Щедрина А.Ю. Два средневековых меча из собрания НМРК // Вестник Национального музея Республики Карелия. Вып. 8. Петрозаводск, 2021. С. 270-277. (original) (raw)

Каинов С.Ю., Олейников О.М. Перекрестие меча из раскопа на ул. Большая Московская в Великом Новгороде // Российская археология, 2020, № 2. С. 167-176.

Sergey Yu. Kainov, Oleg M. Oleynikov A SWORD GUARD FROM THE EXCAVATION SITE IN BOLSHAYA MOSKOVSKAYA STREET IN VELIKY NOVGOROD In 2014, thousands of various objects of the 11th–19th centuries were found in Veliky Novgorod at the excavation site (Bolshaya Moskovskaya St., 30). On the estate area, an underground pit of rectangular shape was revealed with dimensions of 200 × 120 cm and deepened 150 cm into the layer. The pit walls were lined with wide half-beams inserted into the grooves in logs located at the corners of the pit. According to the data of dendrochronological analysis, this structure was built in 1188 and lasted until the early 13th century. Filling of this basement among other objects, including those manufactured in Western Europe, produced a sword guard. It fits into a representative series of weapons decorated with a silver inlay in the form of spirals and palmettes, found mostly in Finland and Karelia. A narrow dating of the archaeological context of the find is essential to determine the chronology of the existence of swords decorated in this way.

Каинов С.Ю., Макушников О.А. Наконечник ножен меча из Старой Белицы (Гомельская обл., Беларусь) // Военная археология. Вып. 7. 2022. С. 162-170.

The article is dedicated to the sword’s scabbard chape found at the village of Staraya Belitsa in the vicinity of Gomel on the territory of the identified Ancient Rus’ settlement. It belongs to a rare group of high cast chapes dating from the end of the 10th – the first half of the 11th century, probably produced in Ancient Rus’. A significant area of the settlement, a large number of barrows that used to be nearby and the find of the sword’s scabbard chape may indicate that in the immediate vicinity of the chronicles' Gomiy near the village of Staraya Belitsa, there used to be a settlement that was controlled by the representatives of the princely administration.

Соенов В.И., Трифанова С.В. Средневековые наконечники стрел из коллекций случайных находок на Алтае [MEDIEVAL ARROWHEADS FROM COLLECTIONSOF ACCIDENTAL DISCOVERIES IN ALTAI] // Сохранение и изучение культурного наследия Алтайского края. Барнаул: АлтГУ, 2019. Вып. XXV. С. 242-247.

Article is devoted input in a scientific turn of the iron flat and triangular three-wing arrowheads that local residents had accidental discovered on the territory of three districts in the Altai Republic in different years. Most of the published items are kept in the collections and the exposition of the Local History Museum of the Shebalinsky District. Despite the fact that the arrowheads are cut off from the archaeological context, nevertheless, due to the typological diver-sity, they are of undoubted interest in replenishing information about the complex of the medieval Altai ranged weapons. In addition, such artifacts are important for the reconstruction of military affairs and for the general characteristics of the material culture of the Altai population in the medieval period. We relate the arrowheads to periods in the framework of the mid-1st – the second half of the 2nd millennium AD. В научный оборот вводятся железные плоские и трехгранно-трехлопастные наконечники стрел, случайно найденные местными жителями на территории трех районов Республики Алтай в разные годы. Большинство публикуемых изделий хранится в фондах и экспозиции Краеведческого музея Шебалинского района. Хотя наконечники оторваны от археологического контекста, тем не менее, благодаря типологическому разнообразию, они представляют несомненный интерес для пополнения сведений о комплексе средневекового алтайского оружия дальнего боя. Кроме того такие артефакты имеют важное значение для реконструкции военного дела и для общей характеристики материальной культуры населения Алтая в период средневековья. Наконечники датированы нами различными периодами в рамках середины I – второй половины II тысячелетия н.э.