Meluruskan Pro-Kontra Konsep Wisata Halal (original) (raw)

Isu, Konsep, dan Implementasi Bisnis Wisata Halal

Membangun Peradaban Berbasis Pariwisata, 2020

Wisata ramah muslim menjad keniscayaan untuk diimplementasikan dikarenakan sejalan dengan program pemerintah yang akan menjadikan Indonesia sebagai pusat keungan dan ekonomi syariah

Konsep Pengaturan Pariwisata Halal DI Aceh

Ius Civile: Refleksi Penegakan Hukum dan Keadilan

Halal tourism is a tourism that in its implementation fulfill the provisions of Islamic law. In the implementation of halal tourism, a special regulation is needed so that the implementation can be guaranteed as expected. The purpose of this research was to examine the substance of Qanun Aceh Number 8 of 2013 concerning Tourism, whether it contains elements of halal tourism or not and how far the regulation is. Then, it will be reviewed the concept of halal tourism regulation that are ideally applied in Aceh Province. The research method used is normative juridical research method. The results showed that explicitly there is no term halal tourism in Qanun Aceh Number 8 of 2013 concerning Tourism, but in substance there are some provisions that contain the values of halal tourism, among others the function of tourism, the direction of research and development of tourism in Aceh, tourism business, values that must be considered in the business of objects and tourist attractions, oblig...

Strategi Pemasaran Wisata Halal

Mutawasith: Jurnal Hukum Islam

Halal tourism is one form of culture-based tourism that prioritizes Islamic values ​​and Sharia and of course the ending that is expected is the emergence of superior moral personality as its basic foundation. As a new concept in the tourism industry, of course, sharia tourism requires further development and a more comprehensive understanding of the collaboration of Islamic values ​​that are cooled in halal tourism activities. With the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia is one of the largest Halal tourism industry markets in the world and this should be realized by tourism businesses in Indonesia, this is because the development of sustainable Halal tourism will be able to provide a significant economic contribution to all actors involved in it. Online information is currently the main influence in consumer decision making (in this case tourism service users) in almost all major markets, therefore e-marketing is expected to make the pathway as the right product marke...

Dilema Kebijakan Wisata Halal DI Pulau Lombok

Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif, 2020

The study aims to explore the policy of halal tourism as an instrument for regional development on the island of Lombok. The main problem of halal tourism policy, in addition to the inadequacy of the legal basis for tourism, is an unclear institutional position of halal tourism. This creates a further question on how to manage halal tourism to maximize its contributions. By using policy theory and a qualitative-interpretative approach, this study finds that halal tourism policy is a strategic policy in supporting the regional economy, as well as being able to accelerate sustainable regional development. However, at a practical level, halal tourism as a policy still experiences various obstacles and challenges. In principle, halal tourism is a universal service product because it can be used by all people, including non-Muslim tourists, but on the island of Lombok, it has not been well understood by all stakeholders. As a strategic policy, the halal tourism policy is a multi-sector a...

Wisata halal dan Impilkasi Terhadap Masyarakat

2018, 2019

Wisata Halal adalah bagian dari pariwisata yang ditujukan kepada keluarga Muslim yang mematuhi atau sesuai syari’ah Islam. Hotel yang menjadi tujuan menginap biasanya tidak boleh menyajikan alkohol dan memiliki fasilitas spa dan kolam renang yang terpisah untuk pria dan wanita. Malaysia, Turki, Thailand, Jepang dan Korea selatan adalah negara yang mencoba untuk menarik wisatawan Muslim dari seluruh dunia yang menawarkan fasilitas sesuai dengan kepercayaan agama dari wisatawan Muslim. Saat ini, ada ada standar yang diakui secara internasional pada pariwisata Halal.

Konsep Bisnis Wisata Halal Dalam Meningkatkan Perekonomian DI Indonesia

Jurnal Mahasiswa Akuntansi Samudra

This study's purpose is to explain the concept of halal tourism and its potential for future development. Because the concept of halal has now developed into the lifestyle of most of the population in Indonesia. The findings show that the tourism industry makes a major contribution to improving the welfare of a country or region as a whole. It is impossible to separate the actions and economic players engaged in tourism from the tourism industry as a whole since tourism is an economic activity.. These actors include community actors acting as customers, company actors acting as service providers, and the state as the regulator. According to the research results, the management of the halal sector must include halal components, both substances and methods of obtaining and processing them. A halal industrial area must have all these elements, including a halal management team, halal facilities and infrastructure, and halal allocation of all industrial plots. Islamic economic ideas...

Pariwisata Halal : Perlukah Rekonseptualisasi?


The purpose of this study was to understand perceptions and attitudes of tourism communities towards halal tourism terminology and the development of tourism based on local wisdom. This research adopted qualitative research and was conducted in Lombok. Data was collected in three main tourist destinations including Kuta, Senggigi and Gili Trawangan, therough in-depth interviews and observations, and was analysed using content analysis. The results indicate that tourism businessmen and foreign tourists have a good perception towards the concept of halal tourism and support the development of tourism based on local wisdom. Yet, both informant groups have different opinion towards the use of “halal tourism” as a terminology to promote halal tourism products. Therefore, a systematic socialization on halal tourism is needed to develop consensus among all tourism stakeholders.Keywords: Halal Tourism, Perception, Local Wisdom, Consensus, tourism communities