Motivations and Constraints of Moving Abroad for Indian Students

Faced with a situation in which countries compete for international students, it becomes especially important to understand students’ preferences regarding migration behaviour. This paper looks at the determinants of interna- tional mobility intentions in the specific situation of Indian students in sciences and engineering. It uses the collected data from the survey held among students at five Indian universities and complements it with qualitative data from interviews. We looked at the role of students’ personal and family background, university- related factors, their social network and preferences for living location in their motivations for moving abroad. The type of university and field of studies work as strong predictors for students’ desired move abroad. Whether a student plans a career in academia or wants to work in a company has a decisive influence on where they see themselves in the near future. Professional aspects are confirmed to be the most prominent in the decision-making regarding international mobility. People who place high importance on work-related factors are more mobile, while people who place higher importance on family-friendly environment and public safety prefer staying in India. International student mobility is obviously a family decision. Parents’ support is crucial for moving abroad, in moral as well as in financial terms. Normally, obligations towards family are put in the first place ahead of potential individual initiatives.

The motivations and their conditions which drive students to seek higher education in a foreign country

Current Psychology

This article summarizes a vast literature tracing the plethora of motivations of international students to study abroad. We detail the push factors (i.e., personal goals) and pull factors (i.e., attracting elements) for this decision to pursue higher education overseas. To elaborate, the push factors are around the attainment and/or increase of three main capitals: human, financial and psychological. Pull factors are around the attracting capacity of three main entities: the destination country, the hosting city and the academic institution. Furthermore, the paper highlights the conditions that may enhance or inhibit student mobility for higher education abroad (for example, social networks, transportation accessibility, legal requirements and more). Special reference is given to the mobility of international students in the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Factors of Studying Abroad for Indian Students


The number of Indian students at universities in Australia has been increasing. The number of such students studying in Australia decreased correspondingly during the same time. The research tries to understand why the existing student population in Australia prefers to study in Singapore, rather than on campus in Australia. Focus group interviews and an online survey also incorporated a comparative approach. The number of Indian students applying for a study visa in Australia has declined significantly, and there has been an uptick in anxiety about the national $180 million global education industry. The latest statistics from the immigration department shows that demands for student visas from India fell by 48 percent compared to the same period in 2009 for the period from July to November 3


IASET, 2020

Student migration is the movement of students to study abroad. The internationalization of higher education increased dramatically during the period of globalization and it has become market driven activity. India is the world's second largest student sending country after China with the number of Indian students abroad having increased four times in the last 14 years. With the rapid rise of international education more and more students are seeking higher education in foreign countries and many international students now consider overseas study a stepping-stone to permanent residency within a country. Going abroad has now become trend for the youngsters mainly in India. Everyone who has gone out of India to study abroad describe the entire experience as life-changing. Studying abroad, outside India, not just gives you access to quality education but also changes the way you look at things, handle difficult situations and tackle problems. This article addresses obstacles confronting by students within the home countries. The challenges are categorized into pre-departure. The findings will reveal pre-departure challenges, such as obtaining accurate information, understanding the admission procedure, and preparing documents for visa acquisition. Students face language barriers, financial issues, and cultural adjustment when they are in the host countries. The article also explores the current trend of migration of Indian students to other counties.

Why study abroad: Differences in motivation between U.S. and international students

Journal of Global Education Research, 2021

Globally, collegiate students possess distinct drives, opportunities, and constraints that influence their choices regarding if, when, and where to study abroad. This research explored the study abroad motivations of US students who were studying in other countries as well as international students who were studying in the US. Data was collected using a cross-sectional survey constructed from pre-existing study abroad motivation instruments. Human capital theory and the push-pull model of international education flow were used as the theoretical frameworks grounding this study’s survey. A principal components analysis helped determine the most parsimonious number of latent motivation constructs in the survey. Using independent samples t-tests, significant differences were found in motivations related to language learning, academic enrichment, avoiding social limitations, and aspiration to work in host country; these factors were significantly higher among international students as compared to US students. An ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analysis found that when holding all other independent variables constant, international student status significantly predicted language learning as a study abroad motivation. This study’s results offer insight on how colleges and universities can craft global experiences suited to students’ desires to study outside their home country. It also brings awareness to the role of country of origin in motivational factors when studying abroad and encourages stakeholders to consider the importance of cultural and national background when engaging students in these opportunities.

Factors influencing Indian student's choice of overseas study destination

There has been an increase in the number of students from India studying at Australian universities in Singapore. During the same period, there has been a corresponding decrease in the number of this group of students studying in Australia. The study thus seeks to understand why the current group of Indian students studying at an Australian University in Singapore has chosen to study in Singapore rather than at a campus in Australia. The research design employed a qualitative approach using focus group interviews and an online survey. The findings include a combination of factors and considerations influencing the choice of university and overseas study destination for students from India, the role of education service agents in India in influencing the decisions of these students and the demographic characteristics of students from India in Singapore. The study highlights future recommendations for universities in attracting and catering for students from overseas.

Examining Factors Responsible for Students’ Choice to Study or Work Abroad

Saudi Journal of Economics and Finance, 2020

Globalization and internationalization has an intense impact on the students' inclination towards the foreign environment. This research paper focuses on the factors influencing the decision of students to study or work abroad. The factors examined are: level of general knowledge (GK), attraction towards foreign study and work (AT), familiarity with the foreign environment (FM), business informative questions (BA) and repulsive factors that hold him back or create negative image of foreign society (RP). The study is conducted on 201 Saudi male undergraduate students of the Jazan University, Jazan, KSA. The result shows the propensity of students towards the foreign environment. The findings can be generalized to the majority of areas and could be used to create more focused mindset of the students for better prospects.

Further examining the role motivation to study abroad plays in the adaptation of international students in Canada

International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 2008

We investigated the role self-determined motivation and the goals international students have for studying abroad play in the adaptation of international students. We studied samples of international students from three Canadian Universities at the beginning of an academic year (N = 228) and at the end of the same year (N = 72). The results supported the hypotheses that autonomous motivation to study abroad is a predictor of students’ various adjustment outcomes at different times of the academic year and that the preservation goals have a weaker negative effect upon the adjustment outcomes and this effect is relatively independent from the effect of autonomy. These results are consistent with the previous study of Chinese international students in Belgium and Canada [Chirkov, V.I., Vansteenkiste, M., Tao, R., & Lynch, M. (2006). The role of motivation to study abroad in the adaptation of international students: A self-determination theory approach. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 31(2), 199–222]. The role that gender, marital status and country of origin play in moderating these relations is also studied and discussed. The main conclusion further justifies the importance of motivation in understanding the adjustment dynamics of various groups of migrants.

Why do Students Study Abroad? Exploring Motivations Beyond Earning Academic Credits

Tourism Analysis, 2010

The purpose of this study was to examine motivations of college students’ participation in study abroad programs. The study is based on surveys conducted with a group of university students who participated in a study abroad program to either the South Pacific (Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji) or Europe (Austria and the Netherlands). The study results suggested four motivation domains: international travel, escape, social, and academic. Of the four motivational dimensions, the strongest was international travel, followed by academic, social, and escape. The implications of the findings to the student travel industry and study abroad programs are discussed.