Neoclassical geopolitics: Preliminary theoretical principles and methodological guidelines (original) (raw)
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Coleção Meira Mattos, 2020
The term geopolitics became stigmatized after the end of World War II, and this occurred since this science was the theoretical basis used to justify the expansionist actions undertaken by Nazi Germany. But the importance of geopolitics has progressively rescued it from prejudices, which is easily measured today, particularly by the constant presence of the word in the speeches of the world's leading statesmen. It is observed, however, that the research work carried out in the field of the geopolitical theory ends up restricted to the main lines of classical and contemporary thought, without going into more detail on the theoretical basis related to the other sciences that are interwoven with geopolitics, and which constantly dialogue with it. This study seeks to present a more comprehensive bibliographic review, addressing also theoretical concepts of various sciences, and which are on interest of geopolitics. In this way, the author intends to contribute with some conclusions aimed at a greater awareness about the multidisciplinary character of geopolitics and, eventually, inspire the development of new academic works in this area. Resumen: El término Geopolítica se estigmatizó después del fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y esto ocurrió desde que esta ciencia fue la base teórica utilizada para justificar las acciones expansionistas emprendidas por la Alemania Nazi. Pero la importancia de la geopolítica la ha rescatado progresivamente de los prejuicios, que hoy se miden fácilmente, sobre todo por la presencia constante de la palabra en los discursos de los principales estadistas del mundo. Se observa, sin embargo, que el trabajo de investigación realizado en el campo de la teoría geopolítica termina restringiéndose a las líneas principales del pensamiento clásico y contemporáneo, sin entrar en más detalles sobre la base teórica relacionada con las otras Ciencias que están entrelazadas con la geopolítica y que dialogan constantemente con ella. Este estudio busca presentar una revisión bibliográfica más completa, abordando también conceptos teóricos de varias Ciencias y que están relacionados con el interés de la Geopolítica. De esta manera, el autor pretende contribuir con algunas conclusiones dirigidas a crear una mayor conciencia sobre el carácter multidisciplinar de la Geopolítica y, finalmente, inspirar el desarrollo de nuevas obras académicas en esta área.
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Geopolitics has been an excessively used term since Rudolph Kjellen first coined it in 1899.1 In one sense, the term “geopolitics” came close to losing its credibility because of overuse and also its association with the intellectual apparatus of Nazi expansionism in the 1930s and 1940s. Nevertheless, it is still a useful term to explain, describe or analyse specific perspectives of world affairs. Especially along with the emergence of Critical Geopolitics after the 1990s, the concept “Geopolitics” has started to get attention. To make the concept more understandable, the following taxonomy of Classical Geopolitics, which is more state-centric, and Critical Geopolitics, which focuses on space, identity, vision and statecraft, is used.
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European vector of development of the modern scientific researches, 2021
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Systemic Geopolitical Analysis and Structural Realism: Parallel Routes and Common Challenges"
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Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Defesa, 2019
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The History of Geopolitical Thought: A Selected Review
Often unconsiously, strategists and statesmen all rely upon various geopolitical assumptions aboutthe world when developing theories or making long range plans. Though few today bother to tnvestigate its intellectual roots, the field of modern geopolitical study can be traced back almost a full century, Before exploring the history of geopolitical thought it will be useful to briefly explain a few of the tools and objectives of geopolitical theory. When used properly, geopolitical theory does not assign geography a strictly causal role in determining international. political change, Instead, geopolitical theorists seek to understand how relatively permanent geographical features of the globe condition or cQnstrain the impact of ever changing technological factors and political configurations on relations of power among states.1 The affect of geography on international politics can be conceptualized in terms of three primary factors: resource distribution, location, and movement or mobility,2, The resources available to a given state will affect its relative power potential. Factors such as climate, terrain, soil fertility, and extent of natural resources, etc. help determine whether a nation can sustain the sinews of modern industrial and military power, Location largely determines a state 9 s vulnerability to invasion and, conversely, its ability to project power outward. Location encompasses factors such as defensibility of borders, geographical relationship to surrounding states, and accessibility to rivers and oceans, These geographical limitations will bear on crucial strategic decisions including choice of allies, the size and character of a nation's armed forces, etc, On a global scale, the impact of geography on strategic interaction can largely be conceptualized in terms of movement or mobility. Geo
Geopolitics and political science : the controversies
DEFINITION OF THE TERM: the concept of geopolitics is both poorly defined and contentious. there are two main trends in defining this area of knowledge: one treats geopolitics as the science of spatial determinants of political processes, while the other treats geopolitics as a political theory that enables a state to formulate and justify its political objectives. HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF THE TERM: starting from the enlightenment, the article presents the main intellectual processes that took place at the intersection of geography, history, and the political sciences and led to the formulation of complete geopolitical theories by F. ratzel and r. Kjellén at the turn of the 20 th century; these theories were further developed by theoreticians such as H.J. Mackinder and K. Haushofer. DISCUSSION OF THE TERM: A key issue in geopolitics is the tension between the political and scientific components that are embodied in this concept. the experience of world war II resulted in a move away from traditionally understood geopolitics, and this area of knowledge was often developed in related fields, such as political geography or geostrategy. SYSTEMATIC REFLECTION WITH CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: this article outlines the historical development of the concept of geopolitics and the most crucial yet still unresolved problems with its definition. However, it should be remembered that geopolitics, as
The neoclassical realist approach considers systemic stimuli (independent), and leader images, strategic culture, state-society relations, and domestic institutions (intervening) as the variables of an explanatory model of foreign policy and international outcomes (dependent variable). The purpose of the paper is then threefold: (i) conceptual-because it deals with definition of terms and their differentiation, (ii) theoretical-since the paper intends to review the neoclassical realist approach and merge it with geopolitical studies trying to forge a joint approach, and (iii) methodological-as it provides methodological guidelines about the new framework. Therefore, the paper brings the innovation of including insights of the neoclassical realist intervening variables into the geopolitical studies' framework for a more accurate and enhanced scope of geopolitical analysis in the future.