Reception of norms of international law in the Brazilian Constitutional Experience: Doctrinal Conceptions about Executive Power overlays Between the Empire and the Republic (1824-1988) (original) (raw)
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Revista Eletrônica da Academia Brasileira de Direito Constitucional, 2019
This article argues that the Brazilian constitutional ethos is constructed upon an asymmetrical distribution of powers which, if not addressed, imposes a hindrance to the protection of democracy and the human rights recognised in the constitutional pact. The establishment of the 1988's Constitution in Brazil represented a strong political stance in which the country sought to overcome its democratic deficiencies and human rights violation practices after experiencing an intense military dictatorship. Thus, the constituent assembly was strongly influenced by the liberal perspective of constitutionalism, establishing a system that defined constitutional rights and principles, recognizing their normative force within the legal framework of the state. On the other hand, liberal constitutionalism tends to suppress the political nature of the constitution. How this development impacts the exercise of power in Brazil and the United States? This article proposes to analyse critically how the configuration of the strictly liberal perspective of constitutionalism impacts Brazilian socio-political structure, considering both the tendency of liberal constitutionalism to overshadow the political aspect of the constitution and the specificities of Brazilian distribution of power within the state. Keywords: Comparative Constitutional Law. Brazil. Constitutional History. Liberal Constitutionalism.
Silva Júnior, Airton Ribeiro da, 2018
This essay attempts to understand the profile of Brazilian textbooks on international law published during the Brazilian Empire (1822-1889), in order to comprehend which doctrines and influences can be traceable in the Brazilian legal literature. In this sense, the article focused on the entanglements between Western and Brazilian knowledge, privileging the conception of moderation between cultures rather than unilateral imposition or reproduction - interpretations that eventually prevails on the study of diffusion of knowledge in legal history. The research revealed that all of the three textbooks that had been published during the Imperial political regime (1851, 1867, 1889) shared, in general, the same characteristics: all of them had been written by professors of the Faculty of Recife, they were all prepared to serve as textbooks to the discipline of international law, and the three books followed the Droit des Gens Moderne de l’Europe written by the German jurist Johann Ludwig Klüber. In fact, the very first book of international law published in Brazil, written by Pedro Autran da Matta Albuquerque, is an abridged translation of Klüber’s book. The history of the discipline and the bibliography of international law in nineteenth-century Brazil had been neglected; the present essay modestly attempts to fulfil this gap narrating the diffusion of international law from an extra-European standpoint.
Giornale di Storia Costituzionale, 2020
This study addresses legal debates from the second half of the nineteenth century about the legal responsibility of the moderating power. Through an archaeological analysis of the structure and content of the arguments used, this paper aims to understand the rules that constructed the discursive order within which the debate was developed and which have inspired the complex process of modernization of the Brazilian legal discourse after the independence of the country. We conclude that differences between jurists of the period are not only political or hermeneutical, but also reflect the contrast between two different conceptions of law. The first is a rational-realist notion, which understands law as a set of necessary relationships drawn from the spirit of the constitutional order while the second notion is a legal-formalist one, which understands law as a set of positive norms formalized on the text of the constitution.
Resumo O fenômeno da judicialização da política tem sido objeto de intenso debate na academia nos últimos vinte anos, envolvendo diferentes abordagens que divergem quanto à existência do fenômeno, suas razões e a extensão de seus efeitos. A literatura jurídica sobre o tema discorre sobre suas origens sociológicas (como o desencanto da democracia), políticas (como o enfraquecimento do legislativo) e jurídicas (como o aumento do acesso à justiça e a justiciabilidade dos direitos sociais), enquanto estudos na ciência política dão ênfase em aspectos institucionais, descrevendo a judicialização como resultado das opções estratégicas dos atores envolvidos diante das contingências institucionais existentes. Este artigo se situa na última corrente, tendo como objetivo descrever a construção da variável institucional, isto é, da estrutura político-normativa que dá subsídio ao comportamento dos diversos atores envolvidos. Assim, propõe-se uma revisão da literatura sobre as origens da judicialização da política no Brasil que explicitam o contexto do surgimento do controle de constitucionalidade no modelo institucional norte-americano e sua posterior recepção no desenho constitucional brasileiro. Concluímos que as sucessivas modificações constitucionais levaram ao funcionamento, no Brasil, de um controle de constitucionalidade com tendências centralizadoras (âmbito federativo), com um súbito alargamento no número de legitimados na Constituição de 1988, variável institucional que poderia explicar o incremento no volume e na extensão do controle de constitucionalidade abstrato exercido pelo STF. Palavras-chave: Controle de Constitucionalidade. Supremo Tribunal Federal. Suprema Corte norte-americana. Judicialização da Política. Origens. Abstract The judicialization of politics has been subject of intense academic debate in the last two decades. There are different approaches diverging about its extent, reasons and even about its own existence as phenomenon. Mainstream legal literature describe judicialization as outcome for sociological (e.g. delusion with
Latin American Law Review, 2022
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Journal of Constitucional History, 2020
This article formulates an intellectual history of the 1988 Brazilian Constitution on the occasion of its 30th anniversary, describing the cleavages that accompanied its birth and the political and ideological disputes that marked its existence. The text describes three moments of the political constitutional imaginary. The first concerns the issue of the nature and boundaries of constituent power and, consequently, of the Constituent Assembly model that would be in charge of bringing the authoritarian cycle (1977-1994) to an end. The second refers to the legal and politological debates that took place after the political regime found its routine, which concerned its governance model, i.e. how the political powers – Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary – should relate to each other (1994-2013). Finally, this study dares to provide an explanation for the current constitutional crisis (2013-2018), starting from the clashing thesis of the two models through which the Constitution had been interpreted: that of coalition presidentialism and the judicialization of politics.
SSRN, 2016
Abstract The Brazilian Legal system and its relation with the power in the current Brazilian scenery, and also the use of a posteriori rationality of the judge and the priori instrumentality of the legislator and of the Executive, is the theme of the present study. Its goal is to show a brief historical evolution of the Law and the State, the Power aspects, the forms of State and its acting with the origin of population. The next step is to present the use of Brazilian Legal System as a form of organization, that is, a priori instrumentality and the evolution from Liberal State to Social State, with significant changes in the legal aspects and in its form of acting. Furthermore, we carry on with the world crisis, especially the one of 1929, whose changes imposed by the end of Second World War (the decline of legal positivism) and also the advances which came with the globalization in 1990. Still considering crisis, it is discussed about the 2008 crisis and its consequences, the European crisis with its high costs of a Social State. A parallelism was done between the economy and the Law and besides that, it was drawn a legal scenery after these evolutions. Regarding these relations of power and the crisis of the power tripartism, we also showed that an ascension of Legal Law can be named as the legal protagonist or, for some, legal activism. These role has some reflexes in the Judicial Discretion, in the active management of processes, in the legal inflation of the Legislative and Executive (provisional measures), in the use of process as a strategy of power, in the legalization of politics and in the creation of binding overviews. Some case studies and considerations about justice were showed. This research is justified because the power, the contemporary legal scenery, the judicial role, the economy and the Law, and the forms of acting of the State (Liberal and Social) are current themes in the study of operators and Law scholars. Thus as these inquiries show great influence in the democratic state of Law. Suggested Citation: Fuga, Bruno, The Legal Order and its Relation with the Power and the Economy in the Current Brazilian Scenery, Instrumentality a Priori and Rationality a Posteriori (January 14, 2016). Available at SSRN: or
Em busca do Ethos da Constituição do Brasil
This article intends to identify the Ethos of the Federal Constitution of Brazil, if any. The search will be made in direct dialogue with the work of Alexander Tsesis, Constitutional Ethos (2017). From this perspective ethos represents core maxim of constitutionalism, namely: protection of individual rights for the common good. Despite the idea of ethos has been firmly constructed under the US Constitution reality, that is vastly different from the Brazilian one, so its existence is uncertain in the Brazilian Constitution. In this identification process, a historical perspective is brought up from the Brazilian constitutional texts, tracing a parallel between the Brazilian promulgated constitutions, to then deal specifically with the 1988 Constitution. In this sense, many comparisons are made between the Brazilian and American constitutions, conducting a parallel with the aforementioned work of Professor Alexander Tsesis. Based on a bibliographical research, upon a comparative metho...