European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS Topical Issues of Linguistics and Teaching Methods in Business and Professional Communication FORMATION OF THE DIGITAL COMPETENCE OF THE TRANSLATOR (original) (raw)

The article analyzes and systematizes digital technologies used in the process of special translation, in the course of which it has become possible to identify three main groups of translation resources: digital translation programs, lexicographic resources, and network technologies. Within the framework of these groups, it has also become possible to analyze the possibilities of using machine translation, translation memory systems, search engines, terminology databases, dictionaries, encyclopedias, electronic libraries, electronic magazines, digital programs that allow the translator to create, format, and correct the text being created (text and image editors, convertors, etc.), to correspond with the customer, colleagues, etc. The conducted analysis revealed that today the professional environment of the translator's activities involves not only the use of appropriate translation programs, but is also mediated by the communication of the translator with the employer, fellow translators, consultants, and experts in the professional field. This approach allows us to talk about a digital translation environment, which will determine the norms of communication corresponding to this environment, i.e. availability of digital literacy. Within the framework of professional competence, a future translator must also have a digital component for a successful career growth; this component, as analysis has shown, represents the willingness and ability to use safe information technologies in the process of special translation. The conducted interviews of translators showed the presence of information resources at all stages of this complex activity, which allows integrating these translator resources into the phased process of creating a digital competence of a translator.