Všechny cesty vedou z Prahy. O knize M. D. Gordina Einstein v Čechách. (original) (raw)
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„Da steht Präsident T. G. Masaryk“ neboli Richard Meszleny/Messer a jeho masarykovské reflexe
Slovo a smysl, 2019
SYNOPSIS "Da steht Präsident T. G. Masaryk", or Richard Meszleny/Messer and His Masarykian Reflections The philologist and art critic Richard Meszleny/Messer (1881-1962) showed his familiarity with Masaryk's work for the first time (as far as we know) at the end of 1919 in connection with his interpretation of Rilke. He later mentions Masaryk as one of the key figures representing the heights of Czech culture in the September 1924 issue of the magazine Die Wahrheit, and in the following years he would repeatedly return to artistic portraits of Masaryk as the basis for interpreting his personality.
Evoluce v Hrdličkově muzeu člověka
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Comments on the Origin of the Stations of the Cross Made by Dušan Jurkovič on Mount Hostýn and the Problems of Their Renewal The new Stations of the Cross was the only implementation of Jurkovič's grandiose architectural and urban concept of the entire pilgrimage area on the top of Mount Hostýn in 1903; however, it did not completely adhere to Jurkovič's design and it was not supervised by him. This study summarises a number of yet unpublished facts that occurred during the construction and that were discovered during the expert supervision of the restoration of Köhler's mosaic paintings installed on this Station of the Cross which began in 2009 and is still in progress. Although only a fragment remained of Jurkovič's idea, it is an exceptional undertaking that is beyond any structures of this kind which have been built in the Czech lands.
Od fenomenologů dále, k řeči blíže Nad novou knihou Tomáše Koblížka
Svět literatury
The text is a review study of Tomáš Koblížek's book. After an introductory summary of the book, we discuss three main issues: 1) the simplistic conception of Edmund Husserl's "phenomenology of speech", 2) the insufficient analysis of basic concepts, especially language as "expression", 3) the adoption and emphasis of the disjunctive conception of two ways of seeing speech-original and scientific-in the wake of H. Pos. We argue that it is the third issue in particular that undermines the final section of the book, which introduces the conceptual dimension of speech. In Koblížek's conception, the theorization of ethics becomes possible only by returning to an "originary" consciousness of language and is incompatible with a scientific stance. We suggest that, in our view, the contradiction is not so strong and a merger of the two is-even in the spirit of the "Saussurean postulates"-possible.
Centrum versus periferie : moravská kritika v českém literárním poli
Bohemica litteraria, 2019
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Prostor "před nádražím"v Brně - perspektiva chodce
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