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Factors Influencing Economic Growth in Indonesia: Error Correction Model (Ecm)
Abstract: The main objective of this study is to identify and analyze the effect of foreign direct investments (FDI), foreign debts, bank credit and labor force on the economic growth in Indonesia. Annual data during the period of 1985-2013 are used in this study and collected from Bank Indonesia, BKPM, and BPS. The study uses Error Correction Model (ECM). The result shows that foreign direct investment, bank credit and labor force positively and significantly influence the economic growth in Indonesia in short term and long term analyses. In the other hand, foreign debt negatively and significantly influences the economic growth in Indonesia in short term and long term. Abstrak: Tujuan studi adalah mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis pengaruh penanaman modal asing (PMA), hutang luar negeri, kredit bank, dan angkatan kerja terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Studi ini menggunakan data tahunan tahun 1985-2013 yang diperoleh dari Bank Indonesia, BKPM, dan BPS. Model yang digunak...
JIET (Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Terapan), 2022
The manufacturing industry is the main supporting sector for the economy, considering its enormous contribution to Indonesia’s national GDP compared to other sectors. However, the economic problems lately have resulted in a decline in Indonesia’s economic conditions, which is marked by a reduction in national GDP and a decrease in the output of the Indonesian manufacturing industry sector. Thus, this study aims to analyze the effect of the complex variables in the current economy, namely inflation, exchange rates, labor, and the money supply, on the manufacturing industry sector in Indonesia in the long and short term. This study uses the ECM (error correction model) method in empirical testing. The data used is secondary time series data (quarterly) starting from 2011:Q1 – 2020:Q4; the data obtained comes from the Central Statistics Agency, Bank Indonesia, and the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. This study uses the Eviews10 application as an analytical tool. The analysis results conducted in this study show that the exchange rate and labor have a positive and significant influence on the manufacturing industry sector in the long and short term. The money supply has a positive and significant effect on the manufacturing industry sector in the long term only. Meanwhile, inflation has a negative but not significant effect both in the long term and short term. Of these critical variables, labor has the most crucial influence on the manufacturing industry sector. Therefore, the government needs to pay attention to policies related to labor as the main factor in increasing the output of the manufacturing industry.
The Impact of Monetary Policy on the Industry Sector in Indonesia
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan
Several studies show that there is a relationship between monetary policy and industrial sector output. The main objective of this research is to analyze the impact of monetary policy on the industrial sector. The appropriate model for time series data that is not stationary is the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). This study involved quarterly data during 2010 to 2019 from Central Bank of Indonesia (BI) and Statistics Indonesia (BPS). The empirical results indicate that the industrial sector has a positive response to the shock of the BI interest rate variable. On the other hand, the industrial sector gave a negative response to shocks from the consumer price index variable and the BI interest rate. The results of the variance decomposition show that the largest percentage contribution is shown by the inflation variable as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Keywords: BI rate, Monetary policy, Industry sector, VECMJEL Classification E...
The Analysis of Manufacturing Sector in Indonesia
KnE Social Sciences, 2019
The development of sustainable manufacturing industries is the strategy and policy of Indonesia government. The purpose of this research to examine and analyze the impact of labor, capital, material, and energy consume in 2012-2015 to output of manufacturing industries sector based on 2 digits code. The other purpose is to analyze and examine the factor affecting the output of manufacturing industries sector and Total Factor Productivity. The methods that used in this research is regression with panel data and TFP OLS. The result show that labor, capital, material, and energy consume have significant positive effect to output f manufacturing industries sector, while the TFP result is positive.
United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 2(9), 2021
This study aims to examine the effect of inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates on the rate of economic growth in Indonesia through the People’s Business Credit. The data used is secondary data obtained from BPS. The data in this study is an annual time series from 2007-2020. This study uses the simultaneous regression analysis method with the Amos program. The findings of this study indicate that inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates do not affect Indonesia’s economic growth. This study shows that the policies implemented can stabilize the rupiah exchange rate, inflation, and interest rates which in turn have an impact on the distribution of People’s Business Credit so as to increase Indonesia’s economic growth.
This study aimed to analyze the effect partially and simultaneously of the investment variable, the labor variable, the export variable, and the rate / value of the rupiahs variable toward the Indonesian economic growth. The whole data used in this research are secondary data from the systematic recording in the form of time series data (time series) in the period of 2007 to 2013 which were obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of South Sulawesi Province. Model analysis of the data in this study is using multiple linear regressions with ordinary least squares approach (OLS). The results of this study indicate that in period of 2007-2013, the partially variables: Investment has no effect to economic growth; Labor positively and significantly affected to economic growth; Export in this case net-exports a negatively and significantly affected to economic growth; and the rupiahs' exchange rate has not affected economic growth. And simultaneously variables: Investment, Labor, Exports, Foreign Exchange positively affected to Indonesia's Economic Growth.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Economic Growth in Indonesia: Vector Error Correction Model
Nowadays, the economic movement in ASEAN countries has been growing up rapidly. Indonesia should prepare itself to face the upcoming ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015. Economic growth is one of the important indicators in the analysis of the macroeconomic condition of a country. One of the variables that influence economic growth is investment. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is one of two kinds of foreign investment. Besides FDI, the economy of a country is also influenced by the trade activities. Export-import and investment play an important role in the economic activities of a country. This paper is motivated by the fact that there is an explanation about relation between GDP and economic variables such as FDI and export-import. The methods used here are Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and Engle Granger and the data used here is secondary data that is quarterly Time Series Data during 2005-2012 based on the publications of Central Bank of Indonesia, Government of Indonesia, Trade map, etc. We estimated that there is interdependent between variables that influence economic growth.
The Factors Influencing Economic Growth in Indonesia
Quantitative Economics Journal, 2020
This research is based on the fact that the state of economic growth in Indonesia tends to fluctuate, even more often decrease. This is because the government policy is not appropriate to improve the economic growth of Indonesia. This study aims to determine and analyze the factors of foreign direct investment, inflation, international trade, and government expenditure that affect economic growth in Indonesia. The problem in this research is due to the limited fund in economic development both structure and infrastructure so that economic growth tends to decrease. Therefore, appropriate strategies must be taken to overcome the limitations in promoting economic growth. From this problem, this research aims to see how big influence of foreign direct investment (FDI), inflation (INF), international trade (NX) and government expenditure (GE) variable to economic growth. The data used in this study is secondary data (periodical data) in the period of observation 1996-2014 obtained from t...
Long Term Trends in the Industrial and Economic Growth in Indonesia
Before the 1997/98 economic crisis, Indonesia was included as a new Asian Tiger together with Malaysia and Thailand Tiger and was a model to other developing countries for her achievements in rapid and sustained economic growth and rapid structural change. This study is an analysis of the long terms trends in Indonesian economic growth during the period 1970-2000. It is concerned with the growth of the different sectors of the economy, especially manufacturing industry, and the sources of growth. What is observed is that during that period, the Indonesian economy has undergone the massive structural transformation from an economy where the agricultural sector played a dominant role in the country's GDP to an economy where the sector's contribution becomes much less important, replaced by secondary and tertiary sectors with manufacturing industry as the leading sector. In conclusion, manufacturing industry has played an important role for the rapid economic growth during th...
Economic performance is an assessment of its success in areas related to its assets, liabilities and overall market strength. Many countries take regular stock in either formal or less formal basis of the general economic performance of their countries to make sure that it remains on the right track financially. Economic performance can be seen from economic growth. Economic growth is an indicator to perceive a country’s performance whether in good or bad performance. The success of the development of a country can be seen from the level of economic growth. Therefore, each country always set target of high economic growth rates in the planning and development objectives. By high sustainable economic growth means as the main condition for sustainable development economy. In the narrow sense, economic growth means the increase in total production of both goods and services. This is measured by the change in real gross domestic product (GDP) and by the change of real gross domestic pro...