Challenges of Muslims in 21st Century Society Sfidat e myslimanëve në shoqërinë e shekullit XXI Tiranë, 5 prill, 2018 (original) (raw)
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Optime, 2021
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Revista Avokatia nr 39 2021, 2021
This paper addresses some elements of the process of amending the Constitution. The Constitution itself has provided a special procedure for constitutional amendments and if we look at the history of all the changes that our Constitution has undergone during these almost 24 years of its life, this procedure has failed to guarantee its stoutness. There are always ideological objections to constitutional amendments, compared to other legislative changes to ordinary legislation. This paper brings the argument that despite various important starting points we must be careful when seeking constitutional changes. A constitution that does protect itself from incoherent changes, based on the supremacy of constitutional judicial interpretation by the Constitutional Court, is in particular tension with the components of democratic constitutionalism.
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Micro, Macro & Mezzo Geoinformation, 2014
In this paper we will analyze the current situation of the settlements in the municipality of Kaçanik, which aims controlled development and rational use of lands, and this can be achieved by increasing the density of housing, filling gaps within built-up areas. This would affect the efficient development of infrastructure, as well as easier access to inhabitants in this system. Compact development of settlements will contribute to the preservation of agricultural land, while in the other hand; settlements will be transformed into attractive and functional areas for the population. To achieve these goals we must take into account the following elements: the density of population, demographic projections and processes, existing constructed surfaces, land categories.