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Covid19 dan pengungkapan identitas pasien

Covid19 dan pengungkapan identitas pasien: sebuah dilema hukum, sosial dan etis. Oleh Yafet Y.W. Rissy, SH, MSi, LLM, PhD (AFHEA) Salatiga, Sabtu 18 April 2020. Pengantar Pandemi Covid19 telah berlangsung lebih dari sebulan di Indonesia. Per 17 April 2020, tercatat 5,293 terkonfirmasi positif Covid19 dan 520 di antaranya meninggal. Terdapat banyak isu yang menyandera penumpasan pandemic Covid19, mulai dari kekurangan APD, kekurang alat rapid test, terbatasnya kapasitas atau daya tamping rumah sakit rujukan, koordinasi dan komunikasi pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah yang tidak efektif, ketidakjujuran pasien orang yang memeriksakan diri terkait riwayat perjalanannnya, disipilin yang masih rendah untuk melakukan physical distancing, rendahnya pemahaman atas Covid19 dari sekelompok masyarakat yeng berujung pad penolakan dan pengusiran tenaga medis, penolakan jenasah korban Covid19, perlakuan kasar bagi tenaga medis dan termasuk polemik perlu tidaknya pengungkapan identitas (termasuk alamat) pasien Covid19. Oleh karena identitas pasien umumnya (termasuk pasien Covid19) merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari rekam medis, rahasia kedokteran dan rahasia pasien (rahasia kesehatan pasien), maka perlu dipahami terlebih dahulu ketiga konsep besar di atas. Pertanyaannya ialah Apa itu rekam medis, rahasia kedokteran dan rahasia pasien (rahasia kesehatan pasien)? Apakah rekam medis, rahasia kedokteran dan rahasia pasien (rahasia kesehatan pasien) bisa diungkapkan ke publik? Bagaimana jika rekam medis, rahasia kedokteran dan rahasia pasien (rahasia kesehatan pasien) dibuka secara melawan hukum? Apa dilema hukum, sosial dan etisnya? Apa yang perlu dilakukan di masa yag akan datang agar dilema di atas bisa teratasi? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini akan dijawab dalam tulisan singkat ini. Apa itu rekam medis, rahasia kedokteran dan rahasia pasien atau rahasia kesehatan pasien? Ketiga konsep di atas, rekam medis, rahasia kedokteran dan rahasia pasien merupkan konsep yang saling berhubungan erat. Rekam medis adalah berkas yang berisi catatan dan dokumen tentang identitas pasien, pemeriksaan, pengobatan, tindakan dan pelayanan lain yang telah diberikan kepada pasien (Pasal 46 ayat (1) UU No. 29 Tahun 2004 Tentang Praktek Kedokteran atau UU Praktek Kedokteran 2004). Rahasia kedokteran adalah data dan informasi tentang kesehatan seseorang yang diperoleh tenaga kesehatan pada waktu menjalankan pekerjaan atau

Pembukaan Rahasia Medis Pasien Covid-19 Sebagai Implementasi Di Era New Normal Dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan

Mendapo: Journal of Administrative Law, 2021

In this modern era, all things are suitable for consumption, including health information. In health services, it is known that there are patient medical secrets, patient medical secrets containing personal health data of a person including information that is exempt from being disclosed to the public. However, in a pandemic situation like now all information in the health sector is needed to overcome the spread of the Covid-19 virus, in this case, information about a person's medical secrets is no exception. From this article, it can be seen that it turns out that a person's medical secrets can be disclosed to the public, this is done as a form of government efforts to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The Law on Health and Medical Practice provides an exception to the confidentiality of patient data if it is related to the public interest so that Patient confidentiality can be disclosed to the public. However, the disclosure of medical secrets of Covid-19 patients is only limited to complete identities such as names and addresses as a condition for knowing the patient's contact tracing, while regarding the history of the disease that has been experienced by patients, it remains the domain of private law between patients and health service providers, so it is not justified. for the general public to disseminate information about the medical history of Covid-19 patients.

Pengungkapan Diri dan Manajemen Privasi Komunikasi Pasien Covid-19


This study elaborates communication privacy management (CPM) theory in describing the privacy management of Covid-19 patients. This research uses case study method. The results show that informants who are worried about isolation and social stigma consider their status as a Covid-19 patient as personal information. Meanwhile, those who has the intention to participate in stopping the spread of Covid-19 consider their status as public information, so disclosure is necessary. Social media is considered as an appropriate means of disclosure because the patients get virtual support, minimal boundary turbulence, and the presence of healthy discussions about Covid-19 within it.

Tantangan Bagi Dokter Atas Ketidakjujuran Pasien dalam Memberikan Keterangan Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Syntax literate : jurnal ilmiah Indonesia, 2021

Advancing the transmission of the COVID-19 virus is currently citizens because both the spread is worldwide / all countries of its planting period including Indonesia. Government efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19, one of the directed implementation of physical distancing / social distancing and take care of health. Good cooperation is also good for doctors between patients during the COVID-19 pandemic when patients provide information or information about which self. The purpose of this study is anything to know from the word how it works from the doctor to anywhere. This research method is a normative juridical method with literature relevant to the theme studied. Data collection through library studies for legal materials relevant to Descriptive Descriptive. The results of the sub-district research that there is firm in patients who are not honest at the time of the patient could have a detrimental impact on medical personnel, other health workers. So that it knows that a regulation and related protocols of dishonest patients, due to the impact of patient's mismanagement during the COVID-19 pandemic can be transmitted to medical personnel and other health workers who can snoop.

Pelepasan Informasi Medis Kepada Pihak Ketiga Di Rumah Sakit (Literature Review)

SEHATMAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2022

Medical record information is confidential which must be protected from leakage of data/information in accordance with the medical code of ethics and applicable laws and regulations. The release of medical information must follow the applicable procedures, this aims to protect the hospital from further demands. This study aims to describe the suitability of SOPs for releasing medical information to third parties, types of requests for release of medical information and constraints in releasing medical information using fishbone diagrams. This research is a literature review study using a sample of 11 journals. Search articles using the Google Scholar database. The results of the study found that the percentage of compliance with SOPs for releasing medical information to third parties in hospitals was the percentage of releases that were in accordance with SOPs between 66%-82%, while the precentage that did not match the SOPs was between 18%-34%. The types of requests for release of ...


Pada tahap ini disebabkan oleh mikroorganisme baik bakteri, parasit, maupun virus diantaranya rotavirus, E.coli, dan shigella. Penyebaran mikroorganisme in dapat terjadi melalui jalan fecal dan oral. Pada tahap ini belum di temukan tanda-tanda penyakit bila daya tahan tubuh penjamu baik maka tubuh tidak terserang penyakit dan apabila daya tubuh penjamu lemah maka sangat mudah bagi virus masuk dalam tubuh 2) Tahap Patogenesis a. Tahap inkubasi Virus (salmonella, shigella, E,coli , V.cholerae, ) masuk kedalam tubuh dengan menginfeksi usus baik pada jeyenum,ileum dan colon. Setelah virus menginfeki usus virus menembus sel dan mengadakan lisis kemudian virus berkembang dan memproduksi enterotoksin. Masa`inkubasi biasanya sekitar 2-4hari,pasien sudah buang air bessar lebih dari 4x tetapi belum tanpa gejala-gejala lain. b. Tahap Penyakit Dini  Kehilangan cairan 5% berat badan  Kesadaran baik (somnolen)  Mata agak cekung  Turgor kulit kurang dan kekenyalan kulit normal  Berak cair 1-2 kali perhari  Lemah dan haus  Ubun-ubun besar agak cekung KRISTIANI SIANTURI 20170301269

Implementasi Perlindungan Hukum Pasien Tentang Rahasia Kedokteran (Studi Pada Rumah Sakit Pertamina Bintang Amin Bandar Lampung)

Jurnal Hukum Malahayati, 2022

Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 of 2012 concerning Medical Secrets is a comprehensive protection and legal certainty for medical secrets in the health service process. Violation of the obligation to keep medical secrets is subject to sanctions, be it civil, criminal or administrative. The problems are what are the forms of laws and regulations governing legal protection for medical secrets, how to implement legal protection against medical secrets at Pertamina Bintang Amin Hospital, and what are the forms of legal consequences for doctors or hospitals for violations of the obligation to keep medical secrets. In particular, medical secrets are regulated in the Minister of Health Regulation Number 36 of 2012

Batasan Hukum Keterbukaan Data Medis Pasien Pengidap Covid-19: Perlindungan Privasi VS Transparansi Informasi Publik


Persebaran infeksi virus Covid-19 telah mengalami peningkatan sejak temuan kasus pertama. Wacana pembukaan akses data rekam medis Pasien Positif Covid-19 menimbulkan pro kontra dalam masyarakat. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perspektif sejumlah regulasi dalam memandang status data rekam medis, bentuk perlindungan hukum dan implikasinya , serta solusi hukum untuk praktek yang diterapkan melalui studi komparatif dengan negara lain. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normative dengan pendekatan Undang-Undang , konseptual dan perbandingan hukum. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Data rekam medis merupakan hak pribadi individu yang bersifat rahasia dan terbatas . Perlindungan hukum yang diberikan bagi data rekam medis pasien belum komprehensif . Guna mengantisipasi peningkatan penularan Virus Covid-19, Praktik penggunaan data pribadi pasien diterapkan oleh beberapa negara sesuai prinsip proporsionalitas , necessities dan purposive limitation.