The Influence of E-Banking Service Quality, E-Customer Relationship Management, and Experiential Quality Oncustomer Trust, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty in Bank Jatim (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Electronic Finance, 2014
Internet banking is one of the most upcoming phenomena which is helping banking sector's growth in India. With changing patterns of consumer behaviour and the increasing use of technology in the delivery of banking services in India, there is a need to understand consumers' perspective towards service quality of internet banking. The objective of this paper is to identify features that determine the service quality perception by internet banking consumers in India. Furthermore, study analyses the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction and additionally customer satisfaction on consumer loyalty towards the bank. Data was analysed with SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used as main analytical tool to analyse the cause and effect relation of the research model constructs.
The Effect of E-Banking Service Quality on Customers Satisfaction and Loyalty
Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 2020
The objective of this study was to examine the direct effect of e-banking service quality dimensions on both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) in Bahir Dar. Quantitative research approach with explanatory research design was employed. Using convenience sampling technique, the data was gathered through already tested questionnaire from 380 E-banking service users of Commercial Banks of Ethiopia as respondents, in Bahir Dar Town. Seven service quality dimensions; efficiency, reliability, responsiveness, easiness, product portfolio, privacy and cost, derived from the SERVQUAL model with support of literature review were selected as forecasters of customer satisfaction and loyalty in E-banking. Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used to analyze data. Research findings indicated significant impact of efficiency, responsiveness, easiness, privacy and Commission on Satisfaction and the significant impact...
The International Journal of Business and Management, 2021
The midst of increasingly advanced business competition, the banking industry sector continues to play a role in community economic activities. Service quality is an important concern for banking companies to maintain their brand image so that customers continue to trust the services provided by banks. The role of banking is required to always have the best innovation, in the current era, the banking sector also plays an important role in economic development efforts with the ease of transactions and is supported by technological advances. However, banking as a business that is trusted by the public is required to professionally provide the best service, strategic marketing, to the principle of prudence. Thus, service quality, trust and satisfaction are very important factors in determining customer loyalty, so that every bank needs to provide innovative service improvements in accordance with current developments in information technology. On the other hand, the Covid-19 pandemic, which is a non-natural disaster, has become one of the factors from the external environment that has caused an economic shock, affecting the economy as individuals, home industries, micro and small companies; medium and large, even affecting the country's economy with a scale of local, national and even global coverage. The Covid-19 pandemic has also had an impact on decreasing conventional (offline) business activities, but it can boost innovative business activities based on online platforms. This Covid-19 pandemic situation makes entrepreneurs and individuals need to take advantage of the momentum of Covid-19 as a step to adjust quickly by conducting business transactions online, so that internet banking services are the right solution to support transactional activities. With this pandemic, the development of technology and information in the banking industry, especially in ebanking facility services (SMS banking, phone banking, internet banking, and mobile banking), constitutes various forms of development of digital banking services that are able to make it easier for customers to choose services. Transactions required. Julius (2011) states that electronic banking (e-banking) is a banking service that combines information systems and technology. E-banking includes ATM, phone banking, mobile banking, SMS banking and internet banking. On the other hand, based on data from the Financial Services Authority (OJK), transactions carried out through electronic banking each year have experienced a significant growth in several banks, this is evidenced by data from 13 large banks in Indonesia that have a frequency of transactions via e-banking in 2012. as much as 3.79 billion and with a nominal value of Rp.4,441 trillion, then in 2013 there were as many as 4.73 billion with a nominal value of Rp. 5,495 trillion, while in 2014 each increased to 5.69 billion with a nominal value of Rp. 6,447 trillion. This growth has the potential to increase in line with the trend of bank services towards digital banking.
The Effect of Service Quality to Customer of Loyalty Using Self-Service Technology: Internet Banking
KnE Social Sciences, 2019
Inthe21stcenturytheuseofinternetbankingisnolongeranoption,butisacustomer need. Internet banking research has been carried out in developed countries. This research was conducted in developing countries, Indonesia. This research aims to test the impact of service quality on internet banking towards customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. There are six independent variables studied, namely ease of use, fulfillment, security and privacy, responsiveness, reliability and convenience. This research use quantitative approach with Structural Equation Model (SEM) method. This research use 162 samples who use internet banking for Indonesia banks. The result showthatamongthe6dimensionofinternetbankingquality3dimensionhavepositive significant impact. They are ease of use, fulfillment, and security and privacy. In other side 3 other dimensions are responsiveness, reliability, and convenience have found to be not significant affect the customer satisfaction. In addition customer satisfaction has ...
This research aims to test the impact of service quality on internet banking towards customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. This research use quantitative approach with Structural Equation Model (SEM) method. This research use 162 samples who use internet banking. The result show that among the 6 dimension of internet banking quality 3 dimension have positive significant impact. They are ease of use, fulfillment, and security and privacy. In other side 3 other dimensions are responsiveness, reliability, and convenience have found to be not significant affect the customer satisfaction. In addition customer satisfaction has positive significant toward customer loyalty.