Project-based learning in Media Learning Material Development for Early Childhood Education (original) (raw)

The experiences of teacher candidates in developing instructional multimedia materials in project based learning

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011

Evaluation is an important component of developing educational materials so the aim of this study is to evaluate teacher candidates' studies corresponding instructional multimedia material in project based learning according to their opinions in terms of the competencies it provides. This study was applied to a randomly selected sample of 200 students (100 females and 100 males) of various departments of Near East University and who got the course "Instructional Technologies and Materials Development" (ITMD) at the beginning of the 1 st term of 2010-2011 academic year. The participants got the course "ITMD" which was carried out as a Project Based Learning. Over the period of that term, the teacher candidates learned to design and develop various multimedia instructional projects such as course software, slideshow, a web-site, etc. The teacher candidates evaluated the questionnaire which was designed according to instructional multimedia materials developed by them in PBL. At a glance result according to the analysis of the questionnaire, the teacher candidates chose "mostly" answer for preparation, organization media-use, navigation tools use, appearance design and resource use operations. Based on the findings, we will discuss practical implementations of a multimedia projects with project based learning approach in teacher candidates' education

Improvement of Subjects Understanding Development of Teaching Materials Through Project Based Learning

KnE Social Sciences, 2020

The course for developing teaching materials is a subject that must be taken by educational students. Students as prospective teachers must be able to make good quality teaching materials so that learning can run effectively and efficiently. In the course of developing instructional materials, students are required to be able to produce a print teaching material that is appropriate for use by students. Teaching materials can be said to be of good quality and appropriate if it is in accordance with the learning objectives that must be achieved by students. This research is a descriptive study with an analysis of teaching materials that have been developed by students through project based learning. The results of the study can be seen that the quality of teaching materials that have been developed along with the cognitive abilities of students master the material of teaching material development subjects. Good quality teaching materials indicate mastery in cognitive abilities as well.

Video Analysis of Project Learning Models in Early Childhood Education Programs by Prospective Teacher Early Childhood


This descriptive survey research aims to determine the quality of design and implementation of play based project design learning models as a strategy for character development, knowledge literacy and honing children's skills as an illustration of the quality of teacher education for early childhood educationstudents ability to design learning as prospective teacher early childhood. Data collection used document analysis followed by guided discussion ofteacher education for early childhood educationwho took early childhood Approach and Learning Strategies as many as 90 people. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics by calculating the mean and standard deviation and qualitative analysis conducted by linking the data obtained. The results showed that:(1)all students can produce videos of varying quality;(2)there are several forms of learning activities in the project learning model in early childhood education programs (3)there are some learning materials especially scien...

Study of Project-Based Learning to Improve the Instructional Design Process of Pre-service Early Childhood Teachers

International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2022

The study aimed to identify the importance of training female early childhood teachers in educational design processes through project-based learning in order to improve their educational design processes. In addition, the study sought to identify the pros and cons of training on instructional design through project-based learning from the students' perceptions, and to provide recommendations and suggestions to overcome any negatives. A mixed-method research design was used in this study, in which a questionnaire was distributed to (40) female students in the early childhood major in the College of Education, Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, and interviews were conducted with (12) of them to get a deeper understanding of possible areas of improvement in the instructional design processes, and the pros and cons of training. The results of this study revealed a clear improvement in the educational design processes represented in analysis, design, development, experimentation, and evaluation. The students also showed positive improvement and development in 1) the cognitive and skill aspects of instructional design processes, 2) social skills, such as communication skills, leadership skills, exchange of experiences, and appreciation of teamwork, and 3) emotional skills, such as reducing anxiety and tension. At the end of this study, the researchers have presented some recommendations and suggestions in light of the improvement aspects suggested by the participants.

Analisis Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Ketrampilan Komunikasi Dalam Organisasi

Jurnal PROFIT: Kajian Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Ilmu Ekonomi, 2021

Communication is the sending of information or messages to related parties. 80% of the skills or competencies needed are soft skills. 49% of soft skills are skills or abilities that must be present in each employee, namely basic communication skills. communication skills are not only used in work, but communication skills are also needed in the field, considering that communication skills are a point of the 21st century. Improving students' communication skills can be done through learning activities. These efforts can be carried out in several ways, namely the application of learning models that are useful to support communication skills in students. Many models that can be applied in learning are in the form of project-based learning models. The model applied in this research is a literature review (literature analysis). The PBL learning model can improve students' communication skills.

Project Based Learning as a Media for Accelerating the Achievement of Profil Pelajar Pancasila in the Program Sekolah Penggerak

International Journal of Social Science, 2022

One of the characteristics of the Merdeka Curriculum implemented in the Program Sekolah Penggerak is the existence of project-based learning. The purpose of this study was to analyze the application of project-based learning as a medium for accelerating the achievement of the Profil Pelajar Pancasila in the Program Sekolah Penggerak. The research method used is descriptive analytical-qualitative. Several principals, teachers, and students in four schools in Klaten District were observed and interviewed for data collection. Document studies were conducted to strengthen the data. The validity of the data using triangulation and data analysis using the Colaizzi method. The results of the study indicate that project-based learning can be a medium to accelerate the achievement of the Profil Pelajar Pancasila, this is evidenced by the achievement of the Pancasila student dimension in each theme chosen by the school. Project-based learning can increase students' understanding of the material studied from various scientific perspectives and can develop students' skills and character.

Project Approach to Learning in Early Childhood Education

This paper deals with Project approach to learning in early childhood education. It draws on the fluid and continuous relationship in learning and teaching with renewed insights. It highlights the context for an emergent curriculum through child-initiated activities that are extended by teachers appropriately and innovatively. The intent of the paper is to portray children's learning through an approach that involves them. This is a qualitative research paper. It provides for the context where in project approach was used in an ECE center in India; a narrative of the field notes of an exemplar project topic; interspersed with discussion on the insights drawn from developmentally appropriate activities; and concludes with its bearing on advances in teaching.

Analisis Pengembangan Sintak Model Pembelajaran Project-based Learning pada Mata Pelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Eelektronika di Sekolah Vokasional

Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan

This study aims to analyze the results of developing project-based learning methods for solving problems. Development is carried out by adding Project Based Learning syntax to the Learning Implementation Plan. This research method uses a Research and Development approach. The steps taken in this study include 1) needs analysis, 2) model development, 3) model validation, 4) limited trials, and 5) extended trials. The population and sample studied were vocational school students, with a total sample of 32 students. Sample selection using simple random sampling (simple random) and purposive random sampling. The analytical tools used are the normality test, homogeneity test and difference test. Based on the analysis results, it is known that the data on learning outcomes before the PjBL action averaged 79.66 with a deviation of 3.2. The lowest score is 77, and the highest score is 89. The average learning outcome data after the PjBL action is 87.58, with a deviation of 4.2. The lowest score is 77, and the highest score is 99. Based on the analysis results, it is known that the average learning outcome data before the PjBL action is 77.19, with a deviation of 1.5. The lowest score is 75, and the highest score is 80. The average learning outcome data after the PjBL action is 82.18, with a deviation of 3.7. The lowest score was 77, and the highest score was 97. The Wilcoxon Test analysis results showed differences in the score before project-based learning and the score after project-based learning. There is an influence of project-based learning on student learning values. Based on the analysis of learning development trials outlined in the lesson plan, project-based learning is feasible to use in improving student learning outcomes.

Pembelajaran Dengan Pendekatan Project Based Learning Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Dan Disposisi Matematis Siswa DI Sma


Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengkaji kemampuan disposisi matematis dalam materi bangun ruang sesudah diberikan pembelajaran menggunakan pendekatan Project Based Learning ; (2) mengkaji kemampuan komunikasi matematis dalam materi bangun ruang sesudah diberikan pembelajaran menggunakan pendekatan Project Based Learning ; dan (3) mengetahui besar kontribusi pendekatan Project Based Learning terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis dalam materi bangun ruang. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Sedangkan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah One Group Pretest Posstest Study . Subjek populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XII MIA SMAN 2 Pontianak, dengan sampel siswa kelas XII MIA 3. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah: (1) kemampuan disposisi matematis dan komunikasi matematis dalam materi bangun ruang sesudah pembelajaran menggunakan pendekatan Project Based Learning tergolong tinggi; (2) pendekatan Project Based Learning sangat mempengaruhi kemam...

The implementation of project-based learning model and audio media Visual can increase students’ activities

International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2018

This research aims to investigate whether the use of project-based learning assisted by audio visual media can increase students’ activities. This research was an action research The object of this research were students in East Nusa Tenggara which are students in SMAK Suria and those in SMA Negeri 1 Atambua The data were collected through observation, interview, document ion and questionnaires technique. This research utilized qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The combination method was convergent parallel mixed methods type that is the researcher collected qualitative and quantitative data at the same time, analysed data separately, and compared the findings to know whether or not those findings complete each other. The result of this research showed that the implementation of PBL assisted by audio visual media in Economics increased learning activities in class XI Social science at SMAK Suria Atambua and class XI social science at SMA Negeri 1 Atambua The results were...