Urushadze А. Don Сossacks in the Caucasian War: Peculiarities of Military Service and Contemporary Assessment // Quaestio Rossica. Vol. 8. 2020. № 4. P. 1335–1350. (In Russian) (original) (raw)

Reflections of a Soldier in the Ukrainian Insurgent Army: The Diary of Oleksander Povshuk, 1943-44

The paper analyzes portions of the diary of a young soldier of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, Aleksander Povshuk. The diary comes from fond 1 (Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine) of the Central State Archives of the Public Organizations of Ukraine in Kyiv. Povshuk was originally very critical of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and its armed force, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). He particularly objected to the slaughter of the Polish population in his native Volhynia: “You will not win independence by taking the life of the peaceful Polish population, when the enemy stands untouched; instead two enslaved nations perish.” But later that year he was drafted into UPA, and one can detect a change in his attitude toward the other nationalities inhabiting the region. It is striking that his diary became full of antisemitic cliches, particularly identifying communism with Jews. He also identified the Poles now as enemies, implying a justification for UPA’s war against them. Lost in contradictions, he took comfort from the new program of OUN introduced at its Third Extraordinary Assembly in August 1943. The new OUN program was marked by many progressive features, including the guarantee of rights for national minorities. He felt that the program confirmed what he always believed. In addition to many remarks relevant to his and UPA’s attitude towards the non-Ukrainians of Volhynia, the diary exhibits a deep interest in social issues and social divisions.

45 Горбань О.А., 2019A. The Donosheniya and Reports of Don Cossacks in the Mid 18 th c.: Source Analysis. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 4. Istoriya. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya


Introduction. The study is connected with the issues of electronic corpora of historical sources and diachronic linguistic corpora and is based on office documents of the 18 th c. reserved in the Mikhailovsky Stanitsa Ataman archive fund (State Archive of Volgograd region). Methods and materials. The article considers donosheniya and reports as the main documents that were submitted from lower to higher authorities and had "donoshenie" (message, report) and "report" (report) designation. Solving source meta-markup problems the author examines the origin and meaning of words "donoshenie" and "report", analyzes the content and functions of the documents, their text format and verbal formulas representing the components of the form. Analysis. The paper shows that the words have different origin, but common semantics reflecting the document function. Word "report" entered the Russian language in the early 18 th century as a synonym for the original "donoshenie". Initially, relevant documents were not distinguished, but gradually they were differentiated not only by name. Donosheniya can come from military men and civilians often contain a message and request. Reports are used mainly between host and stanitsa atamans, other military officials and are mostly informative documents. Reports are also often used as accompanying documents for other documents. The text format of donoshenie and report has similarities, but can be represented by different verbal formulas. As an accompany document report has a more concise and simple structure. Results. The author concludes that including donoshenie and report to the created source corpus as independent documents is necessary for faciliting their search and more exact representation of using language units. Standard speech markers can be applied for automatic recognition of texts as well. Волгоградский государственный университет, г. Волгоград, Российская Федерация Аннотация. Введение. Исследование находится в русле проблем создания электронных корпусов исто-рических источников и диахронических лингвистических корпусов русского языка и базируется на материа-ле делопроизводственных документов середины XVIII в., отложившихся в фонде Михайловского станичного атамана в ГАВО. Методы и материалы. В статье рассматриваются доношения и рапорты как основные документы, которые подавались из низших инстанций в высшие. Решая вопросы метаразметки источников, автор анализирует значение наименований «доношение» и «рапорт», содержание и функции документов, их формуляр и речевые формулы, которые репрезентируют компоненты формуляра. Анализ. Показано, что названия имеют разное происхождение, но общую семантику, отражающую назначение документов. Слово «рапорт (репорт)» вошло в русский язык в первой половине XVIII в. как синоним исконного слова «доноше

Прасолов Д.Н. Военная карьера и общественная активность как факторы социального отчуждения на Кавказе: случай генерал-лейтенанта Т.А. Шипшева//Новое прошлое/The New Past. №3. 2018. С. 68-89.

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются основные этапы общественной деятельности кабардинца Темирхана Шипшева, достигшего на русской службе звания генераллейтенанта. Военная карьера способствовала формированию весомого социального капитала, который с выходом в отставку был использован для разносторонней общественно-политической деятельности. Активно осуществляя посредничество между народами Нальчикского округа и коронной администрацией, Т.А. Шипшев стал влиятельной фигурой в масштабах Терской области. Противоречивые последствия его деятельности иллюстрируются разнообразными источниками и неоднозначными историографическими интерпретациями. Вступив в конфликт с окружной администрацией, препятствовавшей его инициативам, опираясь на кабардинскую военно-служилую элиту, Т.А. Шипшев последовательно мобилизовывал общественное мнение не только для продвижения своих ходатайств, но и для смещения мешавших ему в их реализации людей: от сельских старшин до начальника Нальчикского округа. В политической культуре кабардинцев он стал одним из наиболее неординарных лидеров имперского периода в истории Кабарды. В своей практике он опирался на съезд доверенных -представительный орган кабардинцев и балкарцев, который обеспечивал ему публичную постановку актуальных проблем поземельных отношений, местного самоуправления, судоустройства, просвещения и т.д. Деятельность Т.А. Шипшева сочетала отстаивание частных интересов, служебное верноподданническое рвение, умелое выстраивание патрон-клиентских отношений, настойчивость в стремлении к престижному представительству общественных интересов земляков с нередко сомнительными методами в их достижении, балансирующими на грани допустимого и неприемлемого в специфической сфере кавказского управления во второй половине XIX-начале ХХ в.



Introduction. The article analyzes the contents of the monograph “Warriors and Peasants: The Don Cossacks in Late Imperial Russia” of modern English historian Shane O’Rourke, who is the prominent representative of western English-language historiography. Discussion. The authors note that researches of western (English-language) historiography are the most productive in studying the history of the pre-revolutionary era Cossacks abroad. Analysis. Shane O’Rurk reveals not only political and military plots from Cossacks’ history, but also everyday life of the Don Cossack Host in his book. The author focuses attention on such key elements of Cossack history as the mechanism of consolidation of the Cossack world, Cossack motivation, relations between men and women in Cossack stanitsas, organizing Cossack landed property etc. The conclusions Shane O’Rurk made studying the Don Cossacks during its transformation of the late 19th – early 20th centuries are important for the historiography of the Cossacks. In this period he emphasizes on the idea of inevitable, but, perhaps, nevertheless not final disintegration of Cossacks as estates. Shane O’Rurk recognizes country essence of the Cossacks and therefore it seems to him that there is good reason for the parallel between “accident of the peasantry” and inevitable accident of the Cossacks. Shane O’Rurk, developing the myth about special relationships of the imperial power with the Cossacks, focuses attention on the fact that traditionalism became an ideological and practical base of existence of the Don Cossack Host. Shane O’Rurk comes to the conclusion that Don Cossacks nevertheless had chances to avoid final disintegration as the class component of Cossack “nature” had a unique phenomenon of ethno-social identity which was improving in cultural interaction with other people. Results. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that the main value of Shane O’Rurk’s work consists in representing the history of the Don Cossacks, which appears not closed on itself, but placed in the general context of Russian history

Bocharova, Z.S. The Fate of World War I Combatants in the History of the Russian Diaspora / Судьба комбатантов Первой мировой войны в контексте истории Зарубежной России


Abstact: This article studies the fate of World War I veterans in the Russian diaspora. The author discusses the settlement of former combatants, assistance by émigré organisations, and historical memory. Her research relies on a broad source base, including archival and published documents, as well as émigré periodicals. The article demonstrates that the former combatants were scattered in various countries and included prisoners of war, officials of the Russian Expeditionary Corps, as well as the members of the White movement. She concludes that, in contrast to Soviet Russia, the Russian diaspora sought to commemorate the “bearers of Russian honour” and perpetuate the memory of their exploits with memorials to those died in foreign lands.

Карашайски К.М. Эйлив Торгильссон и венды-наемники в византийской армии во второй половине 1020-х гг. / Karashayski K.M. Eilif Thorgilsson and the Mercenary Wends in the Byzantine Army in the Second Half of the 1020s


Карашайски К.М. Эйлив Торгильссон и венды-наемники в византийской армии во второй половине 1020-х гг. // Античная древность и средние века. – 2024. – Т. 52. – С. 196–206. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.15826/adsv.2024.52.011 Karashayski K.M. Eilif Thorgilsson and the Mercenary Wends in the Byzantine Army in the Second Half of the 1020s // Antichnaya drevnost’ i srednie veka. – 2024. – Vol. 52. – P. 196–206. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.15826/adsv.2024.52.011 This article attempts to define the ethnic background of the mercenary troop of certain “Vandals,” who, according to the Annales Barenses, were a part of the Byzantine army under the command of Orestes who acted in Southern Italy in the second half of the 1020s. The chronology of sources suggests the identification of these “Vandals” as Wends, or Polabian Slavs. The author assumes that this troop probably originated from the Obodritic tribal union, which established close military and political ties with Denmark. Wends were active in piracy and robbery on the Baltic Sea, they participated in the military campaigns of the Danish kings. It is therefore likely that an Obodritic troop joined a group of Danish adventurers, who travelled to the Byzantine Empire to became mercenaries. According to the article’s author, their leader was Danish warlord Eilif Thorgilsson, one of the leaders of the Jomsvikings. In August 1009, Eilif invaded Southern England, in 1013–1014, he led one of the Danish mercenary troops (þingamannalið) in London. In 1017–1020, he was titled ealdorman, and in 1021, he plundered south-western Wales. Ca 1025, Eilif and his brother, Jarl Ulf Thorgilsson, together with the Swedes and Norwegians, opposed Konung Cnut and defeated him in the battle of the “Holy River.” When the Thorgilsson brothers reconciled with Konung Cnut, Eilif probably gone to Wendland and then to Byzantium. The author has suggested to date Jarl Eilif Thorgilsson’s journey to Byzantium to 1025–1028.