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Role of ICTs in Indian Agriculture: An Overview
The agricultural sector in India is currently passing through a difficult phase. India is moving towards an agricultural emergency due to lack of attention, insufficient land reforms, defective land management, non-providing of fair prices to farmers for their crops, inadequate investment in irrigational and agricultural infrastructure in India, etc. India's food production and productivity is declining while its food consumption is increasing. The position has further been worsened due to use of food grains to meet the demands of bio fuels. Even the solution of import of food grains would be troublesome, as India does not have ports and logistical systems for large-scale food imports.
An agriculture information dissemination system (IDS) was done in India to improve the crop productivity , increase profitability efficiency of agriculture input and reducing the cost of production (Reddy and Ankaiah, 2005). In the mean time Inklaar et al. (2005) concluded that the productivity in US from the year 1995 onwards accelerated due to large focus largely on the impact of ICT. The growth of ICT in developing countries offers a new technology and new opportunities for accessing information in poor countries (Aker, 2010). According to research done by Silva and Ratnadiwakara (2008) concluded that the information and communication technologies (ICT) helped in reducing transaction costs in agriculture by enabling timely and affordable communication but according to Munyua et al. (2008) the ICT had steadily grown in Africa but due to weak policies over there the capacity are among the biggest obstacles to wider use. In recent times, traceability has emerged as a new index of quality and basis for trade in agricultural products (Opara, 2002). Traceability has become a key word in the global food industry due to increased incidents of food contamination. ICT does allow a more rapid and efficient response to food safety problems, enabling quick identification of problem sources and their location in the supply chain (Setboonsarng et al., 2009). MATERIALS AND METHODS The research project was minutely piloted in ward no 1 of Kalimati VDC of Sindhuli district, first of all the base line survey was done. The base line included the production of agro-product, feasible market study and soil sample analysis. Agriculture has the two phases they are pre harvest and post harvest. Pre-harvest Agriculture Activities In the pre harvest agriculture the soil sample analysis was done form 22 different location of project site with aid of NARC. Based on the NARC recommendation the information of chemical fertilizer added was integrated to data base similarly four agriculture information centers (AIC) were also established in the project site. Farmer's information is collected and uploaded to database via AIC. Each farmer's record in pre-harvesting phase is tracked: which farmer has planted what, when etc for the traceability. Based upon that information, farmers will get automated alert SMS message about the disease that can occur in that crop, way to solve it etc. Series of these alert messages can help to grow healthy crops in the pre-harvesting stage. Apart from these if any problems gets arise then the problems were collected at the information centers and the online. Similarly to motivate farmers to commercial farming, teach about IPM (integrated Pest Management system), agriculture video documentaries were periodically screened. Postharvest Agriculture Activities After the harvest, all the farmers' record is again kept in the database. Which person has what to sell, what is his/her expected price, how long he/she wants to advertise for his/her product. On the other side in the major market areas, traders will put their demands. Like trader A is seeking what product, how much can he give (market rate), how much he can buy. Now since both the information is now in the database. SMS training and registration Firstly SMS training was given to the farmers in the mass, around 300 farmers were in the training. A special roman Nepali coding was done for some of the specific agro commodities like aalu for potato, pyaaj for onion etc. ICT based agriculture (E-Agriculture) is an emerging field focusing on the enhancement of agricultural and rural development through improved information and communication processes. More specifically , e-Agriculture involves the conceptualization, design, development, evaluation and application of innovative ways to use information and information communication technologies (ICT) in the rural domain, with a primary focus on agriculture. The research was minutely piloted in ward no 1 of Ka-limati VDC of Sindhuli District. Farmers lack information and aren't able to come out of subsistence farming only because of the information gap and lack of awareness of the technology. The problems such as, farmers do not have sufficient agricultural skills to turn seed to seedlings and grow as a healthy plant, the agricultural pattern in rural areas is still traditional, after they harvest and there is exploitation by middle-traders degrading real farmers. An android version of mobile application was developed to mitigate these problems. Soil samples from 22 different sites of the target project area and tested the collected soil samples at NARC. This information was used in exploring the variety of crops that can be grown in that village. Farmers as well as the traders could easily input the price of agro commodities via android application. Potato is the major cash crop grown in the research site. The android application is had connected 355 farmers and 110 traders in research site and the farmers are trading to those whose price value gets matched or nearby their values.
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has brought revolutionary changes in the lives of millions of Indian populace. Due to progress in fields of computer science and telecommunication large amount of information can be acquired, processed and delivered at any place and time to a person who needs it. Recent technological developments have made handling of enormous amount of information relatively easy. This information can be accessed by a huge number of users concurrently. These technological developments have provided vast prospects in improving utility and productivity of occupational technical areas like agriculture, extension and educations. It has become a challenge for researchers to harness the ICT developments for improvising the quality of life of rural populace. In this paper an attempt has been made to evaluate opportunities and constraints of associated with use of ICT to enhance productivity of agriculture and associated sectors in India.
Information Services to the Farmers in Current Scenario through Modern ICT Tools
International Journal of Advance and Applied Research, 2023
In today’s scenario famers need to be update for getting good quality production as well as better yield of the product. E-agriculture is the way that helps farmers to achieve the same. Eagriculture is formed with information and communication technology in agriculture (ICT in agriculture) to provide farmers with better and more timely agricultural information services. The main purpose of ICT is to disseminate information from one point to another point. E-agriculture (ICT) involves modern technologies like the use of smartphones and computers for mobile Apps, websites, and many things available for agricultural development. Its primary focus on agriculture is the conceptualization, design, development, evaluation, and application of innovative ways to use information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the rural domain.ICT or e-agriculture interventions are very useful around the world to help agriculturists improve their livelihoods through increased agricultural productivity and income with minimum risk. The role of ICT in agriculture is to provide agricultural extension & advisory services, Enhance market access, capacity building and empowerment, awareness about regularity and policies, disaster management, etc. There are many services like mkisan portal, e-choupal, kisan call centre, ekrishi, gramingyankendra, etc. available to the farmers providing enhanced agricultural information and services to them
Information and communication technology (ICTs) ischanging all the spheres of human lives. Hence it is popular. The application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in agriculturesector is increasingly important. Agriculture is an important sector with the majority of the rural population in developing countriesdepending on it.The agriculture sector faces major challenges of enhancing production in a situation of decliningnatural resources necessary for production. The growing demand for agricultural products, however, also offers opportunities for producers to sustain and improve their livelihoods. Information andCommunication Technologies (ICT) act as a key agent in agriculture sector in addressing these challenges and enrichingthe livelihoods of the poorrural population which depends on agricultural produce. In this paper we studied some of the existing ICT projects in India. Despite the huge potential to harness ICT for agricultural development, only few isolated projects have been initiated in India and few in other parts of the world. Interestingly, many of these projects were started by NGOs, private organisations, cooperative bodies and governmental organisations other than agricultural departments. To formulate a strategy for overall agricultural development, the isolated ICT projects need to be studied and the experiences generated must be documented in order to draw lessons for the future.
Transformation of ICT initiative for Indian Agriculture In Modern World
Agriculture is most important sector with the majority of the rural population in developing countries depending on it. ICTs are changing all the spheres of human lives. Hence, it is a popular belief that, agricultural extension also no exception to this. It is also expected that the ICT led extension systems are going to act as a key agent for changing agrarian situation and farmers’ lives by improving access to information and sharing knowledge. Hence, renewed enthusiasm to use new ICTs for agricultural advisory services led to mushrooming of e-initiative pilots in India. This article explores the role of ICT in agricultural sector in India and transforming the country through increased growth and sustainable production of agricultural products. Large number of projects stuck as pilots only and very few continuously innovated, replicated and sustained over the years. However, the variety of ICT initiatives are also added lot of lessons to take future course of action. With the ava...
Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Agriculture plays an essential role in the economic and social development of the country. This paper highlights the current initiatives to improve the information technology in agriculture. The major aim is to facilitate the agriculture development through application of information technology. In this paper, a framework is proposed for a systematic manner of agricultural problem solution faced by farmers. [1]
Journal of Robotics and Mechanical Engineering Research, 2019
Indian agriculture sector is poised to take big leap with the Digital India program. Mobile applications like KisanSuvidha, IFFCOKissan Agriculture, RML Farmer-KrishiMitr, PusaKrishi, AgriApp, KrishiGyan, Crop Insurance, AgriMarket and WhatsApp have shown positive impact. Recently government of India has launched eNam (e-National Agriculture Market) Platform for transparent sale transaction and price delivery. This article provides a detailed review of the available Agriculture Information system and how these applications have transformed agriculture scenario in India. The topic includes potential of technologies in modernizing agriculture within the Indian village boundaries. This investigation further performs feasibility study of Agriculture Information System. The main focus is to identify gap and suggest design typology for future Agriculture Information System.