An Introduction to the Pastoral Epistles (original) (raw)

The Pastoral Epistles. Authentic Pauline Writings

European Journal of Theology, 2008

The Pastoral Epistles are mostly assumed to be inauthentic letters. That is, few scholars believe these letters to be genuinely Pauline, however, not many of those commentators who reject the authenticity of the PE take the trouble to investigate the arguments. However, the arguments against authenticity are not solid. This article presents an * * * * ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Oft wird angenommen, die Pastoralbriefe seien nicht authentisch. Nur wenige Theologen machen si ch die Muhe, die Argumente zu prufen. Diese Argumente sind jedoch nicht unerschutterlich. Dieser Aufsatz bietet einen Oberblick und eine kurze Bewertung der wichtigsten Fragen dieser Debatte: Die Beziehung zur

The Pastoral Epistles - Relating with unbelievers

What sort of relationships do the Pastoral Epistles expect and encourage the Christians of Ephesus and Crete to have with their unbelieving neighbours? What are the implications of your answer for the way in which you would teach and apply the Pastoral Epistles in our contemporary context? This essay explores how the Pastoral Epistles (1 & 2 Timothy and Titus) instruct the believers in Ephesus and Crete to relate to their unbelieving neighbours. It also briefly touches on how we would teach and apply these epistles in our contemporary context. To understand the manner in which the believers are instructed to interact with their unbelieving neighbours, the essay is broken into two parts that each show the different type of interaction – relational and missional. The relational aspect covers the importance of having a good reputation with unbelievers. This is achieved through good character and good conduct. Six characteristics which are found within the text of the epistles are discussed. These are as follows: 1) Self-discipline and control 2) Gentleness and Kindness 3) Peace 4) Unresentfulness 5) Submission to authority 6) Love The essay goes on to explain and show examples from the text, what sort of conduct should flow as a result of these characteristics. The missional aspect of relating to unbelievers is broken into three sections: 1) They must demonstrate that their faith is real and worth holding on to. 2) They must teach their neighbours and share the gospel. 3) They must pray for them. All three of the above should be done in humility. In explaining how to teach and apply the pastoral epistles to our contemporary context the essay focusses mainly on understanding cultural sensitivities, and finding parallels with Paul’s instructions to that culture that have the same desired outcome in our culture, despite the specific instruction varying.

The Relational Matrix of the Pastoral Epistles


A popular introduction to hermeneutics defines "exegesis" as "the attempt to hear the Word as the original recipients were to have heard it, to find out what was the original intent" of the author. Traditional exegesis relies on a passage's Sitz im Leben, which must be synthesized in terms of setting, date and similar concrete categories. The pastoral epistles, however, elude any neat attempt at contextualization. At best they speak from the silence of Paul's later life; at worst they emerge from the dim recesses of the early Church. Thus exegesis proceeds with highly individual reconstructions that rely on theological, linguistic and historical approaches to the problem of "occasion." Recent interdisciplinary trends offer a new perspective on the exegetical matrix of the pastorals. Comparison with ancient epistolary conventions can create a neutral rhetorical background that defines the audience anticipated by the text. The relationship between...

The Spirit in the Pastoral Epistles: Inspiring, Gifting, Sanctifying Presence

BRILL eBooks, 2022

The pneumatology of the Pastoral Epistles (pe) appears at first glance to be rather limited. The term pneuma occurs only seven times in the pe. In this essay, I will address the seven references in canonical order and then summarize the pneumatology of the pe. The pe reinforce the traditional systematic theological perspective of the role of the Spirit as active in revelation and the salvation process and as empowering persons for service. The Holy Spirit is the main person of the Trinity actively working in eschatological salvation for all by bringing forth the fruit of holiness and working powerfully through the sufferings of gifted persons.