The Principal Transformational Leadership Strategy in Developing National Policies for Strengthening Character Education in Eastern Indonesia

Padova University Press, 2020

This study aims to describe the development of national education policies by uniting the main character values set by the Indonesian Ministry of Education with the moral values of the Lonto leok culture of the Manggarai community. Also, to find out and explain the role of the principal’s leadership based on the Lonto Leok culture teaching approach. This research used a qualitative approach, case study design. To achieve research objectives, data collection through in-depth interviews, observation of participants, and study documentation. Data analysis used a modified analytic analysis method. Data validity is assessed based on the level of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The results of the study explained that the school’s character values derived from the unification of national character values and the cultural values of Lonto Leok culture had an effective impact on shaping the character of students at school. Besides, explaining that the application of the principal’s transformational leadership role model based on the approach of Lonto Leok’s cultural teaching dimensions encourages all components of the school, parents, and community to actively participate in supporting the implementation of character education strengthening programs in schools. The contribution of this research is to position the moral values of the “Lonto Leok” culture of the Manggarai community as local cultural assets that support the formation of student character. Also, the dimensions of teaching lonto leok culture affect effectively supporting the principal’s transformational leadership behavior, so that the program to strengthen character education is optimally implemented.

The Principal Leadership In Building The Students’ Character

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2019

The objective of this study was to find out the implementation of the vision and mission, strategy, and efforts of the principal to supervise the religious character education and discipline of students at SMAN 1 Belitang OKU Timur. The method used in this study was a qualitative method. The data collection instruments were interviews, observation, and documentation. It is concluded that; First, the implementation of Principal’s vision and mission in building the religious character and discipline of students, which is to make the virtuous character who became their temperaments in their daily life. Second, the Principal’s strategy in building the character of students by example, reprimand, motivation, environmental conditioning, habituation, and integrating character through learning activities. Third, monitoring carried Principal in building the character of students, among others, to monitor the teachers in carrying out character learning in the classroom, oversees the activitie...

Servant Leadership Model as Catalyst in Strengthening Character Education: An Exploration Study of Principal’s Leadership in Sumbawa Regency Indonesia


During the last two decades, character education policy has become a major issue in Indonesia. To implement the policy properly, principals are required to be able to integrate character education into curricular, intra-curricular and extracurricular activities in schools. These ideal conditions, however, are not much known as little is reported about the contribution of the principal's leadership to the implementation of character education policies. The current study aims to uncover the Principal's strategic leadership models in Sumbawa Regency in enhancing their potentials to implement character education policies in schools. A qualitative research design with a multi-case study approach was utilized as a basis for collecting, analyzing and comparing data from this study. The procedures and stages of activities undertaken in this study include collecting preliminary data on various leadership models through observation, interviews and document studies. Data analysis invol...

Management of Character Values Implementation in Junior High School Students

International Journal of Social Science And Human Research

This study aims to describe SMP IT Ar-Rasyid and SMP Negeri 1 Batu Licin students' practices of character values implementation about curriculum management, participation management, empowerment management, and partnership management. This study was conducted at SMP IT Ar-Rasyid and SMPN 1 Batu Licin utilizing a qualitative, phenomenological case study research design. Principals, vice principals, teachers, and students were the primary sources of information. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis of the collected data was done through reduction, drawing conclusions, presentation, and verification. The first finding is that the implementation of character values development in students of SMP IT Ar-Rasyid and SMP Negeri 1 Batu Licin is the management of curriculum implementation to shape the character of students. It demonstrated that the character education process of students is in accordance with the a...

Implementation of character education at seminary Franc Xavier high school Kakaskasen Tomohon, Indonesia

International journal of applied research, 2020

The purpose of this research was to obtain a detailed and clear description of character education at seminary Franc Xavier high school Kakaskasen. The research described about: (1) The planning of character education (2) The implementation of character education, (3) The evaluation of character education. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach that takes place in a natural setting, as is without any particular treatment. Data collected through in-depth interviews, direct observation and documentation presented in the form of words and images. The reason for using this approach is to deepen understanding and scholarship about character education at Seminary Franc Xavier high school Kakaskasen. The results of this research are that: Character education planning is very important so that it is routinely programmed and implemented periodically to be able to find the types of activities and programs that are in line with the objectives of character education. The implemen...

School Principals’ Strategic Leadership to Optimize the Strengthening of Character Education Movement

Proceedings of the 4th Asian Education Symposium (AES 2019), 2020

Based on the Presidential Decree No. 87 of 2017 on the so-called Mental Revolution, the Ministry of Education and Culture introduces the Strengthening of Character Education Movement (SCEM) that catalyzes character building among school children. Although this movement has been disseminated and trained to school teachers, principals, and school supervisors, the impact of the movement's training is not yet widely known due to the lack of research in this field. This study aims (1) to reveal the leadership strategies of the Selected Middle School Principals in Sumbawa Regency in optimizing the Strengthening of Character Education Movement, and (2) analyze problems faced by principals in carrying out their roles as strategic leaders in optimizing the implementation of SCEM. The collection of data used a qualitative research design with a multi-case study approach. Results of the study show all participants, principals of the selected schools, have developed various strategic leaderships to optimize the implementation of SCEM.

The role of principal transformational leadership based on Lonto Leok culture Manggarai community for strengthening student character

Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik, 2022

The role of the principal is crucial to optimize the implementation of the student character strengthening program. Unfortunately, the role of the principal is experiencing obstacles because he has not found the appropriate form of role and approach to make the student character strengthening program effective. This study examines the principal's transformational leadership role based on a local cultural system. A qualitative approach is used in this study, the case study design with the subjects studied were school principals. Participants in this study include three principals, three senior teachers, one parent, and one cultural figure. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation studies to achieve the research objectives. Data analysis employed a modified analytical analysis method. Meanwhile, the validity of the data was based on the level of credibility, transferability, dependence, and confirmability. The study results prove that the principal's transformational leadership role with a local cultural approach has a positive impact on the optimization of character strengthening programs and positive changes in students' moral behavior. The study concludes that the transformational leadership role of local culture-based principals impacts optimizing student character strengthening programs.

The Management Implementation of Character Value at Junior High School

Journal of K6, Education, and Management, 2019

This study aims to plan and evaluate the implementation of character values. It was carried out in Santa Angela Banjarmasin and Sanjaya Banjarbaru Junior High Schools using the qualitative, empirical, and multi-site design approaches. Furthermore, the research subjects comprise of principal, viceprincipals, teachers, students, committees, and the school Foundation. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Analysis of the data collected was conducted through reduction, conclusion, presentation, and verification. The results of the study, therefore, aimed at the implementation of character values to students through planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating. These stages are appropriately carried out in school management, implemented in its curriculum, with results developed into character values.


Purpose of the study: This paper aims to describe the basic reasons behind the application of the principal's humanistic approach, and the steps of the principal's humanistic approach to optimizing character education strengthening programs. .Methodology: This research used a qualitative approach, case study design. Data collection is done through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and study documentation to achieve research objectives . Main Findings: Research findings reveal that personal excellence (integrity, wholeness, and authenticity) and the humanistic spirituality of inspirational figures inspire the principal's humanistic approach. In addition, the application of the principal's humanistic approach has a significant impact on optimizing the implementation of character education strengthening in schools and successfully forming the character of students. Applications of this study: This study can be useful for principals in the education department of Malang City, East Java, Indonesia, to use a humanistic approach model in carrying out leadership roles, because it has been proven effective in optimizing the implementation of optimizing character education strengthening programs in schools .Novelty/Originality of this study: The principal's role is to create a "humane" school environment through harmonious relationships, respecting subordinates as human beings, tolerant and non-discriminatory, giving examples of good the behavior to subordinates based on self-excellence and imitating the spirituality of inspirational figures, so that good characters are formed in the teachers and students at school.

Management of Character Education Quality Improvement in Realizing the Noble Morals of Middle School Students in Boarding Schools

IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education)

The current decline in the moral quality of the nation is characterized by widespread practices of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN), conflicts (between ethnic, religious, political, youth), increased crime, decreased work ethic, and so on. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, supporting factors, inhibiting factors and solutions. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods and data collection techniques through interviews, observations and documentation studies. The findings of this study: (1) the planning for improving the quality of character education in realizing the noble character of students has been structured quite well and systematically, but there are obstacles, namely human resources, (2) the organization has been running even though it has not been supported by adequate job analysis, (3) its implementation has been going well but has not paid attention to the resources owned, (4) ...