On the urgency of an emancipatory hermeneutics of Social Security Law in the post-pandemic era. Revista Jurídica da Presidência Brasília v. 22 n. 128 Out (original) (raw)
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Birth and Demise of a Social Protection Organization in Venezuela
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In this article a context for the study of a social protection organization is presented. This context is based on three ideas: (i) social protection is a requirement for assuming the cohesion and continuation of society; (ii) in an industrialized society, social protection is conceived in connection with salary; and (iii) the organizational form of social protection in Venezuelan society is Social Security guaranteed by a Welfare State. The becoming of our Social Security organization is interpreted with these concepts. The interpretive process consists in the unfolding of the relation between the organizational form and the conceptions about social protection since the birth of the organization 60 years ago. This unfolding simultaneously reveals failure concerning coverage of the risks typical of social security and a radical change in the conception of social protection in Venezuela. These results rest on the non-realization of premise ii of the interpretive context in the case of the Venezuelan society. The article concludes by showing the need to understand the conceptions regarding social protection in contexts different from that of an industrial society (advanced or not).
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This chapter is organized into six sections. The first one refers to this brief introduction. The second section presents a short panorama of the institutional innovations prompted by the 1988 Constitution, which has anchored the Social Security model in Brazil, and the tensioning for its realization. The third presents the Constitutional Amendment 95/2016 (EC 95/2016), its mechanisms, and consequences in confronting Covid-19. The fourth section describes the 2017 labour reform, its effects, and discusses how the flexibilisation of rights has impacted the worsening of social inequalities and the protection of workers. The fifth one briefly debates the stance adopted by Bolsonaro's government in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, as a form of contextualisation of Brazil's current scenario. Lastly, in the conclusion, we present a summary of the discussion.