 3) only an attenuated notion of nomicity can be referred to, when one wants to assume hypotheses that deny facts, in the course of reflection.