A Socio-pragmatic Perspective of Spanish and Persian Greeting

Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2020

Due to an increasing number of migration of Iranians to Spain and language and cultural problems they might face in the new society, a model of socio-pragmatic contrastive analysis was used with the intention of comparing the Spanish and Persian verbal and nonverbal greeting forms with the aim of helping Iranian immigrant in Spain for having a better understanding of cultural differences in greeting forms. In this study, the naturalistic context was used for both Spanish and Persian forms of greeting. This study shows two Spanish and two Persian patterns for greetings to show the differences and similarities between Persian and Spanish greeting to be a help for Iranian immigrants who are newcomers in Spain to be able to adapt themselves to Spanish culture which greeting is a part of it.

Spanish Communicative Strategies in Teaching of Spanish to Russian Students


When studying Spanish Philology, Russian university students often reach good levels of speaking, writing, and translating. To avoid an inevitable “foreignness” in their everyday Spanish communication skills (which are influenced by their native Russian communicative style), and to develop the abilities necessary to interpret literary texts, it is very important to focus on Spanish communicative strategies. The field of comparative communication studies in Spanish and Russian aims to prevent psychological discomfort and misunderstandings in intercultural interactions. Culture is connected to communicative strategies in a broad, anthropological sense, and conditions them. Communicative strategies clearly emerge in speech etiquette, as ritualized forms of verbal behavior that are considered polite and socially acceptable. Politeness is a socio-cultural phenomenon with numerous facets revealed by comparative intercultural studies. In terms of contrasts and conflicts between Russian and...

Linguocultural Analysis of the Most Common Greetings in the Russian, Tatar and Chinese Languages

International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2020

The article deals with greetings-as one of the speech genres, functioning in every language. Despite the universality of this speech genre, there are differences and peculiarities of its forms for various cultures. Of the great amount of greeting formulas functioning in the Russian, Tatar and Chinese languages the authors chose the most common three types. The formal-constructive, communicative-pragmatic and semantic characteristics are taken into consideration for a comparative analysis of the chosen units. The authors also attempted at providing a culturological interpretation of them. There are, on the one hand, greetings that are very similar in meanings among the linguocultures presented; on the other hand, there are nationally specific forms, which reflect the originality of the native speakers, their cultural traditions and axiological orientations. The study of greetings can give a key to understanding the nations' worldview structure, the traits of mentality, as well as be a basis for successful relationships in cross-culture communication.

Sociolinguistic Aspects of the Speech Act of Greeting in the Kazakh and English Languages

The present study investigated the sociolinguistic aspects of the speech act of greeting and its differences with regard to expressing or producing forms of greeting in the Kazakh and English languages. Contrastive studies of speech acts of different languages could help to overcome the gap that can happen in interpersonal communication among the speakers of various languages. The focus of the study is on the descriptive sociolinguistic analysis of the speech act of 'greeting' in the Kazakh and English languages and the ways of exchanging greetings. Methods used in collecting data were a questionnaire, an observation, an interview, introspection and statistical analysis. The materials which were analyzed involved Kazakh greetings that took place in real-life, and English greetings occurred in audiovisual materials from the internet. The results showed that social contexts had their influence on expressing the speech act of greeting in both Kazakh and English languages, and that each language has its own peculiarities and some similarities. We have defined that how does greeting operate in our life.

(Im)politeness in Spanish-speaking socio-cultural contexts: Introduction

Pragmatics, 2008

The papers collected for this special issue of Pragmatics continue the discussion on the phenomena of politeness in Spanish, initiated and sustained within EDICE Programme (Estudios del Discurso de la Cortesía en Español, 'Studies on the Discourse of Politeness in Spanish') 1 . The purpose of this collection is to provide recent research on politeness in and about Spanish to the international academic community. To meet these objectives, each paper in English is preceded by a summary written in Spanish.

The implications of studying politeness in Spanish-speaking contexts: A discussion

Pragmatics, 2008

In the last decades, the studies on politeness have discussed central concepts stemming from Brown and Levinson’s work ([1978] 1987), such as face, threats, mitigations and strategies of politeness. One of the problems that the study of politeness presents for the analysis of a situated corpus of speech is that the use of the mentioned notions calls for a socio-cultural perspective. In other words, it is necessary to include extralinguistic factors in the analysis of politeness, as the phenomena is beyond the sphere of linguistics in strict terms. In this paper, I approach the challenge based on other studies that I have already done for different corpora of Spanish. I discuss the problem of using certain concepts (face, threats, mitigations and strategies of politeness) as methodological categories for the interpretation of communicative behaviours in situated interactions. In my analysis, I use categories that incorporate, both theoretically and methodologically, socio-cultural va...

Intercultural Communication and the Use of Non-Verbal Means in the Learning Foreign

Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation : collected articles, 2017., 2017

The article considers the problem of using non-verbal components in the teaching of Russian as a foreign language, analyzes the features of nonverbal means of communication serving to create, transmit, and perceive messages in intercultural communication. The study and teaching of a foreign language should be carried out in close connection with the world of the native speakers, in an inseparable unity with the cultures of peoples who use these languages as a means of communication. In the process of communication, an important role belongs to the culture of communication, to which not only the form of speech relates, but also its non-verbal component (body movements, mimics, gestures, etc.). Non-verbal components are essential components of communication, since they are the most important bearers of message values. An important contribution to the problem of studying non-verbal communication was made by the domestic and foreign scholars A. Piz, M. Kozzolino, T. M. Nikolaev, B. A. Uspensky, V. P. Morozov. The importance of teaching methods for RCTs is a problem related to the study of the linguistic and conceptual picture of the world of the Russian person, knowledge through the language of axiology, the emotional and ethical spheres of Russians. All this makes it possible to get closer to the understanding of the Russian people, promote more successful intercultural communication, and form a special attitude towards the culture of the country of the language under study.

The pragmatics of thanking reflected in the textbooks for teaching Spanish as a foreign language

The aim of this paper is to present a classification for the speech act of thanking as reflected in the textbooks for teaching and learning Spanish as a foreign language and to ascertain the formulaic sequences used when expressing gratitude (i.e. from a pragmalinguistic viewpoint) in the Spanish language. For the purpose of this investigation, a corpus of 64 coursebooks, which included 250 situations representing the speech act of thanking, was used. Situations were analysed in order to design the classification of gratitude which took into consideration the relationship between interlocutors, and the object and/or the action for which this speech act was performed. The use of thanking sequences was explored by means of a questionnaire administered to 100 Spanish native speakers. The questionnaire results were then contrasted with the thanking formulae found in the coursebooks. The outcome of the investigation provided a classification of thanking which consisted of four main categories, subsequently divided into twelve subcategories. The results also revealed the sociopragmatic representation of thanking in the coursebooks for teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language and the most frequent specific thanking formulae used by native speakers. We expect that the classification will serve as a basis for future investigations in which this specific speech act is explored from a pragmatic standpoint.

Communicative Constructions in English and Spanish (2005)

This paper examines constructions used to report communicative acts in English and Spanish, both from a verb–centered perspective and from a constructional approach, as in Goldberg (1995). I review sentences with verba dicendi, and other constructions where verbs not belonging to the communicative domain are inserted in a ditranistive/communicative frame. The analysis of corpus examples shows that this conflated communicative pattern is not limited in English to conventional constructions of the type kiss goodnight. Novel uses reveal that this grammatical metonymy is more widespread than is generally believed. In Spanish it is not as productive as it is in English, but I claim that it is not banned by syntax, as has been suggested.

Pragmatic Registers of National Cooperative Communicative Behaviour of Ukrainians, Russians, Lithuanians and Americans

Innovative scientific researches: European development trends and regional aspect: Monograph. 3rd ed. Riga, Latvia: “Baltija Publishing”, 2020. P. 1–21. , 2020

The paper examines pragmatic registers of strategic-tactical implementation of the modes of politeness, neutrality, tolerance and familiarity in the national cooperative communicative behaviour of Ukrainians, Russians, Lithuanians and Americans (USA). The phenomenon of national cooperative communicative behaviour of Ukrainians, Russians, Lithuanians and Americans was chosen as the object of research. The purpose of the proposed work is to identify and characterize the main pragmatic registers of national cooperative speech behaviour of representatives of two Slavic (Ukrainian and Russian), Baltic (Lithuanian) and American communicative cultures based on the mode-organization of a strategic-tactical repertoire of discursive space. Linguistic-cognitive, pragmatic, communicative and linguacultural aspects of national cooperative communicative behaviour of Ukrainians, Russians, Lithuanians and Americans are comprehensively considered based on the data material in the form of discursive situations (fragments) and discursive practices, selected according to the text and contextualized texts of American fiction in the second half of the XX – early XX centuries. As a result of the analysis, the pragmatic registers of the research object were characterized, in particular the mode-organization of cooperative communication was determined and a repertoire of communicative strategies and tactics was established, which contribute to non-confrontational, harmonious, successful (non)verbal interaction of interactants. The paper also reveals the essence of pragmatic objectification of explicit (conventional) Ukrainian, Russian, Lithuanian and American national cooperative communicative behaviour, which is realized, first of all, in verbal communication within etiquette and ritual discursive practices of greeting, acquaintance, invitation, request, consent, praise / compliment, gratitude / appreciation, apology, sympathy / compassion / empathy / consolation, wish / desire, goodbye by defining specificity the mode-organization (politeness, neutrality, tolerance and familiarity) and the establishment of a broad strategic tactical repertoire. The analysis of discursive situations has allowed to establish five types of universal communication strategies: solidarity; self-presentation; improving the status of the interlocutor; sincerity; creating a positive tone of communication, the successful implementation of which is ensured by the variable configuration of a broad tactical repertoire. Thus, based on the mode-organization and strategic tactical potential, the pragmatic registers of national cooperative communicative behaviour of Ukrainians, Russians, Lithuanians and Americans imply a synthesis of explicit (discursive practices, non-verbal somaticon) and implicit (archetypal) (non)verbal interaction based on the principles of cooperation, solidarity, contractual capacity, etc., which makes it mandatory to have an incentive for further contact. The discursive space of the Ukrainian, Russian, Lithuanian and American of national cooperative communicative behaviour is characterized by a variational and complex mode-organization (politeness + neutrality; neutrality + familiarity; neutrality + politeness + tolerance, etc.), which is achieved by a semiotic configuration of discursive practices (tactics) typical for a particular discursive situation (strategy).