E. Scarton, Camillo Porzio, la congiura dei baroni e le sue fonti, in La Corona d’Aragona e l’Italia, Atti del XX Congresso della Corona d’Aragona (Roma-Napoli, 4-8 ottobre 2017), Roma, ISIME, 2020, vol. II/2, pp. 1383-1398. (original) (raw)
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Reti Medievali Rivista, 2018
The relationship between monarchy and barons represented, since the XVI century, a fundamental theme for the interpretation of the complex political and institutional dynamics concerning the Aragonese Kingdom in Naples. This relationship was especially seen as antithetical, because of the repeated armed conflicts between the Crown and the rebellious barons, but it deserves, according to a renewed historiography, to be still investigated from unedited observation posts. This article focuses on the neapolitan royal princes, occupied in very important institutional roles and at the same time titulars of feuds: Aragonese princes-barons, therefore, through which (and particularly Frederick of Aragon, prince of Taranto and Squillace, whose paradigmatic case is analyzed more widely) the Crown experiments an overcoming of the antithesis, extending its own political praxis and its own ideology of the power in the provincial territories, as well as spreading and defending its own ideal model of a Neapolitan baron.
Focusing on the prodrome stage of the most famous and significant event of the conflict between monarchy and barons in the aragonese Kingdom of Naples, the so-called Grande Congiura (1485-87), mainly with the help of unpublished diplomatic sources from the Archivio di Stato di Milano, this work aims to provide a more detailed reconstruction of the reasons that prompted the main barons to plot and then openly rebel against Ferrante I, as well as to highlight some interesting elements relating to a common political project and a common strategy, both communicative and of territorial development.
Praga: primavera del 1579. L'ambasciatore mediceo presso l'imperatore Rodolfo II racconta al suo signore le feste che si susseguono in città e che vedono protagonisti un manipolo di nobiluomini siciliani, guidati dal duca di Terranova. Il diplomatico toscano tace sulle udienze con l'imperatore che quest'ultimo affronta, discutendo le notizie che gli giungono da Alessandro Farnese, di stanza a Malines, nelle Fiandre, dove spirano venti di guerra. Proprio all'azione diplomatica di Carlo Aragona e Tagliavia, duca di Terranova, in Germania è dedicato il volume di Lina Scalisi. L'autrice lavora sulla scia di altre ricerche ("