Wheelock Chapter40 Sisyphus (original) (raw)

LATN 2010 Final Translate the following story into idiomatic English: How Sisyphus Eluded Death When the hero Ulysses visited the underworld, one of the characters he saw doomed to perpetual punishment was Sisyphus, king of Corinth, condemned to push a rock up hill for eternity. Just before he reached the top, the rock would slip from his hands and bound down the hill again. Here was his crime: Ita callidus 1 erat Sisyphus ut morte tenērī non posset. Cum mortem venīre sentīret, uxore vocātā, haec dīxit: "Sum philosophus. Aut mors est similis somnō 2 , aut est locus in quō anima, excussō 3 corpore, esse fēlix potest. Timeō nē populus crēdat mē esse pseudophilosopum 4. Inveniāmus cōnsilium. Sī meum corpus in quisquilliās 5 iaciēs 6 1 callidus,-a,-um, clever 2 somnus, ī, m. sleep 3 excutio,-ere,-cussi,-cussum, shake off 4 pseudophilosophus,-ī, fake philosopher 5 quisquilliae,-arum, garbage 6 iacio,-ere, ieci, iactum, throw