Pengembangan Wisata Kopi Berbasis Masyarakat DI Desa Warjabakti Kabupaten Bandung (original) (raw)
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Sawala : Jurnal pengabdian Masyarakat Pembangunan Sosial, Desa dan Masyarakat
Salah satu strategi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di pedesaan adalah dengan melakukan rekayasa sosial pada komoditi pertanian yang selama ini masih dikembangkan oleh masyarakat. Di Desa Warjabakti Kecamatan Cimaung, Kabupaten Bandung rekayasa sosial yang dipilih adalah dengan memasukkan komoditi tanaman jeruk ini telah membuka peluang untuk pengembangan bisnis berbasis pertanian bagi masyarakat. Salah satu rencana pengembangan desa yang diketahui adalah dengan menjadikan desa Warjabakti ini sebagai salah satu desa wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Bandung. Dengan adanya komoditi tanaman jeruk tersebut, peluang pengembangan desa menjadi desa wisata tersebut semakin terbuka terutama jika dijadikan destinasi agrowisata dengan wisata unggulannya adalah petik jeruk. Pada kegiatan ini, metode yang dipilih adalah assessement melalui pemetaan sosial, penggunaan metode ini memungkinkan untuk dilakukan identifikasi persoalan dengan teknik transek, pemetaan lokasi, pohon masalah, sert...
Mimbar Agribisnis: Jurnal Pemikiran Masyarakat Ilmiah Berwawasan Agribisnis, 2021
The development of the local economy through the concept of a tourism village based on agricultural commodities is a manifestation of a sustainable economy, which is not only creating business opportunities based on the development of agricultural products but also related to community empowerment and sustainability so that they are ready to be competitive in the global market. This study aims to determine the advantages of Kumpai Batu Atas village, South Arut sub-district, West Kotawaringan Regency in developing KBA liberika coffee, using descriptive qualitative method with SWOT approach. Based on the determination of internal and external factors which are then combined so that it can be formulated 1) Increasing land productivity for liberika coffee cultivation through the support of groups and local governments by creating a tourism village concept based on agricultural products to encourage local economic improvement 2) Optimizing cultivation activities by creating added value t...
Jurnal AGRISEP: Kajian Masalah Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis, 2020
Indonesia is one of the world's tourist destination countries because it has various types of interesting tourist objects that are spread from Sabang to Marauke. The development of tourism in Indonesia has a very significant impact on the country's foreign exchange income. According to a report from parliament an increase in income to the country's foreign exchange reached USD 15 million or as much as 203 trillion. From this increase the tourism sector came in second place after crude palm oil was in the first position in contributing to the largest trade division. This positive trend has a positive contribution because it has an impact on expanding employment, improving the community's economy, spurring regional development, aspecially in areas with potential tourist attraction. One of them is Kotawaringin Barat Regency which has a veriety of tourism potential including Tanjung Putting National Park (TNTP), Coffee Tourism Village in Kumpai Batu Atas Village and others. Before the development of a coffee tourism village, coffee farmers in the village experienced various problems and constraints due to low process (20 thousand rupiah/ kilo) and minimal acces to market. This is what causes most people to turn to other communities. However, in 2017 coffee began to be developed by the local community towards the coffee tourism village so the price has increased to 300 thousand rupiah per kilo. In addition there has been an. increase in foreign and domestic tourist visitors. This study aims to determine and anayze the role of social capital (bonding, bridging, networking) tourism awareness group (POKDARWIS) in developing coffee tourism village in Kumpai Batu Atas village,
Unram Journal of Community Service
Coffee is one of the important plantation crops in West Lombok Regency, with one of the Robusta coffee production centers in Batu Kliang Utara district. This production is generally sold by growers in raw or unprocessed form, but some people do the processing individually or in groups. The coffee processing group has processed and marketed coffee with some success, characterized by their almost always depleted product. However, they stated that they still wanted to move forward and receive guidance or advice on different aspects of coffee from the aspects of production, processing, business development, marketing and the use of technology such as online marketing. This manufacturing problem is exacerbated by marketing and business management issues. In order to overcome these problems and at the same time improve the living conditions of the community, this service activity was carried out, namely transferring knowledge about increasing the capacity of the coffee community in Aik Be...
Warjabakti Village has various agro-tourism potentials that have not been managed properly, namely in the form of a charming natural scenery, natural conditions that are still maintained, and cool air. The problems faced are the need for more exposure to technology, the unavailability of supporting facilities and infrastructure, and the absence of groups capable of coordinating these potentials. This community service aims to develop a community-based tourism system by integrating digital marketing technology to empower target communities. The results achieved from this community service activity are the formation of Pokdarwis, which have been legally approved by the village government and will oversee the management of the tourism village in Warjabakti Village with governance that the team and partners have made. In addition, the e-digital map and the Haruman Tourism Village website have been produced. This website contains village content and branding that displays attractive village information, videos, and animations that have been structured and integrated, as well as a complete and attractive e-digital map of tourist areas.
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia, 2023
Indonesia has quite large coffee potential and is the second largest coffee producer in the world after Brazil. According to the Indonesian Specialty Coffee Association (SCAI) , coffee shops in Indonesia will grow by 20% in 2020. This phenomenon has also inspired the government to encourage coffee producers to create quality and highly competitive coffee products. Providing coffee tourism as a travel pattern in Indonesia is a concern for the government to intervene. NTT Province is a province with coffee plantations in several districts including East Manggarai Regency. One of the programs in East Manggarai Regency as a coffee producing area needs to be intervention as agrotourism so that it has the attraction of a Coffee Village as well as being an Agrotourism center attracting local and foreign tourists. The intervention was carried out to solve one of the public problems, namely food insecurity. The problem that is a priority in this community service activity is a matter of understanding the Development of Coffee Agrotourism in the village. There needs to be an understanding of how policies are prepared by the Government in synergy. At the village government level to socialize the community as coffee farmers by referring to the development of coffee areas as agrotourism to improve community welfare. This combination will make coffee as a superior commodity increasingly recognized in order to support the East Manggarai Regency Regional Government program which will develop the Coffee Village Agrotourism concept centered on Colol village, East Lamba Leda District.
Jurnal Budaya Etnika, 2021
ABSTRAK Realitas yang terjadi di masyarakat Gunung Puntang telah menjadi tradisi budidaya kopi organik, sebagai lumbung perekonomian rakyat yang berkembang menjadi daya tarik pariwisata berbasis kearifan lokal. Terkait dengan adanya tradisi sistem pertanian rakyat dalam bentuk budidaya tanaman kopi organik tersebut, pada perkembangannya berdampak kepada sektor lain, yaitu bidang pariwisata. Sektor pariwisata yang kini sedang menjadi trand dalam percaturan industri kepariwisataan berbasis kearifan lokal. Isu kearifan lokal yang menjadi daya tarik dan bernilai ekonomis tinggi, menjadi peluang besar untuk dikembangkan oleh masyarakat lokal setempat. Perubahan pada tradisi bertani kopi yang dikembangkan oleh masyarakat desa hutan di Gunung Puntang, bukan semata-mata masyarakatnya untuk mencari keuntungan, namun ada faktor internal yang harus dijaga, bahwa masyarakat petani kopi Gunung Puntang merasa termotivasi dengan situasi alam dan lingkungan yang subur sebagai lahan pertanian. Adapu...
Daya Tarik Dan Partisipasi Kelompok Masyarakat Desa Wisata Kopi Sidomulyo Kabupaten Jember
Journal of Tourism and Creativity, 2021
The pattern of development of the Sidomulyo Coffee Tourism Village, Jember Regency in the new normal era can be judged from the level of attractiveness of the Tourism Village and the level of participation from community groups. This research aims to identify the potential objects of tourism appeal and potential natural interest, as well as aware of the participation rates performed by the group of the Cidomulyo Coffee Village. This research was held in the village of Sidomulyo Jember County. The sample used is as many as eight people and the group of Sidomulyo village as 21 people. The analysis method uses skoring analysis. Research results indicate that a component of good value attraction components are worth a pretty good, an amenity component tend to be involved in performing activities, quite often involved in performing activities, quite involved in performing activities, quite a development process
Strategi pengembangan agrowisata kopi rakyat di Jawa Timur
Agromix, 2023
The development of smallholder coffee agro-tourism in East Java is the development of local community-based tourism destinations. The development was ideal if there was an increase in community participation, an increase in the local economy, and a contribution to conservation. However, in the initial study, there were several problems that caused smallholder coffee agro-tourism in East Java to lack competitiveness. This study aims to analyze the key factors that can be used as a reference in the right strategy in developing smallholder coffee agro-tourism in East Java. Methods: This study uses mixed methods using qualitative and quantitative data. Data analysis using Prospective Analysis with the contribution of the experts Results: The results showed that there were 29 factors that influenced the development of smallholder coffee agro-tourism in East Java. After conducting a prospective analysis, there are 17 key factors that become a reference in determining the development strategy. These factors include (1) product management with environmental and health principles, (2) land ownership status, (3) products sold by farmers, (4) community relations, (5) coffee plant care, (6) product prices, (7) transparency of product prices, (8) monitoring and evaluation, (9) opportunities to get jobs, (10) variety of tour packages, (11) conditions of socio-cultural objects, (12) local cultural conditions of coffee plantation communities, (13) fair wages for coffee farmers and the community, (14) agro-tourism management reports, (15) availability of souvenir shops, (16) coffee distribution system, and (17) coffee agro-tourism legality. Conclusion: The implementation of this strategy can be carried out by synergies and collaborations between tourism stakeholders consisting of village governments, the tourism industry, universities, non-governmental organizations, and the media.