Fedor Sinitsyn. Panchen Lama IX and Mongolia, 1926-1937 (original) (raw)
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This book tells the story of the Mongolian-Tibetan expedition, the last one made in 1923–1926 by the outstanding Russian explorer of Central Asia Petr Kuz’mich Kozlov. Its route went largely through the territory of northern and central Mongolia. Also, the expedition conducted some additional excavation of the ruins of the sand-buried medieval city of Khara-Khoto, in northern China, which had been originally visited and excavated by Kozlov in 1908–1909. The difficult fate of the journey reflected, on the one hand, the complexity of relationship of the expedition staff and its leader with the new Soviet administration, and, on the other hand, the radical change of the methods of exploration of Mongolia. The edition includes photographs as illustrations of the expedition activities.
O. Batsaikhan. Bogd khaan and Baron Ungern in Mongolian history.
Монголын тусгаар тогтнолыг Барон Р.Ф. фон Унгерн-Штернберг сэргээсний 100 жилийн ойд зориулсан "МОНГОЛЫН ТҮҮХЭН ДЭХ БАРОН Р.Ф. ФОН УНГЕРН-ШТЕРНБЕРГ" олон улсын эрдэм шинжилгээний хурлын өгүүллийн эмхэтгэл, УБ. 2021: 23-46, 2021
O. Batsaikhan. Bogd khaan and Baron Ungern in Mongolian history. Abstract. This article investigates the role of Baron R.F. von Ungern-Sternberg in Mongolian history in 1920s. In February 1921, at the head of the Asiatic Cavalry Division, Ungern expelled Chinese troops from Mongolia and restored the monarchic power of the Bogd Khaan. The Bogd Khaan's government was also restored, and a solemn ceremony held on February 22, 1921. These events in Mongolian history have been described differently in past socialist time and at present. Different Mongolian publications on Baron Ungern and his role in the Mongolian history are discussed. The article analyzes also collisions of two main viewpoints from socialist time to the present. It also demonstrates respective contacts between the Bogdo Khaan and Baron Ungern during liberation of Niislel Khuree from Chinese occupation. As a reward for ousting the Chinese from Niislel Khuree, the Bogd Khan granted Ungern the high hereditary title darkhan khoshoi chin wang in the degree of khan, and other privileges. Other officers, lamas and nobles who had participated in these events also received high titles and awards. For seizing Niislel Khuure, Ungern received from Semenov the rank of lieutenant-general.