Analiza tehnologică a industriei cornului de cerb din situl Cucuteni de la Drăgușeni-Ostrov (jud. Botoșani) -o nouă discuție (original) (raw)

Noi date cronologice referitoare la culturile Cernavodă I și Cucuteni obținute în urma cercetărilor arheologice de la Săveni (județul Ialomița)

Cercetări Arheologice, 2020

Cercetările arheologice sistematice efectuate în situl pluristratificat de la Săveni-La Movile (județul Ialomița) au permis evidențierea, printre altele, a două niveluri de locuire eneolitice aparținând culturii Cernavodă I. În cuprinsul acestora, pe lângă inventarul obișnuit, au fost descoperite și șase fragmente ceramice cucuteniene, databile în etapa Cucuteni B 2 , ce reprezintă importuri în mediul cultural Cernavodă Ib. De asemenea, din cuprinsul a trei complexe arheologice (complexul nr. 4, complexul nr. 5 și locuința nr. 1), aparținând celui deal doilea nivel de locuire Cernavodă Ib (mai recent), au fost prelevate eșantioane de oase de animale ierbivore, care au fost analizate ulterior prin metoda radiocarbonului (14 C) la laboratorul din Poznan (Polonia), datele fiind apoi calibrate cu programul OxCal 4.2, dezvoltat de Universitatea din Oxford (Marea Britanie). Cele trei date plasează locuirea Cernavodă Ib de la Săveni în intervalul 3700-3500 B.C. Astfel, informațiile de cronologie relativă și absolută confirmă sincronismul existent între etapa Cucuteni B 2 și faza Cernavodă Ib. De altfel, la finalul eneoliticului din spațiul carpato-danubiano-pontic, cultura Cernavodă I a evoluat mai ales în prima jumătate a mileniului IV î.H., fiind sincronă pentru o lungă perioadă de timp cu faza Cucuteni B. Menționăm faptul că în prezentul studiu au fost incluse toate datele radiocarbon (14 C) certe existente în prezent pentru faza Cucuteni B și cultura Cernavodă I, cele credibile fiind avute în vedere în analiza noastră cronologică. Résumé: Nouvelles dates chronologiques pour les cultures cernavodă i et cucuteni, suite aux recherches archéologiques de săveni (département de ialomiȚa) Les recherches archéologiques programmées effectuées sur le site pluristratifié de Săveni-La Movile (département de Ialomiţa) ont mis en évidence, entre autres, deux niveaux d'habitats énéolithique appartenant à la culture Cernavodă I. Mis à part l'inventaire habituel, nous avons découvert six fragments de céramiques attribués à l'étape Cucuteni B 2 , représentant des importations dans un contexte culturel Cernavodă Ib. De même, à l'intérieur de trois complexes archéologiques (complexe no. 4, complexe no. 5 et l'habitation no. 1), tous situés au deuxième niveau d'habitation Cernavodă Ib (plus récent), des échantillons d'ossements animaux herbivores ont été prélevés et analysés ultérieurement par la méthode du radiocarbone (14 C) au laboratoire de Poznan (Pologne). Les dates ainsi obtenues ont été calibrées à l'aide du programme OxCal 4.2, développé par l'Université de Oxford (Grande Bretagne). Ces trois dates permettent de situer l'occupation Cernavodă Ib de Săveni dans l'intervalle chronologique 3700-3500 av. J.-C. Ainsi, les informations de chronologie relative et absolue confirme le synchronisme existant entre l'étape Cucuteni B 2 et la phase Cernavodă Ib. Au sein de l'espace carpato-danubiano-pontique, la culture Cernavodă I a évoluée vers la fin de l'énéolithique, notamment durant la première moitié du IV ème millénaire av. J.-C., en synchronie avec la phase Cucuteni B, et ce durant une longue période. Dans cette étude nous avons repris toutes les dates radiocarbone (14 C) disponibles pour la phase Cucuteni B et la culture Cernavodă I, les plus crédibles étant incluses dans notre analyse chronologique.

Considerații privind un complex aparținând culturii Boian descoperit în necropola de la Sultana-Malu Roșu, jud. Călărași

During the archaeological campaign of 2012 in the area of the Sultana-Malu Roșu cemetery, Mânăstirea commune, Călăraşi County, a large pit (C3/2012) was discovered. What caught our attention in particular was the stratigraphic relation and also the unusual size of the pit as compared to other complexes discovered in necropolis. Pit contained pottery, animal and human bones, burnt clay fragments, flint and polished stone artefacts. From de chrono-cultural point of view C3/2012 belongs to Vidra phase of the Boian culture. Contextual observations and complex analysis of ceramics, bone and lithic material from the filling of the pit allowed us to extract information regarding the chrono-cultural placement and functionality of the pit mentioned above.

Managementul produselor apicole în Republica Moldova


This paper aims to highlight the importance and aspects of the implementation of the management principles in the apiculture sector in the Republic of Moldova. The major problems that the beekeeping sector is currently experiencing have been identified, the results of actions already implemented, the latter being oriented towards creating favorable development conditions and materializing the provisions reflected in the National Program of Beekeeping Development in the Republic Moldova, while identifying priority directions for state involvement in the development and continued support of the beekeeping sector in the Republic of Moldova.

Petrografia materialului litic descoperit la Bordușani - Popină în campaniile de cercetări arheologice 1995-1997

Cercetări arheologice, 2006

The lithic inventory (artifacts and rock fragments) discovered on the Eneolithic tell-type settlement Borduşani Popină during the 1995-1997 archaeological excavations represents several rock types: silicolith, limestone, marl, gritty limestone, sandstone, micro-conglomerate, green-schist, mica-schist, quartzite, dolerite and granodiorite. Most of these rock types crop out on large areas in Dobrogea, with potential source areas for the lithic material located as close as 10-20 km away from the settlement. However, for the igneous rocks the closest outcrops are located in North Dobrogea, at distances of minimum 70-80 km from the settlement.

Dezvoltarea industrială durabilă – principii, eco-capacitate, eco-eficienţă, eco-echitate, eco-condiţionalitate


In conditions of world scientific and technological revolution, the society incapacity to satisfy the vital demands becomes more inexplicable and unjustifiable. Starting with the reform from 1999 (named Agenda 2000) the Common Industrial Policy has two principal directions: market policy and sustainable development of industrial zones, imposing two concepts: sustainable industrial production and sustainable industrial consumption for an acceptable and agreed sustainable industrial development. From 2000, the environmental aspects were better integrated into the industrial policy that includes new measures or improvements of the existing ones in order to promote the environment protection (concept of "sustainable industrial development", "green" production, "green" products etc.). The principal instrument of market policy becomes eco-conditioning. Agenda 2000 and Johannesburg Declaration (2002) were introduced the demand for all EU member states to apply measures for environment protection in order to ensure the quality of industrial production and also, eco-labelling of some important industrial products (e.g., 24 categories of industrial products into EU states). Thus, it must be respected a minimum level of environment standards, applied the best industrial available practices so that the ecocapacity,eco-efficiency and eco-equity to be maintained and driven into the right direction for future generation.

Un posibil model de evaluare a durabilității exploatațiilor agricole din zona de nord vest a Românie

Revista Transilvană De Ştiinţe Administrative, 2007

The article aims to identify those indicators that can be used for evaluating the sustainability of the Romanian agricultural uses. The three main domains: ecology, economy and sociology influence the development process of these indicators, which also relies upon the wellrecognized methods IDEA and IDERICA. Some of the assumptions used for constructing the sustainable development model of the Romanian agricultural uses are: the complex and competitive managerial techniques that foster ecological protection of the natural environment, as well as of the consumers, the flexibility, the size of the agricultural use that has to correspond to its specialization, the long term profitability and the economic efficiency.

Greenet, retea inovativÅ de cercetare aplicatÅ în managementul resurselor minerale pentru constructii

Revista Româna De Materiale, 2007

Reţeaua GREENET îşi propune actualizarea şi prelucrarea, conform noilor paradigme informaţionale, a datelor referitoare la resursele minerale pentru construcţii şi a celor cu utilizare eco-industrială din Euroregiunile Vest şi Nord-Vest, prin constituirea unei reţele inovative de cercetare de excelenţă în care să fie integraţi, în timp, un număr cât mai mare de utilizatori. Proiectul care stă la baza realizării acestei reţele se realizează în parteneriat, format din 8 unităţi, dintre care 2 firme cu profil de cercetare-dezvoltare, o universitate şi cinci unităţi industriale, acestea fiind şi o parte din beneficiarii rezultatelor cercetării. Obiectivele generale ale proiectului urmăresc: realizarea, dezvoltarea, integrarea şi consolidarea unei reţele de cercetare de excelenţă privind managementul sustenabil şi ecologic în Regiunea V şi cea de NV ale României al resursele minerale pentru construcţii şi a celor cu valorificare eco-industrială; implementarea unei strategii pentru identificarea necesităţilor sectorului prin crearea de noi cunoştinţe în diferite medii ştiinţifice şi economice; realizarea şi promovarea de servicii de producţie inteligente şi eficiente, de materiale avansate şi produse multi-funcţionale; creşterea gradului de dezvoltare, asimilare şi transfer de cunoştinţe şi servicii către mediul economic din domeniul valorificării şi protecţiei resurselor minerale, în contextul unui mediu durabil. The GREENET network aims at updating and processing, according to the new informational paradigms, of the data referring to the mineral resources for construction and of those with an ecoindustrial use in the West and NorthWest Euroregions, by developing an innovative excellence research network in which a large number of users are integrated. The project lying at the basis of the elaboration of this network is implemented within a partnership, consisting of 8 units, of which 2 companies with a research-development type of activity, a university and five industrial units, these also being part of the beneficiaries of the results of the research. The general objectives of the project aim at: elaborating, developing, integrating and strengthening an excellence research network on the sustainable and ecological management in the W and NW regions of Romania of the mineral resources for construction and of those with an eco-industrial exploitation; implementing a strategy for identifying the requirements of the sector by creating new knowledge in various scientific and economic environments; bringing into being and promoting intelligent and efficient production services, of advanced materials and multi-functional products; increase of the degree of development, assimilation and transfer of knowledge and services to the economic environment from the field of working and protection of the mineral resources, in the context of a sustainable environment.

Creangă şi proza basarabeană: istoricul problemei


In the history of Romanian literature in Bessarabia Creangă's modelling role is exem¬pli¬fied especially during the turning periods, when the concept of literature is radicalized (years 20-30, 60, 80). Across different searches and wanderings of prose writers, namely, the organicist perspective of the structure of the Bessarabian literary phenomenon elucidates the importance of the Creangă model in overcoming the different complexes, among which, especially, of the narrow-minded Romanian.