Related papers
Early Prediction of Software Defect using Ensemble Learning: A Comparative Study
Recently, early prediction of software defects using the machine learning techniques has attracted more attention of researchers due to its importance in producing a successful software. On the other side, it reduces the cost of software development and facilitates procedures to identify the reasons for determining the percentage of defect-prone software in future. There is no conclusive evidence for specific types of machine learning that will be more efficient and accurate to predict of software defects. However, some of the previous related work proposes the ensemble learning techniques as a more accurate alternative. This paper introduces the resample technique with three types of ensemble learners; Boosting, Bagging and Rotation Forest, using eight of base learner tested on seven types of benchmark datasets provided in the PROMISE repository. Results indicate that accuracy has been improved using ensemble techniques more than single leaners especially in conjunction with Rotation Forest with the resample technique in most of the algorithms used in the experimental results.
Software Defect Prediction Using Ensemble Learning: A Systematic Literature Review
IEEE Access
Recent advances in the domain of software defect prediction (SDP) include the integration of multiple classification techniques to create an ensemble or hybrid approach. This technique was introduced to improve the prediction performance by overcoming the limitations of any single classification technique. This research provides a systematic literature review on the use of the ensemble learning approach for software defect prediction. The review is conducted after critically analyzing research papers published since 2012 in four well-known online libraries: ACM, IEEE, Springer Link, and Science Direct. In this study, five research questions covering the different aspects of research progress on the use of ensemble learning for software defect prediction are addressed. To extract the answers to identified questions, 46 most relevant papers are shortlisted after a thorough systematic research process. This study will provide compact information regarding the latest trends and advances in ensemble learning for software defect prediction and provide a baseline for future innovations and further reviews. Through our study, we discovered that frequently employed ensemble methods by researchers are the random forest, boosting, and bagging. Less frequently employed methods include stacking, voting and Extra Trees. Researchers proposed many promising frameworks, such as EMKCA, SMOTE-Ensemble, MKEL, SDAEsTSE, TLEL, and LRCR, using ensemble learning methods. The AUC, accuracy, F-measure, Recall, Precision, and MCC were mostly utilized to measure the prediction performance of models. WEKA was widely adopted as a platform for machine learning. Many researchers showed through empirical analysis that features selection, and data sampling was necessary pre-processing steps that improve the performance of ensemble classifiers. INDEX TERMS Systematic literature review (SLR), ensemble classifier, hybrid classifier, software defect prediction.
Software Fault Prediction in Object Oriented Software Systems Using Ensemble Classifiers
Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 2018
The main aim of software projects is developing software programs to meet functional and non-functional requirements within the project budget and at a particular time. The greatest challenge in reaching this goal is the software errors that were found in the software projects. The most basic technique that is used to solve software errors is testing the software programs according to the methods in the literature. These methods are the software tests that are basically conducted by software developers, although they have different methods of verification and validation according to their size, experience, techniques or tools they use. When software is tested, it is very significant that software errors are found in the early phases. Software error estimation is a proven method of effectiveness and validity that increases the quality of software and reduces the cost of software development. In this study, by using machine learning algorithms and software metrics; software error estimation has been carried out with a developed software.
A Novel Multiple Ensemble Learning Models Based on Different Datasets for Software Defect Prediction
Software testing is one of the important ways to ensure the quality of software. It is found that testing cost more than 50% of overall project cost. Effective and efficient software testing utilizes the minimum resources of software. Therefore, it is important to construct the procedure which is not only able to perform the efficient testing but also minimizes the utilization of project resources. The goal of software testing is to find maximum defects in the software system. More the defects found in the software ensure more efficiency is the software testing Different techniques have been proposed to detect the defects in software and to utilize the resources and achieve good results. As world is continuously moving toward data driven approach for making important decision. Therefore, in this research paper we performed the machine learning analysis on the publicly available datasets and tried to achieve the maximum accuracy. The major focus of the paper is to apply different machine learning techniques on the datasets and find out which technique produce efficient result. Particularly, we proposed an ensemble learning models and perform comparative analysis among KNN, Decision tree, SVM and Naïve Bayes on different datasets and it is demonstrated that performance of Ensemble method is more than other methods in term of accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score. The classification accuracy of ensemble model trained on CM1 is 98.56%, classification accuracy of ensemble model trained on KM2 is 98.18% similarly, the classification accuracy of ensemble learning model trained on PC1 is 99.27%. This reveals that Ensemble is more efficient method for making the defect prediction as compared other techniques.
Ensemble learning for software fault prediction problem with imbalanced data
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2019
Fault prediction problem has a crucial role in the software development process because it contributes to reducing defects and assisting the testing process towards fault-free software components. Therefore, there are a lot of efforts aiming to address this type of issues, in which static code characteristics are usually adopted to construct fault classification models. One of the challenging problems influencing the performance of predictive classifiers is the high imbalance among patterns belonging to different classes. This paper aims to integrate the sampling techniques and common classification techniques to form a useful ensemble model for the software defect prediction problem. The empirical results conducted on the benchmark datasets of software projects have shown the promising performance of our proposal in comparison with individual classifiers.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024
Software defects and quality assurance are crucial aspects of software development that should be considered during the software development cycle. To ensure high-quality software, it is essential to have a robust quality assurance process in place. System reliability and quality are very key components that must be considered during software development, and this can only be achieved when software undergoes a thorough test process for errors, anomalies, defects, omissions, and bugs. Early software defect prediction and detection play an essential role in ensuring the reliability and quality of software systems, ensuring that software companies discover errors or defects early enough and allocate more resources to defect-prone modules. This study proposes the development of an enhanced classifier model for software defect prediction and detection. The aim is to harness the collective intelligence of selected base classifiers like Support Vector Machine, Logistic regression, Decision Trees, Random Forest, AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting, K-Nearest Neighbor, GaussianNB, and Multi-Layer Perception to improve accuracy, robustness, and generalization in identifying potential defects using a soft voting ensemble technique. The ensemble model leveraged the confidence probability of the soft voting technique and the generalization advantage of cross-validation leading to a more robust and dynamic model. The performance of the model with existing classifiers was evaluated using accuracy, F1 score, Precision, and area under the ROC curve (ROC- AUC) as the evaluation metrics. The results of the experiment revealed that the Proposed Classifier produced an overall Accuracy rate of 93%, and ROC AUC of 98%. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our enhanced ensemble classifier in software defect detection and prediction. By harnessing the strengths of diverse base classifiers, our approach provides a robust and adaptive solution to the challenges of early detection and mitigating defects in software systems. This research contributes to the advancement of reliable software development practices and lays the foundation for future enhancements in ensemble-based defect detection methodologies. Keywords: Base Classifier; Cross-Validation; Ensemble; Machine learning; Software Defect; Soft Voting
Software Defects Prediction At Method Level Using Ensemble Learning Techniques
International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Information Sciences
Creating error-free software artifacts is essential to increase software quality and potential re-usability. However, testing software artifacts to find defects and fix them is time consuming and costly, thus predicting the most error-prone software components can optimize the testing process by focusing testing resources on those components to save time and money. Much software defect prediction research has focused on higher granularity, e.g., file and package levels, and fewer have focused on the method level. In this paper, software defect prediction will be performed on highly imbalanced method-level datasets extracted from 23 open source Java projects. Eight ensemble learning algorithms will be applied to the datasets: Ada-Boost, Bagging, Gradient boost, Random Forest, Random Under sampling Boost, Easy Ensemble, Balanced Bagging and Balanced Random Forest. The results showed that the Balanced Random Forest classifier achieved the best results regarding recall and roc_auc values.
Software Defect Prediction Using Ensemble Learning: An ANP Based Evaluation Method
FUOYE Journal of Engineering and Technology
Software defect prediction (SDP) is the process of predicting defects in software modules, it identifies the modules that are defective and require extensive testing. Classification algorithms that help to predict software defects play a major role in software engineering process. Some studies have depicted that the use of ensembles is often more accurate than using single classifiers. However, variations exist from studies, which posited that the efficiency of learning algorithms might vary using different performance measures. This is because most studies on SDP consider the accuracy of the model or classifier above other performance metrics. This paper evaluated the performance of single classifiers (SMO, MLP, kNN and Decision Tree) and ensembles (Bagging, Boosting, Stacking and Voting) in SDP considering major performance metrics using Analytic Network Process (ANP) multi-criteria decision method. The experiment was based on 11 performance metrics over 11 software defect dataset...
Building an Ensemble for Software Defect Prediction Based on Diversity Selection
Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement - ESEM '16, 2016
Background: Ensemble techniques have gained attention in various scientific fields. Defect prediction researchers have investigated many state-of-the-art ensemble models and concluded that in many cases these outperform standard single classifier techniques. Almost all previous work using ensemble techniques in defect prediction rely on the majority voting scheme for combining prediction outputs, and on the implicit diversity among single classifiers. Aim: Investigate whether defect prediction can be improved using an explicit diversity technique with stacking ensemble, given the fact that different classifiers identify different sets of defects. Method: We used classifiers from four different families and the weighted accuracy diversity (WAD) technique to exploit diversity amongst classifiers. To combine individual predictions, we used the stacking ensemble technique. We used state-of-the-art knowledge in software defect prediction to build our ensemble models, and tested their prediction abilities against 8 publicly available data sets. Conclusion: The results show performance improvement using stacking ensembles compared to other defect prediction models. Diversity amongst classifiers used for building ensembles is essential to achieving these performance improvements.
Software defect prediction using ensemble learning on selected features
Information and Software Technology, 2015
Context: Several issues hinder software defect data including redundancy, correlation, feature irrelevance and missing samples. It is also hard to ensure balanced distribution between data pertaining to defective and non-defective software. In most experimental cases, data related to the latter software class is dominantly present in the dataset. Objective: The objectives of this paper are to demonstrate the positive effects of combining feature selection and ensemble learning on the performance of defect classification. Along with efficient feature selection, a new two-variant (with and without feature selection) ensemble learning algorithm is proposed to provide robustness to both data imbalance and feature redundancy. Method: We carefully combine selected ensemble learning models with efficient feature selection to address these issues and mitigate their effects on the defect classification performance. Results: Forward selection showed that only few features contribute to high area under the receiveroperating curve (AUC). On the tested datasets, greedy forward selection (GFS) method outperformed other feature selection techniques such as Pearson's correlation. This suggests that features are highly unstable. However, ensemble learners like random forests and the proposed algorithm, average probability ensemble (APE), are not as affected by poor features as in the case of weighted support vector machines (W-SVMs). Moreover, the APE model combined with greedy forward selection (enhanced APE) achieved AUC values of approximately 1.0 for the NASA datasets: PC2, PC4, and MC1. Conclusion: This paper shows that features of a software dataset must be carefully selected for accurate classification of defective components. Furthermore, tackling the software data issues, mentioned above, with the proposed combined learning model resulted in remarkable classification performance paving the way for successful quality control.