Soil Amelioration Treatments for Urban and Community Landscape Sites

Plant establishment and growth is the beauty of urban and community landscape sites; but compacted soil is a frequently encountered problem on such sites. Numerous site amelioration methods and planting techniques have been employed to counteract the harmful effects of soil compaction on such sites. No doubt, compaction restricts woody plant growth, but the nature and causes of the restriction are not completely understood. Consequently, techniques to improve compacted soil condition for landscape trees cannot be prescribed with confidence. Therefore from the perspective of woody plant establishment, this paper presents a review of soil compaction and its amelioration. Introduction Woody plant establishment are the beauty of urban and community landscape sites. Unfortunately, growing trees successfully in the modern urban environment is extremely problematic. Mostly, the trees do not survive the first two years and the average street tree life span in city neighbourhoods has been es...


Plant establishment and growth is the beauty of urban and community landscape sites; but compacted soil is a frequently encountered problem on such sites. Numerous site amelioration methods and planting techniques have been employed to counteract the harmful effects of soil compaction on such sites. No doubt, compaction restricts woody plant growth, but the nature and causes of the restriction are not completely understood. Consequently, techniques to improve compacted soil condition for landscape trees cannot be prescribed with confidence. Therefore from the perspective of woody plant establishment, this paper presents a review of soil compaction and its amelioration.


The article examines the features of woody plant species, their adaptation to the action of stress abiotic factors. The urban environment has a negative impact on the living conditions of plants, which is noted for their phytomeliorative and decorative role. Such conditions, although they do not cause massive visual damage, but speed up and shorten the life cycle, cause premature weakening, aging and loss of species phytodiversity of planting. The paper investigates the stability of woody species in an urbanized ecosystem on the example of the city of Zhytomyr. The authors study the environmental and phytomeliorative role of plantings in the conditions of technogenic load, in particular, road pollution. The main types of woody plants that predominate in the city's plantings are established. Plants of the Tilia L. genus prevailed within species diversity; their representatives are effective woody species in terms of resistance to gas and dust emissions, SO 2 absorption, and dust absorption. However, the aesthetic appearance of Linden trees is worsened due to an increase in phytopathological load on the general condition and vital activity of plants owing to incorrect tree pruning. It is shown that in conditions of deep anti-aging pruning, the resistance of plants to the main anthropogenic pollutants decreases, while the number of plants affected by diseases and pests increases. It was found that in urban plantations, the effectiveness of the use of the studied plant species increases with plant age raising and with the use of sanitary trimming. The studied plant species are sensitive to anthropogenic load, therefore, they are effective as indicators of the state of the environment. Creation of protective plantings is most expedient on the basis of studying of ecological plasticity of species of woody plants. The research results allow us to reveal new aspects of the use of woody plant species in urban landscaping.

The Important of Vegetation in Urban Area – An Introduction


Flash flood, Urban Heat Island (UHI), air and noise pollution among the problems faced by urban community nowadays. This environment condition affected their health and lifestyle, which make many of them started to concern about living in healthy environment. Due to rapid urbanization; increasing numbers of skyscrapers and hardscape rather than softscape, demands of urban green space in urban area increasing. Studies proves that by increasing vegetation in urban area could help in reducing UHI, provide better environment and improve air quality as well as creating better ecosystem in urban area. This paper summarize the importance of vegetation in urban area and how its work in creating better environment. Keywords: Urban vegetation, vegetation advantages, urban problem

Nature-Based Solutions for the Sustainable Management of Urban Soils and Quality of Life Improvements


The rehabilitation and restoration of land-based ecosystems is a key strategy for recovering the services (goods and resources) ecosystems offer to humankind. The use of nature-based solutions (NBSs) to restore degraded soil functions and improve soil quality can be a sustainable and successful strategy to enhance their ecosystem services by working together with the forces of nature and using well-designed measures that require less maintenance, are more cost-effective, and if constructed in the right way may even be more effective over long periods because nature’s forces can increase the structural efficiency. In this study, we aimed to (i) evaluate the bioremediation capacity of some grasses and their suitability for lawn planting in settlements (in residential and non-residential areas, along roads, etc.) and (ii) propose technological solutions for their practical application in an urban environment. Emphasis was placed on the potential of some perennial grasses and their appl...

Importance of Vegetation in Urban Environment

As we generally know that plants and vegetations are very useful for variety of way to human life. It is also useful for maintaining the environmental balance. But in modern times when the rate of urbanization is phenomenal mainly in developing countries the adverse effect of city life are clearly noticed. Very few cities are well planned; otherwise most of urban areas are crowded, polluted and compact. Many experts, planners recommend the green belts and green areas in cities. City life is full of tension. It affects mental health through the influence of the increase stressors and factors such as overcrowded and polluted environment, high levels of violence, and reduced social support. Plants, woodland, lawns are reported as the most desired environment for relaxing and recovering from stress and sustain mental efforts.


Earth is a terrain that encompasses all the factors and resources. Particularly, the contribution of agricultural land for human living and well-being has been enormous. But recently, the land is heavily affected by human induced environmental transformation and Industrial revolution, globalization, expansion of population and technologies. The fastest growing environmental degradation is, forests and crop lands have been converted to plotted lands for the purpose to establish building habitats and industries. Global demand for the products of the land is likely to continue growing in the future due to increasing population and the urbanization of the city. Urbanization means unavoidable expansion of cities occupying cultivated land. In India, year 1900, only 14% of the population was migrated to urban areas, it is expected to be 53% in 2050.In 2020, Indian population reached 1,341.0 million (CEIC data). Therefore, population growth and urbanization are destroying land mother. It is a socioeconomic change which is created by the concentration of population and by the industrial development in urban areas. However, on one hand, urbanization leads to environmental degradation and other side helps to improve our national economy. The highlighting environment problem in all over the world is air pollution, contamination of water and land. The rate of CO 2 emission increasing temperature on the earth at fast rate. It was411.85ppm in 2019 and year beginning of 2020 reached 412.96ppm.The main source of air pollution by the anthropogenic activates of energy generation, industries and transportation that use large amount of energy sources. Another demonstrable impact on urban area are hydrological pollutant. Increasing thermal properties and other particulate matter from urban areas affects the natural rain fall. One of the primary environmental problem is waste generation in land due to decomposition of huge amount of waste material into frequent accumulation of nutrient chemicals. Urbanization is an expanded landscape that includes urban forest and urban greening. Which are associated with sustainable urban development. The urban greening and forestry improve the quality of life through reducing pollution, improving physical activity, recreational and aesthetic value of urban area. Trees plays an important role in urban environment. It absorbs 70-90% of radiation in summer and 20-90% in winter. Shaded trees reduce maximum surface temperature by 11 o C to 25 o C. The tree canopies reduce CO 2 emission by cooling energy. It reduced by roughly 1.5-5%(EPA,2008). Gill et al., (2007) reported that10 % green cover (grass and shrubs) can keep the surface temperature below even under the high CO 2 emissions. It reduced 7% of runoff and reduce the need for erosion control (HAUFC, 1986).Soil is an essential storage nutrient unit for trees growth, which is contaminated by human activities. Hence, good soil promotes good

Soil and Vegetation Analysis of Selected Roadside Greenbelts in Rawalpindi City, Pakistan

Roadside urban greenbelts play an important role in increasing urban aesthetic, comport, and atmospheric qualities. This significant role of plants in urban roadside greenbelts cannot be denied. Therefore, a strong research is required to carve out the role of plants in both qualitative and quantitative terms for sustainable planning and management of urban areas. Unfortunately, Pakistan lags behind in such kind of research from other countries. The documentation of the planning of urban greenbelts is inaccessible and no proper reporting is available. In view of these facts, an attempt was done to assess three roadside greenbelts in Rawalpindi city in terms of their plants, their community formation and association with environmental parameters. The analysis through ordination techniques showed 2 major groups in each greenbelt with a significant association with EC, saturation, P, Zn, Cu and Mn. Few species showed affirmative response towards the environmental variables. The study provided base line data and information of plant communities. But it strongly emphasizes need of the comprehensive research on each of the multiple roles played by plants in such localities for the effective, sustainable planning and management.