Uncommon Facades of Atrial Septal Defect -A Case Series (original) (raw)
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Case Report Typical signs of secundum atrial septal defect in a young female
We report the case of a 25-year-female presented with dyspnea & chest pain on exertion. The ECG showed signs of right ventricular overload. The chest X-ray showed an enlargement of central pulmonary arteries, pulmonary plethora and a small aortic knuckle. Atrial septal defect (ASD) was suspected and transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) subsequently confirmed the presence of a large ostium secundum ASD. A surgical closure with an equine pericardium patch was performed. Two months after the surgical repair, the ECG and TTE showed the regression of signs of right ventricular overload.
Case report A 79-year-old patient with secundum type atrial septal defect
Atrial septal defect (ASD) is a congenital heart lesion that enables blood passage between the left and right atria through the interatrial septum. It occurs in 1/1500 births. Atrial septal defects constitute 6-10% of all congenital heart lesions. They can be investigated as ostium ...
Typical signs of secundum atrial septal defect in a young female
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 2015
We report the case of a 25-year-female presented with dyspnea & chest pain on exertion. The ECG showed signs of right ventricular overload. The chest X-ray showed an enlargement of central pulmonary arteries, pulmonary plethora and a small aortic knuckle. Atrial septal defect (ASD) was suspected and transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) subsequently confirmed the presence of a large ostium secundum ASD. A surgical closure with an equine pericardium patch was performed. Two months after the surgical repair, the ECG and TTE showed the regression of signs of right ventricular overload.
University Heart Journal
Mitral regurgitation (MR) associated with secundum Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) is not widely recognized but the association is not unusual. MR has been found in less than 10% of adults with large ASD which is mainly caused by mitral valve prolapse (MVP). We are reporting a case of congenital ostium secundum ASD with MVP associated with MR, review the clinical relevance of this association, and discuss the related literature. Our patient has shown dramatic improvement in symptoms and signs after ASD closure with mitral valve replacement along with improvement in tricuspid regurgitation. More general awareness of this association will further help the surgeon for better management of the patient with this rather unusual combination of lesions.
Atrial Septal Defect (Secundum Type) Associated with MitralRegurgitation in an Elderly Woman
Atrial septal defect (ASD) is one of the commonly recognized congenital cardiac anomalies presenting in adulthood. ASD is characterized by a defect in the interatrial septum allowing blood is moving from the left atrium to the right atrium. Mitral regurgitation associated with atrial septal defect (ASD) Secundum type is uncommon. The incidence of heart failure and Eisenmenger syndrome due to ASD and MR is rare. We report a 61-year-old female without significant past medical history arrived in the emergency department with dyspnea, orthopnea and palpitations. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed an Atrial septal defect ostium secundum type, with bidirectional shunt and 4th-degree mitral insufficiency. The most common type of ASD is ostium secundum which is almost 70% of all atrial septal defects. The patient presented at this age could be a late development of symptoms because physical signs and symptoms usually take 35-40 years to develop. The objective of reporting this case is that the patient lived for over 60 years almost asymptomatic. 7. Vick GW and Bezold LI. "Classification of atrial septal defects (ASDs), and clinical features and diagnosis of isolated ASDs in children".
Clinical features and management of secundum atrial septal defect in infants and children
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 1996
Dalan penelitian retrospekûfini dilakukan evaluasi terhadap penampilan Hinis dan tata laksana pasien defek septum atriun yang berobat di Subbagian Kardiologi, Bagian llnw Kesehatan Anak RS. Cipto Mangunkusunto, Jakarta, antara I Januari 1983 sanpai dengan 3 1 Desember 1992. Sebelun tersedia alat ekokardiografi, diagnosis defek septwn atriurn sernata-nata didasarkan pada riwayat penyakit, petneriksaanfisis, elektrokardiogram, danfoto rontgen dada-Setelah tersedia alnt ekokardiografi (Januari 1987), diagnosis kelainan ini dipastikan dengan ekokardiografi (keuudianjuga Doppler dan Doppler berwarna). Seri ini nenunjukkan: (1) Defekseptunt atriun sekundun lebih sering ditenukan pada anak perentpuan, dengan rasio perentpuan : lelaki : 1,5 : 1,2; (2) Jwnlah pasien yang didiagnosis sebagai defek septurn atrium lebih banyak setelah tersedia alat ekol<ardiografi; (i) Penemuan klinis dan pemerilcsaan prnuÀiong yang khas lebih sering didapatlan pada pasien berusia 3 tahun atau lebih dibanding dengan yang berusia kurang dari 3 tahun; (4) Hantbatan pertu,ilbuhan, Icardionegali, dan right branch block lebih sering ditenmkan pada defek besar; (5) Pengobatan terpilih adalah operasi penutuPan defek, yang dapat dilakukan tiap saat-Abstract This retrospective study aitned to review the clinicalfeatures and nanagement o;fpatients with secunduu atrial septal defect (ASD 2")-The subjecrs studied were 9O boys (39.8%) and 136 girls (60.2%), treated at the Ourpatient Clinic, Cardiology Division, Deparrnent of Child Health, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia, frotn January 1, 1983 to December 31, 1992. Clinical ossessilrcnt and nnnagetnent were evaluated by one ofthe authors. Electrocardiographic, radiographic, and henodynanùc findings were analyzed b), the etperîs. The diagnostic procedure was contpleted u'ith echocardiographic exanination since January 1987. This study discloses severalfindings: (1)ASD20 affectedgirls ntorethanboys, the sex ratiowas 1,5:1; (2)The diagnosis ofASD 2" in infants was increased after the advent of echocardiographl,; p) While rypical auscultatory findings could be heard in older ASD ccrses, the clinical features were not specirtc in young infunts; (4) Growth retardation, cardiouegaly and right bundle branch block were coutttton in large ASD 2"; (5) Simple closure ofASD 2" was the procedure ofchoice. Key w ords : at r i al s ep tal defe ct, e cho car d i o gr aphy, c Ii ni c al n anife stat i o ns
Nonobstructive Asymmetrical Septal Hypertrophy and Ostium Secundum-Type Atrial Septal Defect
Echocardiography, 2000
We report a 36-year-old woman with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with asymmetric septal hypertrophy without outflow tract obstruction associated with an ostium secundum-type atrial septal defect with significant hemodynamic repercussion. Diagnosis was established with transesophageal echocardiography. This is the second case of this rare association reported in the literature and the first evaluated by transesophageal echocardiography. (ECHOCARDIOG-W H Y , Volume 17, November 2000) hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, nonobstructive asymmetric septal hypertrophy, atrial septal defect, transesophageal echocardiography
Pediatric Cardiology, 2010
Atrial septal defects of the ostium secundum variety are typically asymptomatic in infancy and early childhood. Congestive heart failure (CHF) may occur in the presence of significant mitral valve disease, pulmonary artery hypertension, or other diseases that lead to elevated filling pressures of the ventricles. Atrial standstill, a rare disease, was the probable cause of CHF in the 3-year-old child discussed in this report.
Background: Atrial septal defect (ASD) is often an isolated disease, but its association with other abnormalities can make diagnosis challenging. Careful analysis of simple complementary exams can help precise anatomical diagnosis ensuring suitable treatment. The aim of this article is to report, from a case report and literature review, diagnostic challenges and the contribution of simple complementary exams, such as chest X-ray, for the diagnostic orientation of an ASD associated with peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis, as well as therapeutic particularities. Case report: We report the case of a girl born in 2007, with history of dyspnoea and recurrent bronchitis in whom a loud systolic murmur was detected fortuitously at the age of 2 years. Her clinical examination was otherwise normal. The electrocardiogram recorded sinus rhythm, incomplete right bundle branch block, and right ventricular hypertrophy. Chest X-ray showed moderate cardiomegaly and hypervascularity of the left lu...