A two-phase kinetic model for fungal growth in solid-state cultivation (original) (raw)

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Modelling of simultaneous effect of moisture and temperature on A. niger growth in solid-state fermentation Cover Page

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A simplified model for A. Niger FS3 growth during phytase formation in solid State fermentation Cover Page

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Development of a bioprocess for production of a new A. niger FS3 Phytase Cover Page

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A review of recent developments in modeling of microbial growth kinetics and intraparticle phenomena in solid-state fermentation Cover Page

A survey of computational and physical methods applied to solid-state fermentation

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2004

During the last decade, significant effort has been made to apply computational and physical methods to solid-state fermentation (SSF). This had positive impact both on our understanding of the basic principles underlying this old technology, and on the latest progress made in industrial bioengineering. Guidelines on bioreactor design and operation including scale-up, new methods for biomonitoring and advanced control strategies are among the most important outcomes of practical use. Nevertheless, there still is a lack of experimental data, which hampers parameter identification and thus broader use of mathematical modeling. More attention should therefore be paid to combining and concentrating modern physical techniques and computational approaches in order to allow better model validation and thus further progress in rational bioengineering of SSF.

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A survey of computational and physical methods applied to solid-state fermentation Cover Page

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Characterization of growth and sporulation of Mucor bacilliformis in solid state fermentation on an inert support

Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2006

The growth and sporulation of Mucor bacilliformis on an inert solid support (polyurethane foam) were studied at different conditions of water content and nutrient concentration. Maximum biomass (0.59g/ginertsupport) and spore production (6×108spores/ginertsupport) were obtained for the highest water content (90%, w/w) and the most concentrated medium studied. The growth, CO2 production and carbon source consumption of M. bacilliformis were modeled

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Characterization of growth and sporulation of Mucor bacilliformis in solid state fermentation on an inert support Cover Page

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Optimization of phytase production by Aspergillus japonicus Saito URM 5633 using cassava bast as substrate in solid state fermentation Cover Page

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Saccharification and hydrolytic enzyme production of alkali pre-treated wheat bran by Trichoderma virens under solid state fermentation Cover Page

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Hyphal morphology modification in thermal adaptation by the white-rot fungus Fomes sp. EUM1 Cover Page