Factors affecting students' speaking performance in English department of Jawzjan University (original) (raw)
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The Problems in Speaking for English Department Student in STKIP BUDIDAYA – BINJAI
Jurnal Serunai Bahasa Inggris
This paper is purposed to find out the problems in speaking skills for English department student in STKIP Budidaya – Binjai. The speaking skill is the last position to cover up the four skills in English because speaking is the improving your ability to use four skills in English. Speaking needs some stimulation to attract the students speaks their ideas, opinion, or comments about something. The sample of the study is the third students in English department student, it is around 28 students. The data are collected through document by sound recording. The data analyzed by using the technique of analyze data. The result of the study is that it concludes that first question “What is the problem of speaking?” 10 students (35,71%) respond less of confident and 10 students (35,71%) respond less of vocabulary. The second question “How the ways do you practice your speaking skill?” 10 students (35,71%) respond watching movie. The third question “Do you agree that speaking is the most dif...
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English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning
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Journal of Language Testing and Assessment
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Contributing Factors to the Students’ Speaking Ability
Langkawi: Journal of The Association for Arabic and English
The use of English in Indonesia has developed quickly in all of fields. It’s affected by many things in many ways. The need of English has also increased quickly in many parts of indonesians’ life. In order to face its, teaching English at young ages or student seems like the solution. Speaking is one of the skills that should be tough to the student. To get an effective learning, it’s useful to know what are factors contributing to the student speaking development. This research showed that there are some contributing factors to the students’ speaking development. Those factors are: Teacher, Daily Practice, Listening to English Music, Family Support, Watching English Video and Movie, Motivation to Learn, Classroom Environment, Learning Material. Such as a good teacher would provide a good learning. Support of the family would also give an effective outcome for the students development. So, the factors should be known in order to get a better outcome for the students.
The English Teacher Strategies to Enhance Students’ Speaking Performance
Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Education Symposium (AES 2018), 2019
This study uncovers the teaching strategies of an English Teacher at MAN Insan Cendekia Jambi who is empirically proven of being able to enhance his students’ speaking performance. MAN Insan Cendekia Jambi is an Islamic Senior High School which is well-known for its quality from which some students experienced overseas students’ exchange, continued their studies abroad, and regularly walked on podiums on English Competitions both in Sumatra region and national. Researchers conducted a qualitative inquiry by employing indepth interviews, document collections, and non-participatory observations. The data then analyzed through coding, classification, and finding themes. To establish trustworthiness, researchers triangulated the data among participants and techniques of gathering the data. The finding revealed that the English teacher executed some strategies with an aim at enhancing students’ speaking performance in English. Those strategies are being the model of successful English us...
Students' Effort to Improve Speaking Skill
Journal of Asian Studies: Culture, Language, Art and Communications
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