The European Dimension of the Czech Foreign Policy: Ambivalent Position of the Reluctant European

Czech Foreign Policy in 2017: Analysis, 2018

In 2017, the Czech European policy faced a number of challenges related to the great events of previous years (the migration crisis, Brexit, security policy, Eurozone reform) as well as the ongoing reflection process of the EU. Above all, the Czech approach was a typical example of reactive behaviour, and characteristic of responding to external stimuli coming from EU. There were also partial topics about which proactive assertions were made by the Czech Republic. The polarisation between the individual actors of foreign policy was low, though with some exceptions pertaining to the President of the Republic. In contrast, as regards politicisation, the European agenda was an example of a highly politicised area, which was crucially reflected also in domestic policy. The coherence of the Czech European policy can be referred to as problematic, as the Czech Republic was not able to make a substantial move in its main conceptual priorities, but only in partial areas. Finally, the predominantly critical tone of the Czech discussion on the EU had contributed to the Czech Republic's very low trust in the Union's policy, posing a threat to the fulfilment of the key goals of the Czech foreign policy.

The Diplomatic Rapprochement between Turkey and Egypt: Implications and Recommendations for the Czech Presidency of the EU (with C. Steuer and S. Arda)

IIR Policy Paper, 2022

The recent rapprochement between Turkey and Egypt could be the key to the stabilization of the situation in Libya, which is crucial for downgrading the Russian diplomatic and military expansion in the EU’s southern neighborhood, and for reducing the EU’s dependence on Russian energy. It could also be an opportunity to alleviate the refugee problem in the EU’s southern neighborhood at a time when the EU is challenged by the influx of millions of Ukrainian refugees into its borders. The Czech presidency of the EU can play an important role in this respect and contribute to the EU’s support of constructive relations between Turkey and Egypt within this evolving environment.

The Diplomatic Rapprochement Between Turkey and Egypt: Implications and Recommendations for the Czech Presidency of the EU


The recent rapprochement between Turkey and Egypt could be the key to the stabilization of the situation in Libya, which is crucial for downgrading the Russian diplomatic and military expansion in the EU’s southern neighborhood, and for reducing the EU’s dependence on Russian energy. It could also be an opportunity to alleviate the refugee problem in the EU’s southern neighborhood at a time when the EU is challenged by the influx of millions of Ukrainian refugees into its borders. The Czech presidency of the EU can play an important role in this respect and contribute to the EU’s support of constructive relations between Turkey and Egypt within this evolving environment.

Agenda for Czech Foreign Policy 2020

Agenda for Czech Foreign Policy 2020, 2020

Czech foreign policy has long been one of the main areas of interest of the Association for International Affairs (AMO). This year you can read what is already the fourteenth edition of the Agenda for Czech Foreign Policy (first published in 2007). The annual publication of the Association for International Affairs (AMO) traditionally aims to analyse and evaluate the Czech Republic’s foreign policy in the past twelve months from an expert and normative point of view and to provide its creators and actors with feedback and recommendations for its future direction. However, the publication is not only intended for them – as a comprehensive overview of foreign policy events in the past year; it can also be a valuable resource for members of the expert community, journalists, students of international relations and interested members of the general public. It is evident that the near-term future of international relations will be fundamentally affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which naturally frames many chapters in this year’s edition of the Agenda. Structure of the publication has undergone several changes compared to last year. It still contains chapters dedicated to specific regions of the world and the Czech foreign policy actions in them. This year, we decided to include a chapter on Czech policy in Africa. In addition, this time the Agenda also includes thematically focused parts. In them, we want to draw attention to issues that we consider important for Czech foreign policy: the upcoming Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU, EU enlargement and the Czech Republic’s climate policy. The introductory chapter provides a general overview of the current situation in international politics and the role of the Czech Republic within it.

Coping with U.S. and EU's challenges? Strategic confusion in the Czech foreign and security policy

Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 2013

This article traces developments in the Czech political elite’s thinking about structural changes that the region and the country have experienced during the last several years. It is argued that two parallel, external structural constraints have significantly shaped decisions of the Czech political elite as the country has, once again, proven to be an ostensibly “reactive state”. These structural constraints have been the ongoing U.S. recalibration of its grand strategy as well as the financial crisis with a systemic challenge to the European political project in which fiscal and monetary issues have largely replaced previous criticism of the Constitutional Treaty and then the Reform Treaty. It is argued that these developments have posed a notable problem for two predominant ideological convictions present in the Czech political thinking – Atlantism and Europeanism, as neither of them has offered readily answers to deal with such a challenge. As will be shown, this mutually reinfo...

Making Use of a Window of Opportunity: The Czech Presidencyʼs Performance in Foreign and Security Policy

Czech Journal of International Relations

This article assesses the achievements of the Czech presidency of the Council of the EU regarding foreign and security policy in the second half of 2022, while taking into account the external context provided by the Russian war in Ukraine, national conditions in which the presidency was conducted, and issue-specific characteristics related to EU foreign and security policy. It discusses where the Czech presidency has managed to contribute to progress, such as the implementation of the Strategic Compass and the reinvigoration of the enlargement process, as well as pointing out shortcomings where it failed to deliver results. Overall, the article argues that by skilfully setting and scheduling the agenda and staying on top of the key policy dossiers, Prague successfully leveraged the window of opportunity triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine to push tangible progress within security and defence issues forward.

Changing Dynamics of Turkish Foreign Policy and the European Union

Turkey’s negotiations for accession to the European Union are going through a difficult period while Turkish foreign policy is in the midst of a rapid change with active involvement in adjacent regions such as the Middle East. As long as Turkey defends norms such as peace and democracy, which are compatible with EU values, the active policy of engagement may contribute to an expansion of the zone of stability and security outside of the EU. Turkey may become a competent carrier and transmitter of such norms and values. However, Turkey needs also to clearly define its priorities in its foreign policy, and achieve a credible balance between its commitments and capabilities.

The Czech Republic’s Democracy Promotion Policies and Priorities


Media and access to information-support for independent media that ensure access to information, allow for democratic debate in society and ensure an informed decision-making process in matters of public interest, including decisions in elections. Rule of law and good, democratic governance-support of the interaction between state administration and civil society in order to strengthen democracy, transparency and to safeguard the rights of citizens. Electoral processes-support for democratic elections, participation in its observation and evaluation in the form of transition promotion projects or through participation in external policy and actions of both the EU and international organisations (e.g., OSCE), including participation in election observation missions. Equality and non-discrimination-assistance in overcoming the historical, social, cultural, religious and ideological barriers to equality, such as those leading to the low participation of women in the decision-making processes and public life, especially in politics. Czech transition policy tools The Czech Republic implements its transition policy goals through a standard set of foreign policy activities in international organisations, bilateral relations, and the involvement of the Czech Republic in the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy. These instruments are supplemented by direct support to organisations or individuals that are working in the area of democratisation and human rights promotion.