Active Learning for Building a Corpus of Questions for Parsing (original) (raw)
Related papers
Domain-Aware Dependency Parsing for Questions
Parsing natural language questions in specific domains is crucial to a wide range of applications from question-answering to dialog systems. Pre-trained parsers are usually trained on corpora dominated by non-questions, and thus perform poorly on domain-specific questions. Retraining parsers with domain-specific questions labeled with syntactic parse trees is expensive, as these annotations require linguistic expertise. In this paper, we propose an automatic labeled domain question generation framework by leveraging domain knowledge and seed domain questions. We evaluate our approach in two domains, and release the generated question datasets. Our experimental results demonstrate that auto-generated labeled questions indeed lead to significant (4.9% − 9%) increase in the accuracy of state-of-the-art (SoTA) parsers on domain questions.
Active Learning for Dependency Parsing by A Committee of Parsers
Data-driven dependency parsers need a large annotated corpus to learn how to generate dependency graph of a given sentence. But annotations on structured corpora are expensive to collect and requires a labor intensive task. Active learning is a machine learning approach that allows only informative examples to be selected for annotation and is usually used when the number of annotated data is abundant and acquisition of more labeled data is expensive. We will provide a novel framework in which a committee of dependency parsers collaborate to improve their efficiency using active learning techniques. Queries are made up only from uncertain tokens, and the annotations of the remaining tokens of selected sentences are voted among committee members.
Improving Domain Independent Question Parsing with Synthetic Treebanks
Automatic syntactic parsing for question constructions is a challenging task due to the paucity of training examples in most treebanks. The near absence of question constructions is due to the dominance of the news domain in treebanking efforts. In this paper, we compare two synthetic low-cost question treebank creation methods with a conventional manual high-cost annotation method in the context of three domains (news questions, political talk shows, and chatbots) for Modern Standard Arabic, a language with relatively low resources and rich morphology. Our results show that synthetic methods can be effective at significantly reducing parsing errors for a target domain without having to invest large resources on manual annotation; and the combination of manual and synthetic methods is our best domain-independent performer.
Uptraining for Accurate Deterministic Question Parsing
It is well known that parsing accuracies drop significantly on out-of-domain data. What is less known is that some parsers suffer more from domain shifts than others. We show that dependency parsers have more difficulty parsing questions than constituency parsers. In particular, deterministic shift-reduce dependency parsers, which are of highest interest for practical applications because of their linear running time, drop to 60% labeled accuracy on a question test set. We propose an uptraining procedure in which a deterministic parser is trained on the output of a more accurate, but slower, latent variable constituency parser (converted to dependencies). Uptraining with 100K unlabeled questions achieves results comparable to having 2K labeled questions for training. With 100K unlabeled and 2K labeled questions, uptraining is able to improve parsing accuracy to 84%, closing the gap between in-domain and out-of-domain performance.
Distantly Supervised Question Parsing
The emergence of structured databases for Question Answering (QA) systems has led to developing methods, in which the problem of learning the correct answer efficiently is based on a linking task between the constituents of the question and the corresponding entries in the database. As a result, parsing the questions in order to determine their main elements, which are required for answer retrieval, becomes crucial. However, most datasets for QA systems lack gold annotations for parsing, i.e., labels are only available in the form of (question, formal-query, answer). In this paper, we propose a distantly supervised learning framework based on reinforcement learning to learn the mentions of entities and relations in questions. We leverage the provided formal queries to characterize delayed rewards for optimizing a policy gradient objective for the parsing model. An empirical evaluation of our approach shows a significant improvement in the performance of entity and relation linking c...
Active learning for deep semantic parsing
ACL2018, 2018
Semantic parsing requires training data that is expensive and slow to collect. We apply active learning to both traditional and " overnight " data collection approaches. We show that it is possible to obtain good training hyperparameters from seed data which is only a small fraction of the full dataset. We show that uncertainty sampling based on least confidence score is competitive in traditional data collection but not applicable for overnight collection. We evaluate several active learning strategies for overnight data collection and show that different example selection strategies per domain perform best.
Active Learning for Natural Language Parsing and Information Extraction
In natural language acquisition, it is difficult to gather the annotated data needed for supervised learning; however, unannotated data is fairly plentiful. Active learning methods attempt to select for annotation and training only the most informative examples, and therefore are potentially very useful in natural language applications. However, existing results for active learning have only considered standard classification tasks. To reduce annotation effort while maintaining accuracy, we apply active learning to two non-classification tasks in natural language processing: semantic parsing and information extraction. We show that active learning can significantly reduce the number of annotated examples required to achieve a given level of performance for these complex tasks.
Hard Time Parsing Questions: Building a QuestionBank for French
We present the French Question Bank, a treebank of 2600 questions. We show that classical parsing model performance drop while the inclusion of this data set is highly beneficial without harming the parsing of non-question data. when facing out-of-domain data with strong structural divergences. Two thirds being aligned with the English QuestionBank (Judge et al., 2006) and being freely available, this treebank will prove useful to build robust NLP systems.
The CoNLL 2007 shared task on dependency parsing
The Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning features a shared task, in which participants train and test their learning systems on the same data sets. In 2007, as in 2006, the shared task has been devoted to dependency parsing, this year with both a multilingual track and a domain adaptation track. In this paper, we define the tasks of the different tracks and describe how the data sets were created from existing treebanks for ten languages. In addition, we characterize the different approaches of the participating systems, report the test results, and provide a first analysis of these results. 2 Task Definition In this section, we provide the task definitions that were used in the two tracks of the CoNLL 2007 Shard Task, the multilingual track and the domain adaptation track, together with some background and motivation for the design choices made. First of all, we give a brief description of the data format and evaluation metrics, which were common to the two tracks. 2.1 Data Format and Evaluation Metrics