Cooperation with universities in a function of innovation development: Analysis of data in AP Vojvodina (original) (raw)


Proceedings of ICERI2022 Conference 7th-9th November 2022, 2022

Nowadays, in the era of globalization, firms must face competitive pressure. This forces firms to look for new ways of increasing their competitive advantage. Various forms of cooperation leading to the transfer of knowledge between the involved entities is one of the ways to support corporate competitiveness, for example through the creation of innovations. This is especially important in the era of so-called open innovation when companies can benefit much more from external collaboration than was the case in the past. Educational institutions, as generators of new knowledge, thus become one of the key partners for businesses. The same is true about national and European public institutions, as a provider of public funds. However, in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, this kind of university-industry-government cooperation does not always end effectively. Therefore, in this paper, we analyse determinants of firms' innovation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, under the conditions of open innovation approach. Doing so, we pay special attention to the relationship between educational institutions and firms to reveal whether and how these players cooperate. For these purposes, we use Community Innovation Survey and the data about 5,198 Czech and 2,657 Slovakian companies. The results of this study allow us to propose implications for public policy makers, but also for corporate managers.

Scientists' Entrepreneurial Competencies as Determinants of University-Industry Cooperation

EDULEARN18 Proceedings, 2018

The subject of the article is commercialization of research which generates innovative products for the company involved. The aim of the research was to identify factors that influence the onset of cooperation and mutual research by scientists and entrepreneurs in the pharmaceutical sector. Empirical part of the research was based on case study method. The authors confront data collected during the desk research with the data obtained from studying a company that has been transforming from a pharmaceutical distributor into a production company in this sector. In order to develop innovative medical products, the company undertook cooperation with scientists who proposed solutions that are demanded in the market. Interviews with representatives of the company and scientists involved in cooperation were conducted. Additionally, the authors interviewed representatives of technology transfer office at Lublin University of Technology, who supported the cooperation with their consulting services, and made participating observations of the initial stages of cooperation. The analysis of the empirical data allowed presentation of success factors in initiating cooperation in implementing innovations for all the actors involved, i.e. companies, scientists and supporting institutions.

University-Business Cooperation as a Key Factor in Innovative Economic Development in Kazakhstan

Theoretical and Practical Research in the Economic Fields

The aim of this article is to study the role of university-business cooperation in innovative economic development in Kazakhstan. It was considered some issues related to the creation of research universities, the development of innovative activities and university-business cooperation. The study revealed that the creation of the partnership between universities and technology parks is beneficial from an economic perspective. This interaction provides high-quality training for experts focused on innovation in priority areas of science, engineering, and technology development. Moreover, these integration structures are expected to have a significant impact on the socio-economic development of the region, specialized industries, and the higher education system. It was suggested a set of interacting organizational and economic components aimed at creating incentives and interests for investing in small innovative enterprises at research universities. The principal research method used ...

University-business collaboration as perceived by leading academics: comparing and contrasting the two most innovative Czech regions

Erdkunde, 2015

This article compares the nature of academia-business collaboration in the two most innovative Czech regions, where the respective regional decision-makers and universities' representatives differ sharply in their approaches towards the commercialization of academic knowledge. An analysis of the nature of collaboration between life-science researchers in two leading Czech universities and private companies has been performed to identify whether targeted support provided at the regional and university levels can make a real difference and can overcome hindrances from the national level. In particular, the article investigates the motivation and approaches of leaders of life-science research teams to cooperation with private companies, the perceived barriers impeding such cooperation, including the strength of demand for innovation in both analyzed regions. The research identified significant differences in the perception of barriers between life scientists in Prague and South Moravia, vindicating the positive role of the South Moravian innovation strategy. Thus, researchers in South Moravia no longer face barriers preventing the emergence of cooperation with the business sector, and instead they are concerned about obstacles that stand in the way of its more intensive development. Zusammenfassung: In diesem Beitrag wird die Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft und Unternehmen in den beiden innovativsten Regionen Tschechiens untersucht, die sich hinsichtlich der seitens regionaler Entscheidungsträger und Repräsentanten der Universitäten verfolgten Strategien einer Kommerzialisierung akademischen Wissens grundsätzlich unterscheiden. Es wurde eine Analyse der Zusammenarbeit von Life Science Wissenschaftlern zweier führenden tschechischen Universitäten und privaten Unternehmen vorgenommen, um die Wirksamkeit einer gezielten Förderung auf regionaler und universitärer Ebene zu identifizieren und zu bewerten, ob die Strategien geeignet sind, Hindernisse auf nationaler Ebene zu überwinden. Im Fokus des Beitrags stehen vor allem die Motivation der Leiter von Life Science Forscherteams und ihre Art der Kooperation mit privaten Unternehmen, ihre Wahrnehmung möglicher Barrieren auf dem Weg zu und im Rahmen einer solchen Zusammenarbeit, aber auch die Intensität der Innovationsnachfrage in beiden untersuchten Regionen. Die Studie belegt signifikante Unterschiede in der Perzeption von Barrieren zwischen Life Science Wissenschaftlern in Prag und der Region Südmähren und belegt die positiven Impulse der in Südmähren verfolgten Innovationsstrategie. So sehen die Wissenschaftler in dieser Region keine Hindernisse bei ihren Kooperationen mit der privaten Wirtschaft, sondern sorgen sich vielmehr um die Hemmnisse einer intensiveren und fortschreitenden wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung.

Are firms interested in collaborating with universities? An open-innovation perspective in countries of the South West European Space

This paper explores the determinants of a firm's interest in collaborating with universities and whether they differ by the technological level of the company's industry. Based on the conceptual framework of open innovation (OI) model, it is included some aspects related to the transaction costs and roles of innovation diffusion that justifies the study of firḿ s interest as previous step of an OI relation among firms and partners. The evidence is based on data collected through semistructured interviews between January 2009 and October 2009, on a sample of 375 firms from three countries: Spain, Portugal, and France. The results indicate that more innovative firms tend to be more interested in collaborating with universities. The paper provides evidence that country factors also affect a firm's intention of collaborating with universities. Finally, the results show that the determinants of a high-tech firm's attitudes to cooperation differ from those found in a non-high-tech firm. In the future, the study of the determinants of those firms' formal decision to cooperate may let us to understand whether the driving forces of both interest in and decision to cooperate differ.

Support of Innovation, Educational Scientific-Research and Research-Developmental Work on Universities in Serbia


Purpose: The increase in the number of new firms from academic researches and locations sciencebased industries close to universities is one of the forms of expressing the relation of the Triple Helix in knowledge-based societies. Innovation is increasingly taking the Triple Helix form of relations and actors of new innovation types which are results of inventions. In this paper, the authors show that inexpressible (tacit) knowledge can occur through local research powers and that the global knowledge system can be connected with local conditions if it plays a role in the development process. They are confident that universities function as a bridge between global science flows and technology on one hand and local conditions and economic development on the other hand. Methodology/Results: The Triple Helix (TH) model includes three main actors: university, industry and state government. The TH thesis states that university can play a larger role in innovation in knowledge-based socie...

The Changing Role of Entrepreneurial Universities in the Altering Innovation Policy: Opportunities Arising from the Paradigm Change in Light of the Experience of Széchenyi István University

Polgári szemle, 2020

The pro­gress made by the en­tre­pren­eur­ial uni­versity, which is a newly emer­ging cat­egory in Hun­garian higher edu­ca­tion after its change of model, has not only deepened re­la­tions between uni­versit­ies and the in­dustry and in­tens­i­fied the tech­no­logy and know­ledge trans­fer pro­cesses, but also in­creased the role of uni­versit­ies in shap­ing re­gional in­nov­a­tion policy. This trans­form­a­tion places co-op­er­a­tion between the act­ors of the re­gional in­nov­a­tion eco­sys­tem and the re­la­tion­ships between the eco­nomic, gov­ern­mental and aca­demic sys­tems into a new frame­work. The pur­pose of this paper is to de­scribe the pro­cess of the change in the model through a spe­cific ex­ample, and to out­line the fu­ture pos­sib­il­it­ies of uni­versity in­volve­ment in the cur­rently chan­ging Hun­garian in­nov­a­tion policy sys­tem.

A model for building a relationship between universities and entrepreneurs

Proceedings of 6th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Economics Engineering ‘2019, 2019

Purpose – the article aims to describe the main problems in cooperation between universities and entrepreneurs as well as suggestions to improve this cooperation. Research methodology – the aim of the article has been achieved based on literature analysis, detailed content analysis of existing Latvian technical universities strategy documents and SWOT analysis, and recommendations gained through expert interviews. Findings – one of the factors strengthening the need for cooperation is the significant shortage of engineering and ICT specialists in the coming years; therefore, authors have analysed technical universities strategy documents. The article suggests that improvement in the cooperation can be reached if academic institutions would apply a unified system for better cooperation with industry. Practical implications – the model, which is described by authors as the SADI model, provides an opportunity to strengthen cooperation with industry taking into account such factors as a...

Open Innovation Capacity of the Polish Universities

Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2017

Following the patterns of open innovation should be one of the key elements of knowledge management systems in universities. Universities sharing or selling their intellectual property become natural partners, allies or suppliers in securing innovation in companies. The paper adds to the state of the art research by presenting data on Polish technical universities and by offering discussion over their open innovation capacity. The study covers two key aspects: (1) universities delivering solutions as partners/suppliers in outside-in innovation processes of companies and (2) universities as facilitators of open innovation ecosystems or key players in the ecosystems. The author seeks to answer the research question whether actions undertaken by universities to boost their presence in open innovation ecosystems affect the dynamics of the commercial use of their intellectual property. A method of structured self-assessment concerning open innovation capacity is proposed and applied. Res...