SAPERE, A., "Alteridad y comicidad en Alcibíades de Plutarco", Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica. 126, 2020/3, PP. 11-29. Pisa-Roma ISSN 0033-4987 (original) (raw)

"Imágenes Literarias para el Legado Político de Alejandro. Comentario Estilístico de Mor. 336E-337A", in S. Amendola, G. Pace & P. Volpe Cacciatore (eds.), Immagini letterarie e iconografia nelle opere di Plutarco, Università di Salerno e Red Europea de Plutarco, Madrid, 2017, pp. 143-156.pdf

The text I will comment here, concerning the daemons that inhabit the moon, is of difficult interpretation and ancient and modern translators and commentators have found problems to understand it. In this analysis, only of textual orientation, I will consider how the 16th Century humanists and translators faced these problems and how their input has contributed to the setting of the text. Moreover, as a result of my comment, I restore some readings of the manuscripts and I make new critical proposals in relation to the discussed passages. Keywords: Plutarch. De facie in orbe Lunae. Critical Notes. Humanists, Editors and Translators.

C. Heredia 2019. La figura del “antisenado” (ἀντισύγκλητος) en Plutarco: ¿una narrativa del declive?, Ágora 21.

In 88 B.C., the legislation of Publius Sulpicius Rufus marked the beginning of an unprecedented period of transition. Plutarch of Chaeronea collects two passages (Mar. 35; Sull. 8) in which his followers are defined by the term of "antisenate" (ἀντισύγκλητος). This article seeks to investigate the truth of his statement, showing whether or not it is part of a decline narrative, used by the biographer to analyze a key moment as far as the transgression is concerned.

Gabriele Bugada (ed.), Cristoforo Landino, In Quinti Horatii Flacci Artem poeticam ad Pisones interpretationes, Sismel / Edizioni del Galluzzo, «Edizione nazionale dei Commenti ai testi latini in età umanistica e rinascimentale », Vol. 4, Firenze 2012 (184 pp.)


Gabriele Bugada (ed.), Cristoforo Landino, In Quinti Horatii Flacci Artem poeticam ad Pisones interpretationes, Sismel / Edizioni del Galluzzo, «Edizione nazionale dei Commenti ai testi latini in età umanistica e rinascimentale», Vol. 4, Firenze 2012 (184 pp.) ISBN: 978-88-8450-449-4.

Pseudo-Plutarco, "parallela minora 29": tradición, reinvención, erudición


espanolA traves de la narro 29 de los Parallela minora pretendemos senalar los tinos trazos que ligan el conjunto de la literatura de epoca imperial, a fin de acotar las hipotesis relacionadas con el genero literario al que perteneceria el tratado pseudoplutarqueo, claro heredero de la tradicion y firme militante de la novedad y la erudicion imperiales. EnglishThe purpose of this study is to investigate the subtle links that connect the literature of the imperial age through the analysis of the 29th narration of the Parallela minora. We aim to comment on those hypotheses related to the literary genre which Ps.-Plutarch's treatise would belong to, since he is an obvious heir to tradition and an activist of imperial innovation and erudition.

J. SOLANA PUJALTE: Jesús López Zamora (ed.), Nicolaus de Valle, Hesiodi Ascraei Opera et dies, Edición crítica, Travaux d’Humanisme et Renaissance DCVII, Genève: Librairie Droz, 2020, XVIII+254 pp. Exemplaria Classica 26, 2022, pp. 182-184.

Exemplaria Classica , 2022