Stare i nowe niesufiksalne techniki uniwerbizacyjne (original) (raw)

Awatary współczesnych tłumaczy: kopista i kompilator

Między Oryginałem a Przekładem

Avatars of Contemporary Translators: the Copyist and the CompilerThe aim of the paper is to discuss the latest market and commercial tendencies which contribute to the development of new functions of the translator on the literary market. Based on studies by Anna Moc and Krzysztof Fordoński as well as the author’s own analysis of the latest literary translations from English into Polish, this analysis aims at describing two new roles of the translator determined by market criteria.

Kultura udomowiona a nowe technologie

Roczniki Nauk Społecznych, 2021

well-known museums, such as the Louvre in Paris and international cultural heritage sites, including the Roman Colosseum. Since the outbreak of the epidemic there has also been a rapid increase in online gaming traffic. Finally, after the total suspension, sports competitions, e.g. football matches, came back, but without the participation of the fans, albeit like stand-ups with played recordings of the stadium's fans' reactions. In this way, what we call entertainment or popular culture has been domesticated and is done through the media. In this article I review the possibilities that new technologies now offer for domesticated culture in new circumstances forced by a pandemic COVID-19.

„Nowe nowe media” a katecheza Kościoła

Roczniki Teologiczne, 2016

KS. JAROSŁAW CZERKAWSKI "NOWE NOWE MEDIA" A KATECHEZA KOŚCIOŁA "NEW NEW MEDIA" AND THE CATECHESIS OF THE CHURCH A b s t r a c t. Contemporary world uses mass media at an unprecedented scale. Every culture and every society is pervaded by a media reality. In many people the media form a picture of the world that is different from the real one. Loosening the communal ties between people is a serious threat posed by the media. A man rooted in the virtual world does not have a sense of community as well as of life for and in a community. Building the sense of community is one of the important tasks that the Church is facing. Talking about the media the Church does not point to their negative image, but it recommends that the people managing the media should use moral criteria referring to another man, for his good. Undoubtedly the Church's catechesis is facing a serious task, that is building a sense of community in a man who, using the media, makes his presence in the community less obvious. The media world, especially the world of the electronic media, constitutes a great space for evangelization and catechization that can be used by the Church.

Neologizmy słowotwórcze we współczesnej czeszczyźnie


The article contains over 100 word formation neologisms taken from the mass media (periodicals and television advertisements), their thematic classification and the information about their origin and the way of derivation

Uniwersały Rady Nieustającej z lat 1775–1788. Część I: Charakterystyka ogólna


Part I: General Characteristics Universals (pol. uniwersały)-normative acts of an executive or information nature adopted by the Permanent Council (pol. Rada Nieustająca) in 1775-1788-constitute an important, though not yet widely discussed in the literature, aspect of its activity. Th ey were addressed to the indicated group of entities: central and local offi ces, courts, civil and military authorities, magistrates or residents of specifi c lands and voivodships. Universals, issued between the sessions of the Sejm, enabled the Council to systematically organize and regulate matters not reserved for the legislative authority. Th e general scope of the universals included, among others, the problems of the court system, substantive and procedural law, economy, social and educational policy, and border issues.

Nieheteronormatywność i kultura psychoterapii

Forum Socjologiczne

Nonheteronormativity and culture of psychotherapyCulture has a paramount impact on every aspect of psychotherapy, its conceptualizations, clas­sifications, diagnostic procedures, use of psychometric tools, implementation of therapeutic ap­proaches and outcome expectations. Cultural changes evoke psychotherapeutic permutations, they may be subtle but at times shifts are radical. Nonheteronormativity serves as an interesting example of struggles between forces of sexual liberation and social control. This article objective is to present selected aspects, dynamics of changes as well as relatively stable tendencies regarding capricious re­lations between homosexuality and psychotherapy, which could be perceived as vehicle of self-real­ization and/or agency of control.


E Finanse, 2010

Streszczenie DCF to metoda wyceny oparta na założeniu, że wartość przedsiębiorstwa zależy od przepływów gotówki, które firma może wygenerować w przyszłości. Metoda ma jednak pewną wadę związaną z faktem, że do obliczania WACC stosowane są księgowe wartości długu i kapitału własnego. Próby użycia innych wartości prowadzą z kolei do pojawienia się pętli logicznych niemożliwych do rozwiązania w sposób analityczny. Ten techniczny problem może być jednak przezwyciężony poprzez użycie procesów iteracyjnych. Tworzy się wtedy łańcuch zintegrowanych formuł (pętli) sprawiających, że koszt kapitału "śledzi" strukturę kapitałową (rozumianą jako relację rynkowych wartości długu i kapitału własnego). Wycena przebiega rekursywnie. W niniejszej pracy wycena z użyciem techniki i-DCF dokonana została na przykładzie spółki Emcinsmed S.A., która z racji posługiwania się w dużej mierze kapitałem obcym stała się dobrym przykładem dla wyceny techniką i-DCF.