Context and space as the tools to legitimize and produce violence broadening hassan (original) (raw)
Hassan thought the reason of the never-ending clash between East and West is the difference between their varied time perception. Albeit accepting many of Hassan's claims, the author believes the difference between their time perception cannot be the sole reason of the conflict. Examining the conflict through power relations and seeing violence as a tool of it, the study aimed to show how structural violence helps sustaining global, national, local, and domestic economic, social, and cultural inequalities. As far as we know, the legal structures that sustained state-mandated overt discrimination have been dismantled in the West, meaning the equal treatment of all races and religions under the law. However, it is obvious that there are structural obstacles preventing the law from being practiced the way it is intended. Through the concepts 'context' and 'space', the researcher will try to explain how discriminative practices are sustained, produced, legitimized, which pave the way for the conflicts to go on (e.g., East and West).