Brylov D. (2020). "On the Way to Mecca: Odessa as an Imperial Center of Muslim Pilgrimage." Islamology, 1(10): 130-143 [In Russian] (original) (raw)
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The article shows that the emergence and development of the Muslim community in Odessa in the pre–revolutionary period. It is shown that the Muslims of Odessa had their own mosque, the Muslim cemetery and were organizationally part of the Orenburg Mohammedan spiritual assembly. The main factors of the growth of the Muslim community were: 1) the status of a zone of duty–free trade (porto–franco), which attracted Tatar merchants; 2) the status of the main transit center of the Russian Empire for Muslim pilgrims going to Hajj. It is established that another in uential group of Odessa Muslims before the Revolution were Muslim students who studied at Novorossiysk (Odessa) University. Keywords: Islam in Ukraine, Muslims of Odessa, Russian Empire.
The article is devoted to the state policy in the Ukrainian SSR in relation to the Muslims in the post-war period. The study is based on the materials of the archive of the Assignee of the Council for the Affairs of Religious Cults under the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the Ukrainian SSR. A number of documents was introduced for scientific use for the first time. It was revealed that before the beginning of the 50's in the Ukrainian SSR there were Muslim communities, including registered, and even after their liquidation, the religious life of the Ukrainian Muslims continued. It was demonstrated that the main centers of Ukrainian Islam were Kiev, Kharkov and Donbass, where the largest diasporas of Volga Muslim Tatars were located. Key words: Islam in Ukraine, the Council for the Affairs of Religious Cults under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, state-confessional policy. Анотація Стаття присвячена державній політиці в Українській РСР щодо мусульман в післявоєнний період. Дослідження спирається на матеріали архіву Уповноваженного Ради у справах релігійних культів при Раді міністрів СРСР по УРСР, деякі документи вперше вводяться до наукового обігу. З’ясовано, що до початку 50-х рр. зареєстровані мусульманські громади існували, і, навіть після їх ліквідації, релігійне життя українських мусульман тривало. Продемонстровано, що головними центрами українського мусульманства були Київ, Харків та Донбас, де знаходились найбільші діаспори поволзьких татар-мусульман. Ключові слова: іслам в Україні, Рада в справах релігійних культів при Раді міністрів СРСР, державно-конфесійна політика.
Brylov D. (2017). "Institutionalization of the Muslim Community of Ukraine: Spiritual Administration of Muslims in Ukraine", Naukovyi chasopys NPU Dragomanova, 38(51): 106-114.
The article is devoted to the problem of institutionalization of the Muslim community of Ukraine on the example of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Ukraine (DUMU – Dukhovne upravlinnia musul′man Ukraїny). It was shown that the formation of governance represented the legitimization of unregistered Muslim communities that existed from the Soviet era. At the same time, it was a form of legitimation in the Ukraine of the transnational Sufi network of al-Ahbash. As a result of the expressed ideological component in the activity of the DUMU, the main areas of its activity were publishing and educational activities. Keywords: DUMU, Islam in Ukraine, spiritual governance, al-Ahbash
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology, 2021
For the first time in Russian historiography, a Russian-language translation from Turkish (literary version of Ottoman) of a manuscript of an article by the Samara imam Mukhammet-Fatykh Murtazin (18751938), sent to the religious and educational journal Asri Musulmanliq (Modern Islam, published in Simferopol in 19241927) editorial board of the People's Administration of Religious Affairs of Muslims of Crimea (NURDMK). The article entitled Islam and Civilization was planned for placement in № 13 for 1926, its translation was carried out by an employee of the Eastern Department of the OGPU in Crimea and sent for approval of the text to the Eastern Department of the OGPU in Moscow. Murtazin's manuscript contains a number of reformist ideas, loyal to the current political moment. He tried to adapt the Islamic tradition to new reality. The article was not allowed for publication due to the desire of its author to present the priority of Islamic civilization over the European and A...
Skhidnyi Svit. The World of the Orient. Східний світ., 2003
Romanova O. “History of Egyptological studies in Ukraine”, in Skhidnyi Svit. The World of the Orient. 2003. Nr. 4. P.82-87. Романова О.О. “Історія розвитку єгиптологічних досліджень в Україні”, in Східний світ. The World of the Orient. 2003. № 4. С. 82–87. In Ukrainian. It is a brief essay about four Egyptologists of 20-th century: Alexander Kotzeiovsky, Serhiy Donich, Marko Antonovych, Evgeniy Cherezov, who lived at the territory of Ukraine, or who positioned himself as Ukrainian academician . Their biographies and their contributions to the Egyptology and development of Egyptological studies in Ukraine are outlined in the paper.
The founding of Constantinople was one of the most significant events of Constantine’s the Great epoch and his major building project. It has always attracted serious attention of historians. Along with purely technical issues (the period of construction, the amount of money and materials spent, etc.), it is worth paying attention to how the project on building a new center of Pax Romana was ideologically justified. According to Ammianus Marcellinus (Res Gest. XXI.10.8), Constantine’s nephew Julian upbraided his uncle for his reckless commitment to innovations. However, as some modern scientific researches show us, many of the emperor’s innovations were based on a clever interpretation of old ideologemes. In this respect, the use of traditional myths about the origin of Rome in connection with the founding of Constantinople looks especially interesting. These are the myths about the Trojan War, as well as the story of Aeneas, the Capitoline She-wolf, Romulus and Remus. The direct reference to the image of Romulus, the founder of Rome, is evidence of Constantine viewing the new city founded by him as the new Rome, and its foundation as a new landmark in the history of the Roman state (which Constantine himself called in his letter to the poet Porphyrius — saeculum meum).
Avrutina A. S. .Muslim communities within and out of St Petersburg cultural context Minbar. Islamic Studies. , 2018
Muslim communities within and out of S t Petersburg cultural context Minbar. Islamic Studies. 2 0 1 8 ; 1 1 2 6 7 ﻰ ﻟ 2 6 )ةإ : Мусульманские общины в контексте культурной жизни Санкт-Петербурга в XX веке и вне его А. С. Аврутина С аїт-П ет рбурггій государственный университет, г. Саншт-иетрбург, Российская Федерация, Аннотация: статья посвящена краткому историческому обзору жизни мусульман ских общин в бывшей столице Российской империи-Санкт-Петербурге, начиная с момента основания города в XVIII в. и до наших дней. Представлен диахронический обзор проблем, возникавших в разные периоды в рамках реализации национальной политики Российского государства. Формулируются проблемы и потребности, свя занные с успешным ведением межконфессионального диалога. Ключевые слова: ислам в Санкт-Петербурге; мусульмане России; мусульманские общины Санкт-Петербурга; соборная мечеть Санкт-Петербурга Для цитирования: Аврутина А. С. Мусульманские общины в контексте культур ной жизни Санкт-Петербурга в XX веке и вне его. Minbar. Islamic Studies. Abstract: The article offers an insight into the history of the Muslim communities in the Russian capital city of St. Petersburg in the 18 ﻟﻪ 20 -ﻟﻪ cent. The author identifies the problems, which gradually arose in course of implementation of the state national policy in various periods of he Russian history. Equally she outlines the problems, which may be an obstacle in the interfaith dialogue.