El Léxico Del Turismo (original) (raw)

Anglicisms in Spain: gender assignment and plural formation in touristic texts. 2007-08. (With Cristina Tejedor, Esperanza Cerdá, María Rosa Cabellos & Mercedes Díez)

It is traditionally assumed that the influence of English upon Spanish is particularly pervasive in the area of languages for specific purposes. In the case of the language of tourism it is more complicated than in other areas, as it covers several subfields, for example economics, history of art, marketing, sports, law, etc. We have carried out previous research on the presence of loanwords in tourism and computer language showing the increasing influence of English. The present study analyses the frequency and usage of anglicisms in the language of tourism in five different publications aimed at the general public, as well as web pages. Most of the articles and pages are related to adventure sports and rural tourism.

ORIGIN AND INFLUENCE: English Terms in Spanish Language

Every day we use a mount of Anglicisms, which are linked to technology, society, economics, sports, fashion world, politics, culture, etc. And we have assimilated it, so we do not realize that they are Anglicisms. With this article, I want to investigate, and later, explain the importance that English language has been acquiring all over the time, especially in relation to Spanish. Because it exists since years but with the past of the time, it has been increasing in importance, and everyday it is becoming essential for all the students, moreover, a good level of English is required for a lot of jobs nowadays. Two newspapers were investigated in order to find the types of Anglicisms which are likely to arise when Spanish language is written. The results get from this study were that English language is an important influence in the Spanish language, because it provides to Spanish language types of words which this language has not, without translation.

Semantic Aspects of National Varieties of Spanish in a Dictionary of Neologisms, the Antenario

International Journal of Lexicography

The process of including neologisms in dictionaries has usually been studied in Spanish from the point of view of only one specific kind of dictionary, the general language dictionary, in terms of how the headword list and entries are updated. This fails to address a key question: What does the inclusion of new words in a dictiXNnary of neologisms actually involve? The aim of this paper is to explore problems of representation of neological variation by discussing how the tension between neologicity and geolectal variation is dealt with in a non-pan-Hispanic dictionary, the Antenario. Diccionario en línea de neologismos de las variedades del español (http://www.antenario.wordpress.com), designed and written by the Antenas Neológicas Network (https://www.upf.edu/web/antenas), and thus contribute to further the characterization of dictionaries of neologisms. We will focus the analysis on three aspects of lexicographic representation which are clearly linked to geolectal variation: deg...

Falsos anglicismos en el ámbito de la belleza y de la moda en español


Many works have already dealt with anglicisms in Spanish, especially in science and information technologies. However, despite the high and growing number of English terms incorporated daily by the language of fashion, it has received comparative less attention in lexicographic and terminological studies than that of other areas, such as science or business. For several reasons, which include prestige or peer pressure, Spanish has not only adopted English words with new meanings and usage, but also contains other forms based on English patterns which users seem to consider more accurate or expressive. This paper concentrates on false anglicisms as indicators of some of the special relationships and influences between languages arising from the pervasive presence of English. We shall look at the Spanish language of fashion, which, in addition to genuine anglicisms, has for some time been using English words with different meanings, or even created items of its own (or imported them f...

Base de turismo cultural patrimonio colectivo

El turismo cultural hace uso del patrimonio, entendido éste como una construcción social, reconocida, apropiada, y puesta en valor por distintos sectores. Cuando este proceso se conduce desde los poderes centrales hacia las comunidades, el mismo suele ser reconocido con facilidad. Distinto es cuando el proceso busca ser participativo, y con ello gradual y consensuado. Por ello iniciar un proceso de desarrollo turístico en zonas no tradicionalmente relacionadas con dicha actividad implica un reconocimiento y apropiación del patrimonio natural, material e inmaterial, en primer lugar por las comunidades locales, antes que por poderes políticos o económicos hegemónicos. En este contexto se desarrolla el presente trabajo que surge en el marco del Proyecto de Extensión Universitaria “Senderos Turísticos: interculturalidad, ambiente y producción”, se desarrolla en la zona rururbana denominada Colonia Urquiza, en la localidad de Melchor Romero, que forma parte del cinturón flori-hortícola de la Ciudad de La Plata, capital de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Los destinatarios directos son las comunidades portuguesa, boliviana, paraguaya y japonesa que habitan en la Colonia. Los objetivos de trabajo del proyecto se vinculan al fortalecimiento de procesos sociales endógenos de reconocimiento y valorización de las identidades locales, del patrimonio cultural de las diferentes comunidades, así como del patrimonio ambiental y productivo de la zona. El objetivo último del proyecto es el diseño por parte de las comunidades de un sendero turístico, mediante el cual se visibilicen aspectos sociales, culturales, productivos y ambientales de Colonia Urquiza y sus habitantes. El proyecto se inicia a principios de 2013, a través de actividades que incluyen reuniones informativas con diferentes sectores de la comunidad (miembros de las comunidades portuguesa, japonesa, boliviana y paraguaya), reuniones informales con adultos de las comunidades paraguaya y boliviana, y talleres con niños y jóvenes, en el marco de las actividades de la Fundación Emanuel, y de la Escuela Secundaria N°40. Por ser un trabajo incipiente, se busca en esta instancia de comunicación, explicitar el marco teórico que guía al proyecto y la entrada al trabajo con las comunidades.