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Надя Манолова-Николова, 2023
Статията разглежда най-основните пътища, по които в българската книжнина след Освобождението /1878 г./ до днес се натрупва информация за чумните и холерните епидемии в Османската империя. Дейността на мнозина български медици, етнолози, историци, сред които са д-р Христо Тантилов, проф. Христо Гандев, проф. Миладин Апостолов, проф. Минчо Георгиев и други е насочена към изучаване на историята на чумата и холерата по българските земи през 17-19 в. Защитава се мнението, че е необходимо да се разширяват съвместните изследвания на историци с учени от природните науки и медицината върху динамичните изменения, протичащи на ниво климат – епидемии – социални бедствия.
27 августа Румыния объявила войну Центральным державам. Первые дни вой ны складывались удачно для румынской армии. Однако, вследствие просчетов командования и недостаточного снабжения армии, румынские войска потерпели поражение в Добрудже у Туртукая 6 сентября 1916 г. Румынская армия начала общее отступление, которое закончилось полным ее разгромом. Выступление Румынии, лишь усугубило и без того непростую для русских политическую и военную обстановку [1. C. 22]. После бегства румын в сентябре-октябре 1916 г. русское военное командование приняло решение создать Южный фронт, который впоследствии, 16 декабря, был переименован в Румынский. События на фронте имели широкий отклик среди местного населения, они оказывали влияние на настроение и повседневную жизнь румын, об этом мы узнаем из записок русских корреспондентов, донесений, телеграмм с фронта, дипломатической переписки. Целью данной статьи является анализ событий, происходивших на фронте и их влияния на общественно-политическую жизнь Румынии. В статье на основе неопубликованных данных архивных фондов дается характеристика Румынского фронта, которая дополняется новыми деталями,
Старобългарска литература, кн. 67–68,, 2023
This article draws attention to several Bulgarian publications devoted to the cult of St Erasmus of Ohrid (of Formia), which have remained outside the attention of the Russian scholars Vadim B. Krysko and Ksenia Yu. Doykina in their article “St Elmo’s Fire over the Balkans: The Martyrdom of Erasmus” (Starobulgarska Literatura, 63–64/2021, 15–96), and clarifies some important issues related to the dissemination of works dedicated to his memory in the Latin, Greek, and Slavonic manuscript traditions. One of them is the absence of blending of cults of homonymous saints in the Balkan and Orthodox tradition in general, which is suggested by the Russian researchers, as is evident from the title of their article. Exactly the opposite phenomenon is characteristic of the Western Christian tradition, which has witnessed numerous homonymous saints attached to the name of the renowned martyr of Formia. The veneration of this martyr and proto-evangelizer across the Bulgarian lands, especially in Ohrid and its surroundings, as well as the possibility to reconstruct the missing link in the phonetic development of the old Greek name Lychnidus to the modern name of the town, Ohrid, precisely from the works about St Erasmus in all three versions of his Vita, are indicative of the differences between the two traditions.
Общество и здраве, 1(1), 2020, 182-188, 2020
MODERN SOCIETY AND ANTIQUITY: SOME REMARKS ON THE ADVANTAGES OF STUDYING THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT ROME. In this article are recapitulated main arguments in support of the study of the history of ancient Rome in our country. Successively are considered various aspects, such as the contribution of the ancient Romans to our world, the close and at the same time distant character of Roman history, it hidden contributions to the modern people, dynamics and international standards in its study. In conclusion is emphasized that the Roman civilization is an integral part of the history of the Bulgarian lands.
В статье рассмотрены проблемы хронологии и этнокультурной атрибуции восточноевропейских украшений с выемчатыми эмалями в степях Восточной Европы и в Крыму. Всего известно 25 вещей, которые происходят из 17 пунктов. Вещи представлены, преимущественно, украшениями. К предметам снаряжения всадника относятся 2 шпоры. Изделия с эмалями использовались сарматами, поздними скифами, населением античных городов, различными варварскими группировками Крыма, т.е. практически всеми основными группами населения юга Восточной Европы в равной степени. Во всех случаях вещи с эмалями единичны и не в комплексах составляют ансамбля убора. Украшения с эмалями на юге относятся ко всем трем стадиям развития их художественного стиля, выделенным по материалам Поднепровья и Прибалтики. Даты комплексов на юге: ранней стадии - конец II – III в.; средней - конец II – середина III в.; поздней - IV в. Изделия с эмалями поступали в степную зону и в Крым в течение довольно длительного времени, преимущественно, с территории Поднепровья. Посредником при этом выступало мобильное сарматское население.
This book provides information about the church-political relations between Russia, the Orthodox East and the Bulgarian lands during the period XV–XVII centuries. The information is presented in four chapters. The first of them essentially examines the influence of Tarnovo Bulgaria on the Balkans and in the Russian lands, as well as the historical preconditions for this phenomenon. The second chapter presents information about the processes in the Russian lands in the XV–XVII centuries and the attitude of the representatives of the Orthodox East towards Russia during this period. The information presented in the third chapter concerns the activities of the Russians rulers for the popularization of Russia among the peoples of the Balkans peninsula and Russian aid to the Orthodox East during the period under review. Information about the visits of clergymen is also on display in the north, who are responding there to ask the Russian authorities for material assistance and political support. The last one paragraph of the chapter sheds light on the activities of the Ambassador a story that for a long time administered the visits of representatives of the Orthodox East in Russia. In the fourth Chapter presents information on political agents and informants of Russian authorities from the Orthodox East and the Bulgarian lands in the period under consideration. The second paragraph provides information on the activity in this direction from the middle of the XVII century of the Metropolitan of Tarnovo Dionysius II, which for at least a decade has served as informant of the Russian authorities about the events in the Ottoman Empire and in particular about the war between the empire and Venice for the island of Crete (1645-1669). As applications in the form of facsimiles, segmented text of the language in which they are prepared and translation into Bulgarian are presented three archival units from F. 52 Russia's relations with Greece at RGADA (Российский Государственный Архив Древних Актов). The documents date from the middle of the 17th century. The first archival unit contains files prepared in the Russian clerical language from the 17th century. interesting historical sources that provide valuable information for the order in the administration of the representatives of the Orthodox east in the Russian lands in the middle of the century. The other two documents are letters written in Greek and addressed under a foreign name wounds from Metropolitan Dionysius II of Tarnovo to Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.