IJERT-Wearable -Textile Patch Antenna using Jeans as Substrate at 2.45 GHz

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2014

https://www.ijert.org/wearable-textile-patch-antenna-using-jeans-as-substrate-at-2.45-ghz https://www.ijert.org/research/wearable-textile-patch-antenna-using-jeans-as-substrate-at-2.45-ghz-IJERTV3IS050548.pdf Utilization of wearable textile materials as antenna substrate has been speedy due to the recent miniaturization of wireless devices. A wearable antenna is to be a part of the clothing used for wireless communication purposes, which include tracking and navigation, mobile and wearable computing and public safety. For user convenience there is an increasing need for integrating antennas on or in the clothing. The conventional antennas are not flexible and difficult for user to movements. There is a need of antennas made of flexible textile materials that can be part of user clothing defined as wearable antennas. In particular, the micro strip patch antennas are good candidates for body-worn applications, as they mainly radiate perpendicularly to the planar structure and also their ground plane efficiently shields the body tissues.[1] This paper shows research on wearable patch antennas designed and developed for various applications at 2.45 GHz frequency. Here at 2.45 GHz frequency patch antenna is designed and simulated using HFSS.

A textile antenna based on high-performance fabrics

IET Seminar Digest, 2007

This paper reports a multilayer textile microstrip patch antenna for integration into protective clothing for professional workers since it is made out of a high performance aramid fabric. It is designed to operate in the 2.45 GHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band for short range communication to transmit vital signs, activity and environmental conditions to a nearby base station. Electrotextiles are used for the antenna patch and ground plane. Integration of the textile antenna into the protective clothing requires a finite ground plane and reliable operation in the vicinity of the body. Furthermore the patch may bend. A rectangular ring topology is proposed to preserve the antenna characteristics in real-life applications. This research paves the way for a new generation of protective clothing.

The Use of Textile Materials to Design Wearable Microstrip Patch Antennas

Textile Research Journal, 2008

So-called “wearable textile systems” are intended to improve the quality of life by enhancing the wearer's functionalities. Garments having the ability to monitor biosignals and communicate with the environment can, for example, provide continuous information about a person's state of health. These data can be valuable medical input, but also in emergency operations such as fire extinguishing, it can be a tool to decide on the operability of the fire fighter. However, wireless communication with the environment requires antennas. When preserving textile properties such as flexibility and comfort is an issue, antennas should be made fully integratable into garments and, thus, manufactured from textile material. This paper shows the feasibility of the use of textile materials in the design of antennas working in the dedicated 2.45 GHz frequency range. We used a commercial electromagnetic field simulator to design microstrip patch antennas fabricated from both conductive (elect...

Development of a textile antenna for 2,45 GHz applications

Wearable computing describes the future electronic systems as an integral part of our everyday and of our wardrobe. A wearable antenna is meant to be part of the clothing, transforming it in an interface for communication purposes, which includes tracking and navigation, mobile computing and public safety. Wearable antennas make less-obtrusive the integration of electronics devices. Specific requirements for wearable antennas are a planar structure and flexible construction materials. Several properties of the materials influence the behavior of the antenna. This paper presents a study about the characteristics of textile materials for the development of wearable antennas and the simulation of a textile antenna for energy harvesting in the frequency range around 2.4 GHz.

Performance Analysis of Wearable Antenna Using Different Substrate Fabrics

IOS Press eBooks, 2023

The performance and analysis of three different substrate fabrics such as cotton, felt, and jeans for the wearable textile antenna are presented in this paper. The dielectric constants of three fabrics are between 1 and 2 only. The two arcs and one circle slot are created on a hexagonal patch. The Wi-Fi shape wearable textile antenna is designed for WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network) applications. The simulated results of the radiation pattern return loss and VSWR of the aforementioned wearable textile antennas with three different substrates are evaluated, and the same is presented at the end. The Wearable antenna has been designed using HFSS software.

Experimental Characterization of A Textile Antenna Working at 2.4 GHz

2017 2nd International Conference on Electrical & Electronic Engineering (ICEEE), 2017

This paper presents a flexible textile antenna working at 2.4 GHz suitable for wireless body area networks. The antenna is composed of leather and copper tape. Such simple structure makes the antenna flexible, cheap and easy to be reproduced. The antenna has been simulated in CST microwave studio. A prototype of the proposed antenna is also fabricated. Numerical and measured results are compared in terms of reflection coefficient. Performances are also evaluated in terms of voltage standing wave ratio, radiation pattern and directivity. The antenna offers a 4.27dB gain with 64.65% radiation efficiency. Performance of the antenna near human body has also been monitored. It is observed that the resonant frequency shifts downward when the antenna is placed on the human body. Keywords— Textile Antenna, Return loss, Wireless Body Area Network.

Design of a Square Patch Textile Antenna for S-Band Applications

https://www.ijrrjournal.com/IJRR\_Vol.7\_Issue.2\_Feb2020/Abstract\_IJRR0054.html, 2020

In most of the communications, antenna is an essential element. Many researchers have done studies on patch antennas, wearable button antenna and electro textiles. For a wide range of applications such as health monitoring, physical emergency services for the care of children and elderly people, wearable devices have more demand as they can be located on body or anywhere on personal accessories like helmets, shoes, etc. Here we designed a wearable textile square patch antenna with a dimension of 40mm. The antenna is designed and analyzed for both with and without DGS in the ground plane. The antenna operates at a resonant frequency of 2.8GHz. The antenna is designed and simulated using HFSS software. The dimensions of the antenna are computed with accuracy.

Novel Electro-Textile Patch Antenna on Jeans Substrate for Wearable Applications

Progress In Electromagnetics Research C

This paper aimed to take closer steps towards real wearability by investigating the possibilities of designing and fabricating highly efficient and fully flexible wearable microstrip patch antenna for operating frequency of 5.8 GHz as a center frequency. Two types of conducting materials have been used for conducting parts: conventional metal plane and woven electro-textile material, while a non-conducting jeans fabric has been used as antenna substrate material. The dielectric constant ε r = 1.78, and loss tangent tan δ = 0.085 of the jeans substrate measured by using two different methods. Also, the electromagnetic properties of the electro-textile are studied in details. The conductivity of etextile cell is equal to 2.5× 10 6 S/m and the surface impedance of e-textile cell equal to 0.0395+ J18.4 Ω. Furthermore, the proposed wearable antenna may be attached to human body, so the specific absorption ratio (SAR) must be calculated. Finally, the proposed design is simulated by CST simulator version 2016, fabricated using folded copper and measured by Agilent8719ES VNA.