Emotional Quotient Analysis: How the Students Adapted in the Covid-19 Periods (original) (raw)


IASET, 2021

Emotions are the intense feelings towards some individual, event or situation without any cause. It could be agitation, disturbance of mind, passion, anger, grief, fear, enjoyment, surprise, love, shame, etc. One's ability to balance the emotions with the reason to maximize long-term happiness, and capability to recognize and manage one's as well as emotional awareness or emotional management skills. In the present dynamic and scientific environment, there is a corresponding rapid change in human lifestyles as it not only counts on the physical dimensions but connects to emotional aspects as well. It has also become more important to achieve academic excellence as the future hinges on learning and performance of students. So, with compelling changes in the environment following the economic crisis, both social and personal competencies are extremely important for a healthy and productive life in all aspects of life. The present study is designed to assess the emotional intelligence level of students of different strata. The purpose of this study is to study whether there are any relations of emotional intelligence on student effectiveness.

Identifying of emotional quotient junior high school students in mathematics

International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2021

This study aimed to determine the emotional intelligence of junior high school students, especially in managing emotions, recognizing emotions, and motivating themselves. This was quantitative study with survey design. There were 102 respondents participated in this research that were obtained based on purposive technique. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires and semi-structured interviews and data analysis using descriptive statistics, including mean, min, max, categorization, and percentage. From the results of the investigation that has been done, it is found that there is emotional intelligence of students in mathematics which is shown by the aspect of recognizing emotions which has a suitable category of 61.8% (63 of 102) students, the issue of managing emotions has an appropriate category of 53.9% (56 out of 102) students. The self-motivation aspect has a suitable category of 60.8% (62 out of 102) students. Students need to be allowed to develop direct experiences and thoughts on learning activities.


The study intends to assess the level of emotional quotient of Grade VI pupils in Sultan Palao Ali Memorial Elementary School, Inagongan, Tagoloan District for SY 2015-2016. The researcher would like to evaluate the emotional quotient level of pupils in terms of social awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skill and responsible-decision making. Moreover, this study also desire to uncover if there is significant relationship between the emotional quotient of learners and their academic performance as well as their behavior in class. It also aims to seek intervention program that can be materialized based from the result gathered. This is a descriptive- correlation survey which used a 30-item questionnaire. EQ Assessment Checklist which is divided into 5 interrelated sets of EQ which are self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. Each set consist of six questions to be answered. This is based on the learning competencies of Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). It is the nation’s leading organization advancing the development of academic, social and emotional competence for all students. Also, the study made use of Observable Behavior Questionnaire consisting of 15 questions divided into 3 categories which are Behavior towards Adviser, Behavior towards Peers, and Behavior towards Surrounding. Each category comprises of five (5) questions to be answered by their adviser. Based from the results gathered, majority of the respondents have high EQ level in terms of self-awareness. However, majority of them have low EQ level in terms of self-management, social awareness and responsible decision making. At one hand, majority of them have average EQ level in terms of their relation skills. In addition, those with high EQ level achieve average-high grades. But, those learners with low EQ level got poor academic performance on their 2nd Quarter Grading Period. Moreover, those with high EQ level tend to be non-disruptive or slightly disruptive compared to those with low EQ level who tend to be very disruptive in class. The results also show that there is significant relationship between the Emotional Quotient of learners and their academic performance. Adding to this, there is also significant relationship between the Emotional Quotient of learners and their observable behavior. This implies that EQ play important role in shaping a well-rounded individual.

International Journal of Education Humanities and Social Science


Background: Emotional intelligence incorporates the important aspects of interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships, adaptability, moods and stress management skills, which have a profound effect on the academic performance of students. Methodology: An Analytical Cross-sectional study was carried out with main objective to find out the association between emotional intelligence and academic performance of nursing students from selected nursing colleges. Using non-probability purposive sampling method, PCL Nursing 3rd year students were selected and data was collected using standardized Assessing Emotions Scale to measure Emotional Intelligence and final examination score of the students was considered as academic performance. Collected data was processed and analyzed using SPSS version 24. Results: The findings revealed that majority of the nursing students have high emotional intelligence. There is no any statistically significant correlation between emotional intelligence and academic performance of nursing students. Regarding sub dimensions of Emotional Intelligence, there was no any statistically significant correlation between managing other's emotion, perception of emotion and utilization of emotion with academic performance, except for managing own emotion which has statistically significant correlation with academic performance. Nursing students from different ethnicity, mother and father's education background do not defer in EI scores except age and type of family. Conclusion: Majority of the nursing students have higher level of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is not significantly correlated with academic performance. This paper suggests that emotional intelligence is not guaranteed with the highest academic grades of students and that emotional intelligence components may be incorporated into the curriculum.

Development of students' emotional intelligence and minimizing their stress in the classroom BY

Global Scientific and Academic Research Journal of Education and Literature, 2023

The goal of the article is to find out whether the development of students' emotional intelligence can contribute to decreasing stress in the classroom. Contemporary life is full of stress due to political and social instability, which makes minimizing stress in the classroom a significant topic. The attention paid nowadays to emotions makes dealing with them an important tool for success in education. An online teacher survey was conducted to clarify Georgian teachers' views on EI application in the educational process and its role in stress reduction. The respondents who volunteered to participate in the research were mostly females who came from the capital and three different towns in Georgia, representing both public and private schools, which still makes the study valuable, irrespective the limited number of participants (totally 44). The obtained results were analyzed by descriptive statistics methods. The obtained conclusions are: Georgian teachers are aware of the role of low-stress atmosphere in the classroom; the majority of the respondents believe that EI can and should be developed by teachers in class; special activities (positive feedback, humour, as well as games and other entertaining activities) should be used to increase students' EI, and teachers suppose that a high level of students' emotional intelligence has a positive impact on the productive classroom environment.

Assessment of emotional intelligence of school students

isara solutions, 2021

Contact No-9593697515 Introduction: Kothari Commission (1964) reported that yesterday's education system cannot satisfy the present need and even less so, tomorrow's need. To meet the present need, the education of the youth should be changed from the world of school to the world of work and life. Perhaps today's education system hardly gives guarantee for a successful life. Education in the contemporary society is not mere acquisition of Bookish knowledge, but in fact interaction between the teacher and the pupil, knowledge, understanding and handing the emotions in the right manner, at the right time, in the right way.