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Logistics: Impact of Industry 4.0
Applied Sciences
The term “Industry 4.0” relates broadly to intelligent digitization, products, and value chain processes automation, an integration of real and virtual manufacturing worlds where products, factories, humans, and objects merge with embedded software in intelligent, distributed systems. The fourth industrial revolution currently encompasses many examples of application in several fields ranging from health to industry. However, despite this recent interest, the emergence of digitalization in the logistics industry has received little attention, especially in light of the fact that digitization is of increasing strategic importance for companies in a changing and highly competitive environment as it impacts their established processes, business models, and sector boundaries while also having an ecological impact. The new trade strategies put forward by the United Nations in their development plan revolve around sustainability, especially in the industrial sector. Technological advances...
The Challenges for Logistics in the Aspect of Industry 4.0
Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering
Logistics and forecasting of changes should be permanent elements of logistic activity. This requires the observation of new conditions for logistics as well as its multifaceted analysis, i.e. the perception of mutual relations and impact. New logistics concepts resulting from technological development will be created. One of the new solutions is the concept of Industry 4.0, the implementation of which can generate innovative solutions and long-term effects on the industry, including significantly production logistics.
Industry 4.0 from Logistics Firms’ Perspective
In 18 th century the first industrial revolution started with water- and steam-powered mechanical manufacturing. Following this era, comes industry 2.0 with the use of electricity and mass production. In 1970’s wide spread computerization and automation started the industry 3.0 era. Currently we are talking about a new are, industry 4.0, which enables communication between humans and also things, machines, though Cyber-Physical-Systems (CPS).The concept industry 4.0 although have been brought up in Germany, with the promises of the concept and todays increasing demand in cost effectiveness, flexibility, sustainability draw considerable interest globally. Industry 4.0 era will lead to breakthrough chances in business world. As the technologies of this era enables ubiquitous presence and real time information about each single piece of a process it has been used in many firms in developed countries for some time. With the current and potential benefits of industry 4.0 , especially log...
A new step forward of Industry 4.0 in transport and logistic
Aplikacija industrije 4.0 – prilika za novi iskorak u svim industrijskim granama / Application of Industry 4.0 – an opportunity for a new step forward in all industrial branches
Today's age of unbreakable connections between physical and digital components requires large amounts of information and data to generate adequate decisions and achieve more efficient management systems. The era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution known as Industry 4.0 primarily highlights digital technology aimed at integration with the Internet of Things (IoT), access to large amounts of useful real-time data, and the introduction of cyber-physical systems.Industry 4.0 is focused on creating solutions that enable digitization and process automation. Therefore, Industry 4.0 solutions have significant capabilities and benefits for application in transport and logistics in order to provide high quality supply chain processes, and improve market competitiveness by eliminating costs
Challenges and Trends of the logistics 4.0
Context: Owing to the technological breakthrough in the worldwide productive systems, generated by the 4.0 revolution, it is compulsory to make sweeping changes to logistics both nationally and internationally to allow supply chains to enhance their performance and their response time. Hence, the concept of Logistics 4.0 was born. Although many developed countries have implemented the principles of Logistics 4.0, there is still a breach in its study and application worldwide. This article explores the challenges and tendencies in the implementation of Logistics 4.0. Method: Articles published from 2015 to 2021 in the databases of Scopus, Science Direct, Taylor and Francis and Google Scholar, were analyzed by a systematic literature review. The explored publications were found using the search terms: (("logistics 4.0") OR ("supply chain 4.0") OR ("industry 4.0" AND ("logistics" OR "supply chain"))) and ((“blockchain” OR “IoT” OR “Cyb...
Industry 4.0 Technologies and Their Impact in Contemporary Logistics: A Systematic Literature Review
Even though the topic of Industry 4.0 in the last decade has attracted significant and multifarious attention from academics and practitioners, a structured and systematic review of Industry 4.0 in the context of contemporary logistics is currently lacking. This study attempted to address this shortcoming by performing a systematic review of the available literature of Industry 4.0 in the logistics context. To that end, and after a systematic inclusion/exclusion process, 65 carefully selected papers were addressed in the study. The results obtained from this study were illustrated and discussed in order to provide answers to two research questions pre-defined by the authors. In essence, this study identified emerging aspects and present trends in the area, addressed the main technological developments and evolution of Industry 4.0 and their impact for contemporary logistics, and finally pinpointed literature shortcomings and currently under-explored areas with a high potential for i...
Logistics 4.0 and the revalidation of logistics concepts and strategies
The publications of the MultiScience - XXXII. MicroCAD International Scientific Conference, 2018
The paper describes the terms Industry 4.0 and Logistics 4.0 as two of the most important trends in production and logistics. Industry 4.0 is a synonym for the fourth industrial revolution. It is connected with the common trend of digitalization, virtualization and networking of data and information. The term Logistics 4.0 brands the specific application of Industry 4.0 in the area of logistics. Industry 4.0 and Logistics 4.0 create new business processes. The question is, how will they change the traditional logistics concepts and strategies? The paper answers the following research questions: What are solutions of Logistics 4.0? Are there any successful realized solutions, which optimize logistics at a whole? Which requirements on logistics management will exist according to the criteria of Industry 4.0/Logistics 4.0? Are the classic logistics strategies still valid according to the digital transformation process? KEYWORDS Industry 4.0, Logistics 4.0, logistics concepts, logistics strategies 1. INDUSTRY 4.0 AND LOGISTICS 4.0 The term "Industry 4.0" was first used in a high-tech-strategy project of the German government. (Compare [1] [2]) The term is based on the nomenclature of software and is used as a synonym for the fourth industrial revolution. Basics of Industry 4.0 (Compare [3]) are the availability of relevant information in real-time by networking of all elements which are involved in the creation of value, the ability to deduce optimal value-added processes from the information and data at any time and the realization of an information-integrated value-added process. The use of cyber-physical systems (CPS) best describes Industry 4.0. This means the integration of computation, networking and real, physical things, which provide the base for new business models and business solutions. The term Logistics 4.0 brands the specific application of Industry 4.0 in the area of logistics. Logistics means the management of the flow of people, animals and things between an origin and the point of consumption to fulfil the requirements of the customer. Relevant technologies of Logistics 4.0 are, e. g. identification, mobile
Logistics 4.0: Goals, trends and solutions
Advanced logistic systems, 2022
Logistics 4.0 generates a high number of new solutions. The scientific task is to generate an overview knowledge in this field and to show opportunities for the targeted further development. Research questions are: (1) What are typical goals and potentials of Logistics 4.0? (2) What current trends in ICT, production and logistics are influencing Logistics 4.0 solutions? (3) What are typical solutions of logistics 4.0? (4) In which areas do new research questions arise? The research is based on an analysis of new scientific publications and of own scientific projects according Logistics 4.0. Furthermore, the basis are also many years of scientific work and practical experiences in the area of logistics. The approach is based on the evaluation of the impact of trends on logistics solutions.
Logistics 4.0 - Basics, Ideas and Useful Methods
MultiScience - XXXIII. microCAD International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference
The term Logistics 4.0 brands the specific application of Industry 4.0 in the area of logistics. Industry 4.0 and Logistics 4.0 create many new possibilities and new solutions by digitalization and networking. That is the reason for an expanded theory of logistics to help characterize existing solutions, systematically develop new ones, and bring them together effectively and efficiently. The objectives for science are to develop a new model of thinking, a framework model and a procedure model for current and future logistics solutions including Logistics 4.0. This is a big task. Therefore, some useful models for logisticians are developed and discussed in this paper. They help to systemize logistical knowledge. The relevant knowledge areas are technologies and basics of Logistics 4.0, strategies and methods to improve processes, and characteristics of smart logistical objects.
Logistics engineering and industry 4.0 and digital factory
Archives of Transport, 2021
The number of IT systems and technologies supporting various processes, including the manufacturing, has been growing in recent years. Various versions of integrated ERP-class systems are known. At the same time, we are in the fourth industrial revolution. The future is Industry 4.0 and Digital Factory. Industry 4.0 is an overall term for technical innovations and value change organization concepts which revolutionize the industrial production. Currently, the digital technologies change the way production is carried out by generating, transferring and processing of data, and also by analysing large amounts of datasets. There is a problem of the place and significance of logistics, transport and supply chains in the fourth industrial revolution. What is logistics engineering, what methods are suggested to solve the contemporary problems of logistic support of production processes? To whom are the virtual systems dedicated? What rules should be applied by small and medium enterprises ...